Wednesday, December 31, 2014

When will it be over?

      Goodbye 2014! But I liked that number :( I like even numbers having been born on an even year so this is kinda sad for me but maybe 2015 will be better for me, who knows. For you guys on the other side of the pond, it already is the new year but I still quite some time to go before the ball drops here. This is my last entry for this year so I hope to return soon with my first post for 2015. 

Technically this already happened since these guys live in Japan but hey, haven't put any strips or doodles of them in a while so I figured why not? Oh, and yeah, Mike is not very good with waiting which is a total contrast to Sandra's patient nature. Maybe she should have given him one of her things to read so that he wouldn't be griping over waiting for the year to end and being born in December a large baby ;) . 


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