Wednesday, January 7, 2015

When I grow up, I wanna be far far away from here

      Hey there. I know this is my first post of the year since last week but I haven't had much of a chance to really get a doodle done. I'm working on one right now but it needs a background and I don't feel like doing that so I'll put up something that I finished last year. 
I wasn't trying to be depressing when I did this (or started it) but not everything in life is one big happy comedy so art has to display this at some point or another. My sister just about always draws her characters happy because she prefers that but I'm a realist (that draws cartoons and likes comic books, I know, but don't argue with me) so this is an example of "no one is smiling" work. I know the shadowy figure on the top left is crappy but considering that the day I decided to do the shadows my computer shut off because of flickering lights and I lost all my progress, totally makes sense that I got pissed and when I redid it, I drew a crappy shadow. The characters in this are: Laura Kinney, Gaveedra Seven, Rahne Sinclair, and Tabitha Smith. Each scene actually contains a clue (or two) of who they grow up to be. Some of them are obvious, at least one is more subtle and requires a bit of thinking to interpret it but I think it makes sense. Anyway, hope this doesn't bring you down for the entire day and this is Mich Doodles signing off.  

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