Wednesday, December 31, 2014

When will it be over?

      Goodbye 2014! But I liked that number :( I like even numbers having been born on an even year so this is kinda sad for me but maybe 2015 will be better for me, who knows. For you guys on the other side of the pond, it already is the new year but I still quite some time to go before the ball drops here. This is my last entry for this year so I hope to return soon with my first post for 2015. 

Technically this already happened since these guys live in Japan but hey, haven't put any strips or doodles of them in a while so I figured why not? Oh, and yeah, Mike is not very good with waiting which is a total contrast to Sandra's patient nature. Maybe she should have given him one of her things to read so that he wouldn't be griping over waiting for the year to end and being born in December a large baby ;) . 


Monday, December 29, 2014

Bring in all pets, potted plants and roomates

      Oh my god, only two days left for 2014!!! Aaaaahhhhh!!! Where did the time go? Ok, maybe I know where the time went but seriously, this is the time of year for looking back and feeling that you wasted your time and feeling regretful so you come up with New Year's resolutions to make up for that. Whether you go through with them or not is entirely up to you but it is something of an American tradition to make resolutions that you are not going to accomplish. Forget resolutions, I want to fit in as many doodles as possible before the year ends. So, I have created a doodle that does not relate to me but since it's winter for the upper portion of the world, someone is bound to understand. 

No shading, I wanted it to be informal like this. As much as Aidan can tolerate extreme heat and make himself warmer, his weaknesses are getting too cold (by suddenly getting splashed with cold water or spending too long in the cold), overextending himself without consistent nourishment, or just not eating for an extended amount of time (he faints). Soooo, it would be a horrible practical joke for him to get locked out in the middle of a New York winter. I got the idea a while back but I only started it like last week and finished it today. Hope you guys enjoy and I hope to be back with at least one more doodle before 2015 starts but for now ttfn.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Some people need to learn to shut up

      Ok, last week I thought I might have something for last Friday but it took me longer to finish (besides that I decided to record my working on it and go over it later when I could have worked on the picture) but I finished it yesterday so now I would like to present you with a little portion of my fan fiction: 

This is basically if the X-Men mutants (not all of them) had kids and this picture is starring my creations Tanya Rasputin and Dylan Wilson. Tanya takes mostly after her dad but is as spunky and as much of a computer geek as her mom. Dylan describes himself as "part Irish, part Shar-Pei, all around handsome" while others would describe him as "half Irish, half crazy, all mouth". For non-comic book geeks the descriptions and names might not help but I don't want to give up too much, haven't developed these guys that much, and I'm sure Marvel fans would get it almost right away and if not, shame on you. Anyways, I'll come back when I have another drawing/doodle and maybe I'll load a video of me drawing this on youtube, who knows. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Watch who you take selfies with

      I'm back! It feels like I haven't been here in forever but my motivation has been a little low but then I got inspired to draw a doodle for the modern age so enjoy: 

A fully digital Super Teens strip! Sorry if the placement of the dialogue seems odd/off. I personally don't get the purpose of the duck face and think it's ridiculous to imitate an animal that is not sexy in the least but it's like hand someone a smartphone and their brain goes downhill. Maybe I shouldn't be talking because I do have a smartphone (I'm not in the dark ages people) but I'm not like that. My phone is a tool, not a toy to take endlessly pointless selfies with. Well, hopefully after this I'll come back more often with doodles. Toodle-loo :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Poker Face(s)

This is what happens when you play poker with a telepath - you lose. This is part of that project I've been talking about lately. I have this friend that loves the X-Men and thanks to her I've gotten something of an addiction as well so I drew this basically for her but while drawing/coloring it, I thought of this witty little caption because really, what else is Professor Xavier going to use that money for? He's already rich! So while he's collecting the "donation", Gambit looks ready to break down and cry and Longshot still can't wrap his head around the fact that the Professor knew exactly what cards he was holding without looking. So now I leave you to enjoy the rest of your week. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Eat your beans! -But they're mushy!

      Hi there. I know that I'm not being very regular in my blogging but I happen to be feeling a bit blah lately and I'm also working on that little "project" that I'm doing on paper but I'm a little stumped right now as to what to do with myself and my drawings so then my blog gets put on the back burner. But I have this drawing that I started as a T-shirt idea but then my parents made me turn off my computer in a hurry and instead of saving it so I could finish working on it later, I hit to save it as bitmap instead. (I was standing and the option for bitmap file is right above PSD in FireAlpaca so....) It is a character of mine that I invented senior year and her little brother. 

