Wednesday, December 30, 2015

One last thing...

Um, I forgot to load what I ended up doodling yesterday so there it is. I'm doing this on my phone so this is acting weird. My sister got upset when Captain America didn't say assemble and Loki was missed in Age of Ultron so this idea came up. Yeah, I accidentally gave Cap suspenders. I doodled today but it's part of something that would most probably get finished next year, if it gets finished. It's a rather large project. Guess I'll be seeing you next year and I almost forgot I'm considering getting a tumblr. I'll keep this blog because this is where I can ramble if I want to about my drawing. Ok, see you in 2016!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

GRRRR squeak squeak

      You know, I drew on Friday and I forgot to post it when I planned on doing just that. Sorry.

I drew Wolfsbane all cutesy and I uploaded her on Redbubble hoping she'd be a shirt but I draw too small Q-Q. You can still get her as bags or a pillow and a few other things though if you're interested in her gracing a material object. I have a few things I wanna draw and let's see if I can cram in anything before Thursday (the 31st, crap, where'd the year go?). Oh, I finally saw Age of Ultron last night (I know I'm late but at least it was in the same year it came out, unlike its predecessor) and that was some movie. I loved it but the funniest thing (besides Thor getting hit in the face with a freaking rock column and the language joke) was my mom saying mid-movie "I miss Loki". She was hoping for them to kill him in Avengers but she missed him here in Age of Ultron so... congratulations, Tom Hiddleston. You made my mom miss Loki and she's not even a fangirl. Maybe I'll come back tomorrow with something but I also wanna re-watch AoU so let's see what happens. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Have You Met My Boyfriends?

      Hello! I have a very special doodle for this week so here goes: 

Ta-daa! So I got the crazy idea to draw them in their fabulous poses last week and I decided to go along with it. Ok, I turned "Hawkeye" around because it was gonna be awkward drawing him with his back facing the viewer but you get the idea. He was actually the hardest part of this to draw  because I had to re-sketch him at least two times, one of them being that I quickly sketched it on paper then traced over it on the tablet and it actually needed re-sizing so I did that. This would make a great T-shirt but it will probably get taken down because Disney doesn't seem to have a good sense of humor so not gonna bother putting it on Redbubble. Hope you guys have a fabulous rest of the week for those of you that will be celebrating your respective holidays and hope to be back next week. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sith Saturday

      Ok, so sadly I got behind Thursday but I finished yesterday both Thursday's and Friday's pieces, I just didn't feel like getting on here at that moment because I finished the first one earlier in the day but was saving it for making one post with double the doodles. First off, I traveled back in time to the prequel trilogies: 

Annie, don't choke Taylor (Anakin Skywalker must be a hater). This song happens to be perfect for this relationship so I thought of drawing at least a portion of their epic battle with some of the lyrics but then decided to add a little fourth wall element because I don't think that the Jedi understand the concept of pop music. The background was pretty easy, costumes were fairly simple (I haven't seen this movie in a couple years so I can't say if they were still wearing their robes. Probably not) but when it got to shading, it hit me that the light would be coming from basically everywhere so I thought crap. Still pretty cool, though. And then there's this derp: 

I started drawing it digitally but I wasn't feeling it there so I doodled it in my sketchbook and gosh the second panel came out horrible but someone on Instagram commented that it was perfection so that makes me feel a little better about it. At least the punchline is catchy. I saw the movie last night. It was awesome, the only disappointment was no end credit scene. No, it's not a Marvel movie but Frozen had one so to be on the safe side, we stayed til the very end. Well, that's it. Hope you guys have a good weekend. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

You're Not Luke When You're Hungry

      Day 3! Only two more days to go. So here's something a little different, I'm leaving the musical route for a moment: 

