Wednesday, June 11, 2014

So Nice They Named It Twice

      I'm back. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well so I turned off my computer and lay down in the dark and closed my eyes. I didn't nap, simulating sleep was enough to make me feel better. It's weird, but it works for me. Enough wackiness. I've got the Super Teens artwork ready for showing for those of you that have been waiting. 

This is sans shading. I'll work on that later. The background is a wallpaper that I got off the internet and applied Gaussian blur to. I applied color to the line art, which I'm not used to but I learned how you do it recently so I tried it out. I should have done the lines thinner if I was gonna use that technique but I originally thought I would leave them black so yeah. It's nice to have these guys come out of hiatus since Mike and Sandra have kinda taken over. Must break the monotony. I'll get off before I get any weirder. Bye.

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