I know she looks kinda like Word Girl but I happen to be a fan of the show and I was watching it pretty regularly that year (I know it's for little kids but it's not condescending thank god) so that probably influenced how her design turned out. Carolina (that's her name) was my attempt at developing a cartoon style and also to add a little Latin flavor to cartoons. Yeah, Carolina happens to be Cuban and she's my only Cuban cartoon character not related to anything with superheroes to date. The girl that nearly wrote on a tissue (see here) is another Cuban character of mine but she's manga and that is a totally different story. Why do I specifically have Cuban characters? I happen to be of Cuban descent and even though I was born and raised here with an American mindset, I find it a little saddening that there isn't much reference to Cubans in entertainment period. This includes TV, music, comic books, you name it. And since I believe in variety and diversity, I do my best to reflect that even among Hispanics there is variety and diversity and cultural differences that a Hispanic from another country may not fully understand or be aware of. So yeah. I haven't really come up with much for her after that and you can tell that her style is different from that of my X-Men but like I've said, I do a lot of experimenting to see what I like and I actually prefer the eyelashes up top but also for some characters, they just have a style all their own. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

You need one of these in order to live

      Hey guys. I've been working on a little "project" on paper and I'm still working on it actually so I haven't really gotten around to posting anything. Today, however, I finished my t-shirt idea that I put the lineart up for last time and gave permission to decorate it as you like so I thought I'd put it up now.

I also thought of a variation where the background could be a light pink (for a girlier version) but for now the red is ok. To be honest, I've never seen the movie but I know it's about William Wallace, it stars Mel Gibson and my mom nearly cried when they killed him at the end. I'm not sure that my mom said that she nearly cried but she was a fan so I imagine she was close to tears. I've been looking today on Google because I'm thinking of cutting my gorgeously long hair short but I couldn't find exactly the hairstyle I was looking for (I could always draw it though) and I came across this: 
Top 20 Cute Short Hairstyles and haircuts for Women.wild

I didn't think that real people wore their hair like this. When I first drew it on Wolfsbane, I figured a messy pixie cut would be appropriate because after all, her hair doesn't grow very long and she has accidentally bitten someone while kissing them (not saying who) so it would make a lot of sense that her hair had a wild look to it. I guess I'll just leave it at that and hope to be back soon. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Marvel, what have you done?

      Happy Friday, or should I say sad Friday for Wolverine fans? I'm saying this because I just found out that they have killed Wolverine this week or whenever that comic came out. I was initially upset when I found out their plan to kill him off, as if I wasn't upset when Hugh Jackman dies at the end of Les Miserables. I was miserable when the movie ended, that's for sure. I'm going to repost a pic of The (Awesome) Wolverine that I put on here months ago and have a moment of silence here. 

Okay. I also want to put up a little something for you guys that started as a T-shirt idea but after drawing it, I thought that there were other ways to decorate it and personalize it for just about whatever you like so here's the image. 

I made a PSD version of this as well for whoever has Photoshop, FireAlpaca or any other program that can manipulate that type of file but I don't think I can really make that available for you here or can I? Nope sorry, I tried. If you have Photoshop, just copy the lineart and my signature as I went through the trouble of drawing that beautiful heart and just have fun. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Maybe this might cheer you up?

      Howdy. I don't know why but I feel like saying that lately. Anyways, I've been feeling blah lately, partly because everybody except our dogs have been sick and partly because of other factors, so I'm not doing much but I have been working on something and I actually finished a little portrait of Sandra Saturday that I would like to share with you today. 

Just a simple little thing that I just happened to feel like drawing so I drew it and also having been working on "projects" (one of them isn't really finished but I'm not in the mood to deal with that right now) that are rather detailed, I needed a break from that. From the beginning, Sandra has always been a simple character, it's her story and family that are a little complicated. Little? Who am I kidding? Anybody who knows me personally and has to hear me brainstorming the Bittersweet storyline know that's an understatement. It just happens, I get an idea and before I know it, there's a whole backstory and there's complicated storylines and family members left and right. Well, I don't have much else to say so I hope you enjoy and your Monday is a little brighter now ^-^ .  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What should we do today?

      Howdy do. Yesterday I was drawing, figuring out how Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch would look in my cartoony X-Men style when I made a mistake. 

See that? Wanda is mentally unstable again and she's not hiding it XD. Yeah, I accidentally drew her with a lazy eye but I did fix it, after showing my sister and mom my little goof. 

Oh, and that writing underneath reads (not "villains", just occasional pranksters) explaining their position in my little X-Men universe. They're not "villains" because they broke ties with Magneto/Dad a long time ago to join the Avengers but they still do like to come and mess with the X-Men when things are slow because they obviously don't have much respect for them and haven't really grown up that much even if they are working with Captain America. I'm still sick but I don't it have as bad as my parents and this thing that I've got is apparently a week long thing so I probably won't start feeling normal until the weekend. That just might have influenced the Witch's face while I was drawing her. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

So you want to make the rest of the city look like your room too?

      Hi guys. I have finally finished it so my finished "painting" is ready for unveiling. 

The background I did in a hurry and I had enough with shading Ryo and Kenta so it's lacking, I know. But, if you don't mind taking a wild guess as to what TV show opening they are reenacting, I would love to see how many of you are TV nerds or just happened to be around to watch this when it first aired. I don't feel like talking much because yesterday I got sick thanks to my little sister bringing home some contagiously bad cold/flu thing last week and spreading it around to everyone else. I feel much better today but I'm actually coughing more and I've still got a headache. Well, hope you guys have a happy weekend and don't (wheeze) get sick. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

This turned into a monologue on hands :|

      Hi everyone. I know I didn't post all last week but, I don't know, it was partly I'm still working on my project(s) and I had nothing to say so why bother. But everyday I get a little closer to finishing as you can see by the little preview down below. 