I was pretty surprised to find out who the voice behind the Joker was in Bruce Timm's Batman last year when I went through a nostalgic moment there with the animated series (I was a five year old girl watching superhero shows and couldn't fully appreciate the genius behind them at the time). I think I went to my sister "he went to the dark side" or something like that. He did a great Joker, though, so I might actually like him more for that little fact. I came up with this idea because I was coming up with other ones that were crossovers with Frozen so no C-3PO and R2-D2 singing Androids Are Better Than People or Yoda getting tossed around by the trolls yelling "a fixer-upper I am not" because that's just too much already. Let's see if I come back tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

This is my boogie

      Day 2 brings you a Huttese who feels comfortable in his own skin:

I didn't mean to draw him cute but Meghan Trainor is involved along with my cartoon style so maybe it was bound to happen. I swear I can draw ugly though. His assistant doesn't look like he appreciates this. Took drawing him to realize he wears his head tentacles or whatever they are as a scarf. Methinks Jabba has a fabulous assistant/butler. This was done quickly compared to yesterday's so I should be seeing you tomorrow hopefully with more Star Wars stuff. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

I Love You - I Know

      Hello and welcome to Star Wars Week! I came up with this while planning Dinosaur Week six months ago and now I can show you what I cooked up. This week will cross both established trilogies and will feature the likes of Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Jabba the Hutt, and Darth Vader with one special guest star so saddle up and may the force be with you. First off, a crossover of sorts that would have been an eight panel comic but today it's only four because ain't nobody got time for that (also that's a lot of work. I'm a procrastinator that likes shortcuts).
Details that would have been necessary for the imagery I wanted have been put to the side for the moment but yes, I did that. Love is an Open Door is my favorite Frozen song, actually, and the similarity of the guys' first names were probably a factor in this idea. I would like to make the full comic instead of leaving you with a cliffhanger but tomorrow's doodle is easier so I'll keep working on the rest of this week's stuff and hopefully get around to finishing this eventually. (It took me how long to fix that messed up sentence? 4-5-17 is when I fixed it. Yeah, so now you can understand it!)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Humpday Hawkeye Initiative

      Made it to humpday, woo! Anybody heard of the Hawkeye Initiative where artists replace sexist feminine poses in comic books with Hawkeye making the same pose? I just learned about it last week (or earlier, I can't remember) and I wanted to join in and it just so happens that I had material for it: 

Wait for it... 

Ta-da! I loved drawing this, especially since Bucky ended up stealing the show with his pose and face. I'm sorry about Cap's face being on the creepy side and the shadow on the inside of his shield. At first I thought up Loki where Bucky is because "he's full-blown diva" but the genius idea of Bucky came to me while washing my hands, then I changed my mind and thought Tony and changed my mind back to Bucky. No Hulk, I couldn't picture him here, sorry. Well, next week Star Wars is coming out and I want to commemorate that so see you next week (hopefully). 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday Magazine (in my dreams)

      Hello. Remember that I did that meme on DeviantArt? Well, I fixed up a little something from it because I liked it so much.

I made it look more like a magazine cover. There's no text because that would mar this beauty and why would I wanna do that? Funny how I got away with not drawing any hands in this, I noticed that one night over the weekend that I hid them. I'm in such a Hiddles craze that that's almost all I look at on Pinterest and Pinterest keeps pulling those alignment tricks it does. Here's a few:

Just had a fight with these pictures getting them looking nicely here with this new Blogger feature. Anyway, the first one was just a happy accident of noticing that, even though the shirt colors don't match, he gained back his body. And you can guess what's funny about the other two. I'm now on Redbubble, same name as here, but I only have one artwork up and apparently I draw too small for t-shirts so it's only on phone cases, mugs and pillows. I'll put up more as I go and I'm working on something hilarious right now so stay tuned. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Today feels like Monday but it's Tuesday

      It's already December? No year, don't finish. Well, I was working on this OC meme my sister found on DeviantArt and I finished it today. Here's a link: my Avengers OC meme. It's quite big so I'm not posting the full thing here, sorry. What I can tell you is that it gets a bit ridiculous with the situations but they're fun and this one included adding in a famous person so after a tiny bit of thinking, I came up with Tom Hiddleston (I went hehehe when the thought popped up) which is part of the reason why I decided on doing this. I can also show you some sneak peeks: 

That's before I colored their hair and clothing and wrote Avengers Assemble! right above. 

