Friday, May 30, 2014

Not everyone can be so privileged...

      Hello. I've been away for a while, haven't I? Last weekend was actually Memorial Day weekend here and my family did what everybody else in Florida does - we went to the beach. Not my best beach outing but at least we went unlike last year. How could you live in Florida and not go to the beach, you ask? Easy. Get caught up in daily routine and watch TV. Anyway, I went to scan a drawing and my scanner was supposedly scanning it then at the end would say that it didn't read it. Thank you, Lexmark. This is why my mom likes HP. Taking into consideration that my hardware wasn't cooperating, I decided to work on something that I had waiting for the final touches. 

This was inspired by a few song lyrics and that coincidentally I have a few characters that have royal ancestry from fictional civilizations. The girl on the left is obviously Lorde, if you don't recognize the girl in the middle by her hair then I suggest you look at my older posts, and the guy on the right is not depressed :D. He is a newer character that I came up with last year, not related to the Na'vi of Avatar. His is a long story but he's related to a very prominent alien, I'll tell you that much.That's it, I'll be back when I finish something else so, you know, enjoy your weekend.  

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