I'm pretty much done with Kenta, it's Ryo I have to focus on now and then adding details to the background and some shading to my characters. Hopefully the finished product will go up Friday and you will finally understand what's with the faces and Kenta's pinching the air? Oddly enough, the one hand that I've had the easiest time with was the one that he's pinching invisible objects with, even after realizing that I made his pinky too short and closed it out without saving changes so that I could redo it. That's besides the fact that I have an easier time drawing Kenta because for some odd reason, ever since I drew Ryo for the first time facing right, I have difficulty drawing him facing left when, if you haven't noticed, I draw ALL my characters facing left. I'm sorry for all those commas and I'm left handed so I tend to favor the left even though I haven't gotten around to knitting left handed. That seems to me that it would be weird. But I am good at crocheting left handed :D . I may as well tell you now that I'm on the subject that three of my characters are left handed: Kenta, Tamiko, and Aidan, the latter being forced to switch to right handed by a teacher in first grade. Q: Oh, so none of your Bittersweet characters are left handed? A: Nah, but Midori is ambidextrous so you will spot her using her left hand on occasion. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

If I could make your mouth this small, I would

      Hi. I know I haven't been on in over a week but last week was a bit somber for me and I've been doing a little work on a picture here, a picture there and I still haven't finished the one from last month (partly due to not getting a facial expression right off the bat) but I do have a preview for today so that it doesn't look like I'm not doing anything here. 

Ah yes, you are finally seeing him full size! Kenta Hayashi is his name (about time I introduce him formally), the only son to a single Japanese mother. His friend (the guy looking at him like why are you lecturing me?) is Ryo Takahashi, youngest child and only son of Mr. and Mrs. Toshiro Takahashi, and future owner of the family's pest control business. Kenta and Ryo go back as far as 6th grade but were only classmates that did each other a couple of important favors then but were later separated and only found each other again at work when they were 21. Now, they're so close that they come off as either siblings or a couple (they are both very heterosexual so they do get offended when assumed otherwise) and do tend to argue, sometimes over petty things, but at the end of the day they are the best of friends and look out for each other. Kenta is actually a biologist by trade and Ryo majored in psychology (far cry from bugs, amiright?) but neither happen to be working in those fields respectively but their current profession is something of a secret that not even their parents are really supposed to know. No, they are not spies but I am also not obligated to disclose their employment ;) . And Kenta's paternity is something of a mystery to all except his mother, who is not ashamed to disclose it but has ended up in a mental hospital because of that. Wanna know all their secrets? Well, I'm sorry but I haven't figured out where I will start the story and A LOT happens to them, mostly to Kenta, but for a good portion of it Ryo is along for the ride and along the way they make "girlfriends" ;) so yeah I'm not telling everything on here just yet. Well, hope you guys have a lovely weekend. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Perspective is individual

      I'm back. Yesterday I was working on something X-Men related and when I got bored, I started doodling and this is what I came up with: 

The first one was Sunspot's (Roberto da Costa) caricatures of his teammates as children with only himself being happy. The second is Shatterstar's portrayal with most everybody good looking until we get to Rahne (Wolfsbane), who happens to be a rabid beast. This kept me and my sister laughing for a while, especially when imagining the dialogue. I know my version of New Mutants isn't accurate but like I said before, this isn't cannon, I just take these already established characters and have my own fun with them making up stories and comical situations for them. Well, that's all I've got for now so I'll be going. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

I Wanna Be Royal!

      Happy Friday! It's also Labor Day weekend here in the U.S. I know I haven't been here for more than a week but I am back with a special treat for X-Men and Frozen fans out there who may also be comic geeks. Or just, you know, anybody who likes what I draw and my little spins on just about everything in life. It's a scan of a drawing on paper and I'm apologizing now but my mom's scanner has a bad habit of lightening up ink and graphite but without further ado, here is my doodle for the day!

Oh sure, completely legible here including my sister's handwriting on the other side of the paper. Since I did a lot of doodles during class on school paper back when I was in school, I believe in recycling schoolwork for drawing purposes and since my sisters are the ones in school but my youngest one, SkinnyBeanAlex, loves to doodle too, I am left with no choice but to recycle my other sister's paper (she rips it out of her notebook and leaves it sitting on the desk like it's her personal storage unit for stuff she doesn't need or really care for anymore). Could have also used a cropping. Oh well. Ah yes, I drew Shatterstar as Hans, or should I call him ShatterHans? Anyway, he's ogling what is obviously a princess's crown but it's a combination of my preference of drawing princess crowns and his desperation to become ruler that it doesn't really matter if the damn crown is masculine or not, he will wear it. If his plan falls through, that is. Other X-Men characters that I thought of for this are: Storm for Elsa (I've seen black Elsas on Google so don't judge my choice), Dazzler for Anna, and Longshot for Kristoff. I have pretty much arranged it by hair color/personality. I know the list doesn't include Sven or Olaf but that's only because those will be a surprise. Hope you guys have a lovely weekend.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I see nothing but untapped potential

      I've kinda been neglecting my Super Teens so I'm posting a comic strip! 

