Friday, June 13, 2014

I Wanna Be A Real Boy/Girl

      It's Friday, Friday... I found that song so stupid when it was popular, Katy Perry did a better rendition. Anyway, it's rainy here :( so I am cheering myself up with Blondie. Singing along with her, that is. And if you're really bored, listen to some Frozen songs sped up/slowed down. You're bound to laugh. I was recently wondering what my Super Teens characters would look like in, say, a live action movie. I don't expect a movie, I was just wondering what actors looked the most like them and would give a more or less accurate portrayal. I have two pics/picks that I have photoshopped a little over a week ago.

I love the way Jennifer Lawrence came out with the pink. Sorry Aaron Taylor-Johnson looks obviously photoshopped. My mom wasn't digging him redheaded but then again she has issues with the size of Aidan's head when I draw him so it might be personal ;). I also thought of Emma Watson as Lettice but I wasn't liking how dark the green was looking on her. This isn't a doodle but it's kind of related so I posted. Hope you guys enjoy your weekend and don't get rained in/on. Do svidaniya. 

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