The shield was difficult to draw but besides getting Loki'd by his nose in the "footage", Tom was pretty much a breeze to draw. The posing was last minute because I had sketched out a "magazine cover" but it didn't look front cover quality. I had another sneak peek on Instagram but that can wait for later this week. Hope you guys are having fun and see you guys soon. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What a Wednesday

      So, back to back. Ok. I thought I'd have this done Friday but I finished my sketch yesterday and I ended up finishing today so here it is: 

Elsa dressed up as Emma Frost. There's sort of some inside jokes in there in case you're missing them. This is the most modest outfit that I could totally imagine Elsa in because as much as she was risque with her ice dress, I don't see her running around in public in underwear, that's just not her style. I got rusty with these guys so quickly and yet I have managed to still come up with this, which is good. Who do you think, out of the four Frozen characters in Marvel cosplay, looks the best/most awesome? Who else thinks Elsa's hair and makeup looks awesome? Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your week as it'll be Thanksgiving here so toodles.  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I'm an X-Man! (no I'm not)

      Hello. Yesterday I got on my computer to finish up a little something but I did nada. All I did was get distracted on Pinterest with my current interest but I made sure I worked on it today and here it is: 

Anna as Shadowcat/Kitty Pride! I know there are redheaded heroines but I think this suits her more, even if she has to wear a wig. I even drew little wisps of her natural hair sticking out to point out that it is a wig. This is my first time drawing her from the front so that was a little hard. Gotta draw Elsa next, let's see if I get her done this week. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

I guess it's all on how you look at it

      I got distracted yesterday so I didn't post when I should have. Sorry. But I have something that has been waiting for Friday so...

I found that picture while looking at reference for the Kristoff costume drawing on and I happened to notice that well, that's a funny face for a villain to be making. Obviously this was in the middle of talking but let's face it, pausing movies is funny and weird so I added Fry to make it funnier. That's if it's funnier. I'm gonna go now. Have a nice weekend.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Let's start the week off simply

      Hello. So it's Monday and I am posting what I thought I'd post last week. Oops. 

So apparently it's been so long since I've drawn Wilhelm (besides chibi) that he got redesigned. Oh well. This may be an improvement. I didn't draw any style variations because I didn't know where I was going to fit them so I'll save that for another time. I should get started on this week's sketchbook page but that will probably be for later tonight. In the meantime, here's a horse I decided to sketch last night because I like/love horses and thought it had been a while since I drew one. 

I recycled some paper for this. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Fangirl Friday

      Hello. How awkward, I forgot how to spell hello for a moment. Well, I gotta scan some stuff but I guess that'll be for tomorrow. For the moment, I have a comic strip for today so here it is: 

I don't usually display them this large but I thought this one deserved it. So it just hit me that today is Friday the 13th (oh no, I say sarcastically) and ironically I drew the 13th in line to the throne of the Southern Isles. Ha. I had this in my head for a while and I even sketched it out last month but this week I thought well I'll just draw this already and I even asked a friend if she'd mind making a cameo. This is the only way one can get to touch their fantasy crush, especially if he/she is just a figment of the imagination. Yep, fangirls are a weird sort. Hope you guys do well and I'll see you when I come back. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Saturday Sketch (and other goodies)

      So I finally scanned the drawings I did earlier this week of Mike and Sandra with a few added doodles so here it is: 

Sorry that my handwriting is pretty much unreadable but I didn't want too much contrast on this (I can adjust the brightness and contrast through the scanning software). I drew Sandra on Monday, Mike on Wednesday and decided to draw them in two different styles today. In the upper right is Disney and I started drawing his hair spiky as usual but it didn't look good so I left his bangs flat and wrote him saying "my hair" rather confused. Bottom left is my personal style for X-Men and Friends... and Enemies (yep, it got named) and Mike is now mad at his hair and saying "don't toy with me". I have noticed recently that my default style is no bottom eyelids (at least in manga and my more comic book looking style) so Sandra stands out quite a bit but she was designed when I was still developing my own style by borrowing certain style elements from others and I happened to like the eyes of Kitty Pryde in this X-Men manga: 