I drew this over two years ago when my graduation was coming up. I know graduation season is over for this year but this is a nice joke for anybody that has graduated or is graduating soon and this also gives some insight into my character's education. Wilhelm, being a genius, skipped two grades and is currently in college. Although my research would make this nearly impossible, Tamiko fought for homeschooling to finish school early and avoid bullying. Ariana, to get away from her dysfunctional family, became a foreign exchange student. Aidan dropped out because he was being a rebel and didn't think it through at that moment and now he's ashamed XD. Don't do anything that you'll regret later!! Sorry they look so dark here, Blogger has a tendency to tan them. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

It Takes Seeing to Believe

      Hi. I know it's been over a week since I've been here but I've been busy (have I said that?) and I still have paintings from that time that I wanted to fuse my characters with old TV shows that I have to finish but that's for another time and besides, I've been working on something else. 

It's Dani Moonstar, previously known as Psyche then later Mirage. It's a shame that they had to depower this awesome Cheyenne mutant in the comic books but some of her peers that have been depowered are back to being mutants so there's hope for her ^-^. The T-Rex (a mirage) may have been influenced by my seeing Barney the friendly dinosaur (bleh) every time I look at my phone (it's an inside joke). I drew this to take a break from always drawing Shatterstar, Wolfsbane, and Rictor and to post somebody not related to Wolverine. Also, because I'm drawn to Native American cultures (I have Taino ancestry) I find Moonstar pretty awesome. It hits me now that I should have given her a shadow unless I leave it like this like the ground is part of her mirage ;). I know that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is out but it doesn't look like I'll see them in movies and I'm waiting patiently for Jurassic World and Star Wars VII to come out. Well, I'll come back when I've got something else, hope you guys enjoyed your weekends. Mine was hot, rainy, and Saturday night we spent a hour in the dark :(.    

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Alice, we'll be rich!

      Hi there. Anybody a fan of old TV shows? I'm talking like The Honeymooners, Gilligan's Island, Happy Days, The Odd Couple, etc etc etc. Well I am and I thought to do art/doodles involving my characters/borrowed characters that I think best fit with the personalities of these classic TV characters. Tonight on MeTv (local channel that plays these shows) at 10 they will be playing The Honeymooners so here is my rendition. 

Background's not the best and I was going for a painting look but this is Mike and Sandra as Ralph Cramden and Alice, one of the most dysfunctional couples ever to be on television. Mike looks a little more like Fred from Scooby-Doo the way I drew him and Sandra's naturally blue eye(s) look a little creepy in black and white but I like the composition of it. Hope you enjoy the rest of this week, I'll be busy but I might come back soon ;). 

Friday, August 1, 2014

u mad bro?

      Hi. I woke up earlier than I usually do which I will do for just about the rest of this month so the day is feeling kinda long for me. But it's a nice day down here :). I drew a doodle today in a short amount of time on Sketchbook because it's been a while. 

I haven't drawn this guy in a while and I'm obviously feeling guilty over it :P. Sorry dude, if it's any consolation I think of you a lot. It happens whenever I have a new character/storyline, it's almost the only thing I talk about. Ask my sister. So yeah, next week I'll get the sticker selling set up for anybody that's interested and not mention it ever again in my posts so that you don't get annoyed and say BUT I DON'T HAVE MONEY! Oh, and I'll work on more doodles and possibly make more strips, it's just that I started drawing those for a friend of mine that I haven't written to in a while and won't be able to write to for a while more (I hope) so inspiration hasn't struck me. Hope you guys have a lovely weekend.  

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I Like Stickers

      Hey guys, I'm back. Would've liked to have come back on Monday but I was still working on my stickers and I had nothing else to post besides this being a busy week for me. Guess what! I finished!

I have one sticker sheet each for Super Teens and Bittersweet at this present time. Depending on a variety of factors such as success of current stickers, time I have on hand, and inspiration, I may make more. I have a few ideas for them but I'll wait and see first before I do anything further. I will come back and probably comment or post on where you can purchase so PLEASE do NOT copy/steal/sell these characters or designs as they are of my own creation. If I have inspired you to experiment and find your own style using my style as a basis for testing, that is a different story as I have also done the same thing but in the end I put my own creative spin on it. Or if you want to make fanart, that's fine, just please nothing disturbing. I have been disturbed enough already when Googling images of cartoon or comic characters. My characters are much more innocent than that, well, the majority are, so please keep that off the internet and to yourself, thank you. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Look at me, look at me, look at me NOW!

