Friday, June 20, 2014

Put That Down!

      Hello. I haven't been able to get on my computer until today. I'm working on some Super Teens stuff that I originally drew on paper but I've scanned it and I'm currently working on coloring. Here's how one of them looked: 

If anybody doesn't recognize that widow's peak, it's Aidan as a kid. Yes, he liked to live dangerously. Still does. This is where the super part comes in - he's resistant to excessive/intense heat, his normal body temperature is above 100 degrees F, and he's pyrokinetic so that iron on his face is kid stuff. Pun not intended. Otherwise, I would not recommend that anyone, fake or real, attempt this at home. In other news, I have recently discovered the perfect theme song for Mike and Sandra (my other characters). It's Bittersweet by Panic! At The Disco. It's more like Mike is singing it, but it does tell their story pretty well, except neither of them have been to South Africa. Teenagers by My Chemical Romance is kind of an unofficial theme song for my Super Teens, or at least I find it to be, and I know them better than anyone so I should know. That's about it, besides that next weekend I won't be anywhere near my computer because I will be busy with something very important. Hope you guys enjoy your weekend(s). 

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