Obviously over the years I have worked it to the point that even though it's still similar, it's got my personal touch to it (p.s. this was a good manga and it didn't make it to book 2 because of Disney). Mike's hair came up when I first drew him as a chibi (I had difficulty at drawing guys at some point so I was better at chibis) and I transferred the design to a not-chibi head, so yeah, his hair was meant for a chibi. I also have something goofy that showed up on my Insta Wednesday but I didn't want to put it with Kristoff's cosplay. 

It was an idea I had thinking of the original quote and the joke is how Coulson is a Captain America fangirl (you know I mean fanboy but I think fangirl). I took the original Frozen screencap from and the heads from Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend and sorry if there's too many pictures here. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

This Friday, I Like It. ANOTHA!

      It feels like I haven't been here for a long time. I have some character sketches that I need to scan to put on here but they've already been posted on Instagram so I am ultra behind in that. I do have something to bide the time with, something that should've been done last month. 

Kristoff dressed up as Thor, pretty self-explanatory. Thor's costumes are so damn complicated!!! And this is supposed to be simpler than his battle ones. Yeah, Kristoff got Thor because I feel like he's too scruffy to be Captain America and I don't know, it just doesn't seem right. So, hope you enjoy and have a nice weekend. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Imma Black Widow, Baby

      Hello. I drew yesterday but I finished it late and didn't want to miss a show so I didn't upload it here automatically like I used to. Well, I guess I have fallen into an Avengers phase now so what I've got is, well, an Avenger. 

It was about time I drew Black Widow. I started sketching for a semi-realistic closeup but I didn't like it and she was quicker to draw in this form anyway even with my wandering off to look at reference (and simultaneuosly entertaining myself) and deciding how to simplify her nose. I think I captured her essence quite nicely, do you? I would like to make variations for this doodle but for now I decided simple flat colors, no background. I'll be back when I have a new doodle, maybe this week, maybe next. Hope to see you soon. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Funny Friday

      I'm back and I come with glad tidings: 

I have finally finished this after two weeks. This frustrated me just as much as technology frustrates Thor because of all the detail. Dear Asgardian costumes: WHY'D YOU HAVE TO BE DESIGNED ALL COMPLICATED? There were more lyrics but I don't feel like it right now. I am tired so I am going to sign off and hope you guys have a nice weekend. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Mmmmmonday (could be murderous)

       So I didn't show up last week because I lost my motivation halfway through it but I did draw, mostly on Tuesday so here goes:

I have been wanting to draw this since summer but I guess I dove into an Avengers craze only recently so I've been doing drawings related to that. This happens to be an idea where my versions of modernized Frozen characters don some super cosplays to go to Comic Con with the guys being two Avengers (Kristoff's will be coming soon, don't worry) while the girls became X-Men. So, anybody think this is awesome? He'd make a pretty good spy, that's for sure, and only the creme de la creme of villainy would want to mess with a pschopathic/sociopathic spy. I'm gonna come back later, I plan on it. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Fall Friday 2

     So what started exactly last week I'm finishing today (excuse my lack of introduction). 