      I know I said I might not be here today but I felt that I had to, so here I am! Still working on my stickers, I worked on a few then got bored and a little frustrated so I stopped for now. I don't have anything else to put here except that drawing I complained that I couldn't scan in June. 

It's the Cat in the Hat! Years ago when I was practicing chibis, I invented Pink Panther girl in an attempt to make a stylized chibi and it made sense to stylize the Cat in the Hat as a chibi boy at that moment. I even drew a rather short comedic comic starring the both of them once where she (PPg) was in an aquarium looking at a great white shark in awe with her pet mouse and he (CHb) comes and gives her a look like what are you ooing and awwing over? Then when he sees the shark, he's in awe, then a guide comes to the tank with a field trip and shows off the jaws to them to realize there are only teeth in the tank with Pink Panther girl and Cat in the Hat boy off to the side looking very guilty. I still have it, btw. I drew them very differently then, I drew just about everything differently then but as time goes on, I just go developing my own style and experimenting so when I sat down to draw him again he looks more like a pre-teen boy than say a nine year old. That's fine, maybe he has aged since I last dealt with him considering it's been like two or three years. Funny thing is, even though Pink Panther girl was supposed to be the star, Cat in the Hat boy carting a pet fish in a wagon was the popular one among some of my school friends. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Stick Me Wherever You Want (please don't take that the wrong way)

      Howdy. Haven't been here since Tuesday and not too much has happened, either. Anyways, I've been busy with... STICKER MAKING! I said in a prior post (April) that I was considering doing commissions and asked if readers would please comment but nobody has and I've decided I don't do so well drawing by request for other people anyway so I thought stickers would be easier. I draw the designs that I want, save them, print them out when somebody wants to buy them and ka-ching. I don't expect a lot of money out of this, at least not in the beginning, but I would at least be getting something out of my hobby besides my own personal pleasure. So here is the preview: 

Yeah, I know, it looks small now but I'm not finished yet and this is just a preview. Right now this is my only "sticker sheet" so if you would be so kind and patient, I would very much appreciate that you do not go about printing these out yourself and possibly selling them as YOUR merchandise as these characters are my personal creation and property and that would be plagiarism. I've heard the horror stories from DeviantArt of stealing artwork, hacking, and pretending to be someone else while creating an account on another art community website. So I went with a blog ;p. Btw, if you are interested in art there are some awesome artists on DeviantArt, like Skailla, VixieArts, Kaylink is very good with realistic animals (she does curse on occassion, though), and EpicSkiFreak does great considering her problems that she is not afraid to be vocal about (sorry but I don't feel like clarifying that for you right now, just look at her page). Well, hope you enjoy your weekend and I'm not sure if I'll be back on Monday (ugh) so I'll be back when I have something else. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

NOT Joker and Harley's kid

      Hi there. My weekend was good, got to dance a lot at a graduation party (with my mom *sniff*) Saturday, which was great. I didn't think to post yesterday because I completely forgot that I fiddled with Photoshop Sunday so I'm posting it today. 

Sorry you can see some brown strands of hair but it is difficult to catch them all and not make them look weird so I left them alone. Not exactly sure about her with green hair, at least not in this picture, but she wouldn't have to fake a British accent and I can imagine her enjoying beating up people a little too much and buttkissing Jennifer Lawrence's Chernobyl. Funny thing is, I have never seen a movie by either JLaw or Emma Watson because even as a kid I wasn't fond of Harry Potter (yeah, boo me all you want) and then when The Hunger Games came out, I was like why would I want to watch a movie about kids killing each other to survive for other people's entertainment? I didn't know about it being for entertainment purposes like a gladiator fight at that time but the title alone pretty much turned me off. You want to see The Hunger Games, go to Cuba. Oh, and I would like to correct an earlier post. 7-2, I said I didn't know Canada Day was today. I found out later it was 7-1 but Google+ does show what got popular the night before the next day, so not entirely my fault. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Manga Manga Everywhere

      Hey guys. Does anybody read my complete profile under About Me? If you have, you will see that under favorite books there's Love-Com. I thought a couple of weeks back of challenging myself to draw some of my characters in Aya Nakahara's style, you know, make them look like they were in the Love-Com series. Here's the finished sketch: 

It's not perfect but I think it's pretty darn good. The couple on top are Mike and Sandra showing the romantic side of both the series and me, and the mess underneath is the more comical side being portrayed by Tamiko and Aidan (Risa and Otani tend to fight in the manga) and in the back behind them are Ariana and Wilhelm portraying the lovey-doveyness of Nobu and Nakao (the best friends). And next to my signature is one of Aya's bunnies that tend to sneak themselves into the panels. I personally like how Bittersweet (I named it that before I discovered the song, the title's are coincidental) and Tamiko came out. Everybody else came out a bit goofy looking. Speaking of goofy looking, how many of you liked my meerkat? I promise you that I can draw it better when I'm being serious but I was not being serious at that moment, therefore it's current appearance. Oh, and how many of you liked my Wolverine?;D

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Awesomeness and Goofiness at the same time

      I go on Google+ and there's a GIF taken from Frozen when Anna and Kristoff are throwing Olaf's head between them with the American and Canadian flags pasted on their heads and Olaf's head is Justin Bieber for Canada Day. I didn't know Canada Day was today and I think the GIF is both funny and true. Enough of that, I don't even like Justin Bieber, I can do without him. Here's a Canadian I like. 

