Friday, May 23, 2014

Freak-y Friday

      It's so nice to be back. I didn't feel like doing much Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday I was busy. I drew a little something but it's on paper and I want to scan it. And yesterday I didn't feel like turning on the computer. So here I am! X-Men: Days of Future Past comes out today and as much as I would like to see it (somewhat), I already saw Godzilla last Saturday (it was awesome) and I don't think I'll be able to go. Besides that, I finally saw the first X-Men movie Monday so I have to do a lot of catching up to understand what's going on in this movie anyway. Is it just me, or did the first movie seem a little hokey? I mean, yes there's CG but the costume design, the stunts... when you compare that to say Captain America or Iron Man, it doesn't feel very real. Enough movie bashing, I wanted to put up something X-Men related here, mostly referring to the movie, but the most I have is this: 

Yes, it's She-star again. I told you that portrait didn't do her personality justice. So, she's getting her male counterpart miffed and Rictor is cowering in the background. Wait, who's the "other" redheaded girl she's talking about? 

The one in this picture. This was a little something I drew on notebook paper (ain't it obvious?) and then fooled around with in Photoshop. This was on my old flash drive but thankfully I had this one in an email I sent so I guess I got lucky there. Sorry She-star's nose is too high up and Shatterstar's ear is too small. And I forgot my signature. Oh well. And if anybody out there is having issues with the costumes not being accurate, I did try to base them off of the comic versions and whatever I thought was stupid or I didn't remember correctly I took creative licensing. Let me just put it to you this way, they're not cannon so it really doesn't matter. I kind of "heard" something about Rictor being in the movie but I also heard Lady Gaga was playing Dazzler so I don't know what's real but it'd be nice to see them portray other not-so-well-known characters this time around. Hope you enjoy your weekend :). 

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