I was originally going to go with a gray background but I always do that for my X-Men doodles and it felt, I don't know, wrong? So after a little fiddling around, I decided on a red background and the lettering in white was a bit of an accident but I think it looks better than it would have in black. A while's back, my sister was practicing drawing animals on Photoshop and when she went away, I started doodling on her stuff but the funniest doodle that stood out the most that I just had to save it was this... 

It's supposed to be a meerkat but it came out like a scared Chihuahua. If you need to laugh and/or make yourself feel better, take a look at this and remember even I draw goofy on occasions.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Another one?

      I am back. My weekend was for a good portion of it enjoyable even though I felt claustrophobic at times and honestly I find people annoying already but I got to see a friend that I haven't seen in almost a year so that was great, besides other stuff. Anyways, now I am free to draw again. Just when you thought that the Morgan family couldn't get any bigger, I present you with another character...

No, he doesn't get adopted by them and he's not another cousin of Sandra's. He's Midori's boyfriend. O-O What you say? Yes, she has a boyfriend, not that her dad Mike likes it. He's American, born in New Jersey but his dad's job has made them move around all over the world so he is a polyglot, pretty mature for his age and he knows he'll never meet a girl like Midori ever again so he makes a point of not losing her even if she doesn't act like the typical girlfriend and her dad finds him annoying. Oh, and he's a cool guy because Midori deserves nothing less.

Monday, June 23, 2014

My Tuna, Sir?


I'm sure a few of you cat owners (or lovers, whatever term you prefer) wake up to this in the morning. This is from last December I think, when I wanted to improve my cat drawing skills. I googled cat pictures, picked one on a fuzzy tabby and just started drawing more or less what I saw on the screen. The face isn't finished but I'm still a little amazed at how good it came out. I need to draw dogs more. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Put That Down!

      Hello. I haven't been able to get on my computer until today. I'm working on some Super Teens stuff that I originally drew on paper but I've scanned it and I'm currently working on coloring. Here's how one of them looked: 

If anybody doesn't recognize that widow's peak, it's Aidan as a kid. Yes, he liked to live dangerously. Still does. This is where the super part comes in - he's resistant to excessive/intense heat, his normal body temperature is above 100 degrees F, and he's pyrokinetic so that iron on his face is kid stuff. Pun not intended. Otherwise, I would not recommend that anyone, fake or real, attempt this at home. In other news, I have recently discovered the perfect theme song for Mike and Sandra (my other characters). It's Bittersweet by Panic! At The Disco. It's more like Mike is singing it, but it does tell their story pretty well, except neither of them have been to South Africa. Teenagers by My Chemical Romance is kind of an unofficial theme song for my Super Teens, or at least I find it to be, and I know them better than anyone so I should know. That's about it, besides that next weekend I won't be anywhere near my computer because I will be busy with something very important. Hope you guys enjoy your weekend(s). 

Friday, June 13, 2014

I Wanna Be A Real Boy/Girl

      It's Friday, Friday... I found that song so stupid when it was popular, Katy Perry did a better rendition. Anyway, it's rainy here :( so I am cheering myself up with Blondie. Singing along with her, that is. And if you're really bored, listen to some Frozen songs sped up/slowed down. You're bound to laugh. I was recently wondering what my Super Teens characters would look like in, say, a live action movie. I don't expect a movie, I was just wondering what actors looked the most like them and would give a more or less accurate portrayal. I have two pics/picks that I have photoshopped a little over a week ago.

I love the way Jennifer Lawrence came out with the pink. Sorry Aaron Taylor-Johnson looks obviously photoshopped. My mom wasn't digging him redheaded but then again she has issues with the size of Aidan's head when I draw him so it might be personal ;). I also thought of Emma Watson as Lettice but I wasn't liking how dark the green was looking on her. This isn't a doodle but it's kind of related so I posted. Hope you guys enjoy your weekend and don't get rained in/on. Do svidaniya. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

So Nice They Named It Twice

      I'm back. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well so I turned off my computer and lay down in the dark and closed my eyes. I didn't nap, simulating sleep was enough to make me feel better. It's weird, but it works for me. Enough wackiness. I've got the Super Teens artwork ready for showing for those of you that have been waiting. 

This is sans shading. I'll work on that later. The background is a wallpaper that I got off the internet and applied Gaussian blur to. I applied color to the line art, which I'm not used to but I learned how you do it recently so I tried it out. I should have done the lines thinner if I was gonna use that technique but I originally thought I would leave them black so yeah. It's nice to have these guys come out of hiatus since Mike and Sandra have kinda taken over. Must break the monotony. I'll get off before I get any weirder. Bye.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Old Times...

      It's the first week of summer vacation for my sisters and I'm taking some time here to post something from a long time ago (in a galaxy far far away) that I have lying around. 

This is the very first time I drew Sandra. I was inspired by reading old (I mean classic :D ) Batgirl comics to create another super heroine that worked alone and at night so this was the concept drawing. I nixed the idea of Sandra fighting crime at night quickly once Mike came into the picture. Mostly because it wouldn't make any sense that her husband is letting her run around in the dark fighting crooks when she's got kids to feed and a house to keep. I've still kept elements of the original story idea in the current version. I drew so differently back then. It's such a blast from the past for me looking at how awkwardly drawn she was. I mean except for her hips and head, she's too skinny, neck placement is totally off, ears are HUGE and so are her eyes and now her bangs have taken on this anime quality to them. Oh, and she was so serious she didn't come off as this sweet innocent thing she is today. Btw, I was fifteen then. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

There's a new kid on the block

      Hi, I'm back. I have worked on a few things since last Friday but I thought, these people are probably wondering why lately I've been presenting new characters (well, to you they're new) with Sandra. Is she an outgoing person that she knows them prior and interacts with these other characters? No, she's a bit shy and Saru is a cousin that she wasn't aware she had for a few years. Why is she dressed differently here? And you said something about royalty? Yeah, I'm not answering that. Is she some sort of standard that your other characters have to reach before getting some sort of seal of approval? 

Not really, but that would be funny if she handed them out, right? She'd be a great candidate, because she isn't one to judge for the most part, her standards aren't too high and she's usually cheery without being too much of a joker. I just realized that Wilhelm's personality is a lot like hers. If you notice, the new guy Kenta looks a lot like Mike and Mike will get jealous of another guy that seems to be getting more attention than him. He needs to get over that. Hope you guys enjoy and I haven't forgotten the Super Teens drawing I was working on. I just haven't finished it yet. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Not everyone can be so privileged...

      Hello. I've been away for a while, haven't I? Last weekend was actually Memorial Day weekend here and my family did what everybody else in Florida does - we went to the beach. Not my best beach outing but at least we went unlike last year. How could you live in Florida and not go to the beach, you ask? Easy. Get caught up in daily routine and watch TV. Anyway, I went to scan a drawing and my scanner was supposedly scanning it then at the end would say that it didn't read it. Thank you, Lexmark. This is why my mom likes HP. Taking into consideration that my hardware wasn't cooperating, I decided to work on something that I had waiting for the final touches. 

This was inspired by a few song lyrics and that coincidentally I have a few characters that have royal ancestry from fictional civilizations. The girl on the left is obviously Lorde, if you don't recognize the girl in the middle by her hair then I suggest you look at my older posts, and the guy on the right is not depressed :D. He is a newer character that I came up with last year, not related to the Na'vi of Avatar. His is a long story but he's related to a very prominent alien, I'll tell you that much.That's it, I'll be back when I finish something else so, you know, enjoy your weekend.  

Friday, May 23, 2014

Freak-y Friday

      It's so nice to be back. I didn't feel like doing much Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday I was busy. I drew a little something but it's on paper and I want to scan it. And yesterday I didn't feel like turning on the computer. So here I am! X-Men: Days of Future Past comes out today and as much as I would like to see it (somewhat), I already saw Godzilla last Saturday (it was awesome) and I don't think I'll be able to go. Besides that, I finally saw the first X-Men movie Monday so I have to do a lot of catching up to understand what's going on in this movie anyway. Is it just me, or did the first movie seem a little hokey? I mean, yes there's CG but the costume design, the stunts... when you compare that to say Captain America or Iron Man, it doesn't feel very real. Enough movie bashing, I wanted to put up something X-Men related here, mostly referring to the movie, but the most I have is this: 

Yes, it's She-star again. I told you that portrait didn't do her personality justice. So, she's getting her male counterpart miffed and Rictor is cowering in the background. Wait, who's the "other" redheaded girl she's talking about? 

The one in this picture. This was a little something I drew on notebook paper (ain't it obvious?) and then fooled around with in Photoshop. This was on my old flash drive but thankfully I had this one in an email I sent so I guess I got lucky there. Sorry She-star's nose is too high up and Shatterstar's ear is too small. And I forgot my signature. Oh well. And if anybody out there is having issues with the costumes not being accurate, I did try to base them off of the comic versions and whatever I thought was stupid or I didn't remember correctly I took creative licensing. Let me just put it to you this way, they're not cannon so it really doesn't matter. I kind of "heard" something about Rictor being in the movie but I also heard Lady Gaga was playing Dazzler so I don't know what's real but it'd be nice to see them portray other not-so-well-known characters this time around. Hope you enjoy your weekend :). 

Friday, May 16, 2014


      Godzilla comes out today in theaters. For the umpteenth time. Iiiiiiiiiii don't know if I'm going but it does look rather awesome and scary at the same time. Here's a little fact about Godzilla that won't really be useful for you in life, it's just fun to know: the Japanese word "gojira" is a conjunction of the words whale (kujira) and gorilla (gorira). Here's a doodle I made for today: 

Yes, Midori is scared of Godzilla. It stems from childhood. I don't blame her. The idea of a giant lizard-thing invading and terrorizing your city is scary for anybody. When I was 5, I thought that the T-rex would come out of the TV if I stood too close while my parents watched Jurassic Park. Not my problem anymore. I hate it when my parents watch the 1998 Godzilla... they have to put the stereo so loud that I can hear it walking while standing outside my house. So annoying >.<. Anyway, hope you have a happy weekend and sleep tight, don't let the atomic dinosaur bite. :D

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hump Day w/Lineart

      It's hump day and a rather boring one, too. I could use the Hump Day camel from that Geico commercial. Sorry if it hasn't gone international. I've made quite a bit of progress on that sketch I told you about Monday. It's not really a sketch anymore. 

Sorry it looks like this. I used MS Paint to get this screenshot so I've got lousy quality and I couldn't crop :(. But you see? I have actually drawn them like an actual manga-ka (manga artist) would: no chibis. Not like they don't draw chibis, just not as often as I do. They're just easier to draw, besides they're cuter. I actually have color on them but I'll leave that for the big reveal. I'm also working on other stuff, one that I started today and would like to have ready Friday. Hope to be here again soon. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

It's Monday :|

      Hello. G'day. Hola. Hallo. Dia dhuit. Konnichiwa. Nihao. Bonjour. I can basically say hi in more than two languages (not that Australia has its own language, just a different vernacular). Language just happens to catch my attention so I try to absorb as much as possible. And I do most of my absorbing through Google. Enough said. I'm working on some stuff right now and I actually have a sketch going. Currently working on the line art before I do any coloring and this is much more intricate than everything else I've shown here so it's taking some time to complete. 

This is a screenshot of the original sketch. Yes, those are X's where their crotches would naturally be and the girl on the left has Mystique boobs. If you've seen the X-Men movies or just bits of them, then you catch my drift. I promise they will not look like that in the final. Well, I'll be back later in the week with whatever progress I make. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Spring Fever

      Hi guys. It's Friday which means WEEKEND!!! Anybody remember my drawing that I was doing starting April 22nd? I finished it. Here it is: 

Ain't it purrty? :3 I think it's pretty. I misspelled it on purpose for those of you that don't understand hillbilly talk. I don't talk like that on a daily basis but occasionally it is fun to say. I originally thought of having a bunch of my characters on that hill but I didn't feel like drawing all of that so I kept it simple: Mike, Sandra, and..... Who's that girl? Her name is Saru (not really, it's a nickname, her parents didn't name her "monkey") and she is Sandra's younger cousin. This is before any of the kids so Sandra is only 22 making Saru 14. Yeah, quite an age gap. Wanna know how old Mike is? ... drum roll please ... 25. That's why he is so serious. The panda on his shirt is the WWF panda. I'm acknowledging it so I don't get in trouble. I wanted something on his shirt, preferably a funny saying but Google gave me a lot of cursing and one that was disturbing. So I went with logos and I saw the panda. I could talk more but I think I have said enough. Have a nice weekend! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Boop Boop Boo-Boody-Boop-Boop

      I'm feeling better but still not at my normal so excuse me if I say anything funny. I have done some drawing in Sketchbook (I would have done it in Photoshop but I don't like that the brushes look fuzzy) and so I'll post them: 

I made it easy for you, didn't I? You know how people like to make their own Powerpuff characters and put them all over the internet? Yeah well, these are my own version. I know, they look more like my chibis because they actually started out that way. I was practicing drawing flying in perspective and they were just born, these girls dressed up like Dorothy, Xena, and Princess Leia (of all things) flying on a piece of paper. First, they were The Ragdolls (long story), then they were descendants of the original Powerpuffs and now they are their slightly modified kids. I haven't drawn them in the longest but yesterday I was in the mood to draw Chloe so I did. Then I just couldn't leave out her cousins. Btw, that's a fist by Annie's name. Don't let that sweet face and braids pulled up for this picture fool you: she will make you cry. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

They say laughter is the best medicine

      Hi. I've gotten sick so I haven't done much drawing. I did draw something close to what I'm feeling now February last year when I was sick then. I took a picture of it because I had photoshopped it last year but I still haven't retrieved my stuff from the dead flash drive and I had deleted the scan from the computer. Ugh, can't wait to get my stuff out of there already. 

Sorry there's "wood" in the picture. This was actually based on a little incident that happened while I was sick. I left a tissue that I was using on the desk and my dad is on the computer and he sees a piece of paper and almost wrote on it when I said "that's my tissue". I didn't blow my nose right in his face but he had a similar reaction to the thought of touching someone's used tissue xD. I've recently noticed that I have had viewers in Spain, Germany, and Poland, which is cool. I think the Germans are the ones that stayed though. Can't win them all, can we? Still cool :D.