I drew Wilhelm yesterday but decided to save him for today on my blog (he's been up on Instagram since last night though). So I'm done getting in a fall mood for this week, I think I'll do this again but for winter and not these guys, I gotta draw some other characters. I've also been in an Avengers-y mood lately so don't be surprised if I start drawing them. Hope you guys have a nice weekend, I've gotta a busy day tomorrow, hope it goes well. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Happy Fall Humpday

      This is an odd week for me because I didn't really feel like getting on my computer to draw considering that Monday I didn't feel good (I actually drew something, though, I'll post that later) and yesterday I cleaned and even today I didn't want to turn it on really but I figured I should do something so I have a humpday doodle ready for you: 

She ended up a little bigger than Aidan even though I started with the same size canvas because with Aidan I zoomed in quite a bit and ended up drawing him smaller while I didn't wanna do that with Tamiko. Still going with this very subtle fall theme and yes, I'm focusing on drawing my actual original characters right now even though I am brimming with stuff for - nope, I won't say it. I actually finished this right when the last song on Pink's/P!nk's greatest hits album started plus I skipped a song so that was pretty fast but chibis are on the easier side. I'll come back with something soon I hope. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Fall Friday

      It's October!!! The year is moving so quickly. I've seen a few Inktober pieces on Instagram starting last night, and it's not like I wouldn't like to challenge myself with drawing every day of a month, but this sprung up on me and one week that I produced doodles/comics every day earlier this year tired me out and I have another one coming up towards the end of the year (it's a surprise what the subject is). Well, considering that I haven't been doing much drawing of my non-Frozen OC's, I decided to start that again and I have a doodle today. 

Baby steps. Lil' Aidan chibi is not impressed with my Hans obsession. I decided to dress him up in long sleeves since it is fall (not here. That doesn't exist in Florida, we're practically trapped in eternal summer) and I recently discovered that redheads look good in burgundy so why not? And the orange oval is because I didn't want a boring white background. Hate to do this to you, Aidan, but I have something Frozen related here too: 

The real reason Elsa said no to their marriage request. I sort of suspect that Elsa may have taken a liking to Hans and thought that Anna was introducing her to a possible suitor so naturally she got confused when Anna and Hans ask to get married to each other. Just an idea. Hope to be back with a little more variety next week so hope you guys have a nice weekend. 

P.S. The original screencap came from

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday T-shirt

      Hello! Didn't get on my computer earlier in the day yesterday and I didn't draw either so yeah. Today, though, I worked on a little T-shirt design for a design challenge that Threadless has that will end soon and I submitted it but you guys get a preview here, along with Instagram. 

A nerd tee! I'm a nerd, I'm aware of that so this challenge sort of called to me although I may enter some others (my doodle from You need one of these in order to live was also for a Threadless challenge but it went nowhere) so I'll let you know about that. And if you haven't noticed, I decided to tag my X-Men related doodles. What's the tag? Look at the bottom of my last post. I'll go for now, hope to be back soon. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Did We Beat Ellen's Record?

      It has been a very long time (since June I think) that I have posted something on a Saturday but I finished it today instead of yesterday like I had hoped so I'm gonna give it to you now. 

Whoo! It was a lot of hard work but now you get to see actual X-Men here! Four of these guys I had to design on the fly, one I decided to draw differently from the first time I drew them, and this is the first time I draw twelve of these digitally and then there was figuring out some of the special effects but it was worth it, I think. Maybe they wanted to celebrate their last day of summer which was earlier this week. (Am I the only one who finds it weird that it's always summer in their comics?) Jean Grey is obviously controlling the phone that took this glorious selfie but who pushed the button? Pay close attention to Polaris's hand. Talk about teamwork. I decided to not draw Iceman in his ice form because I wanted his actual features to shine here and everybody seems to draw him like that. Hope you guys have a nice weekend. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

We're Gonna Make That Dream Come True!

      I think I'm getting sick :( I'm not that sick, it's just my throat and occasionally my nose but still not a good feeling. Even though I'm not feeling 100%, I still feel like drawing and I managed to finish a doodle today. 

It's Laverne and Shirley! This was one of my mom's favorite shows growing up and now I like it. Maybe part of their charm (for me) is that they are two twenty-something year old girls looking to get married but in the meantime they keep coming across jerks and misadventures with their friends and family and they're as different as night and day plus they're hilarious at it. I'm trying to add a little more variety into what I draw lately because I go through phases and I am definitely going through a you-know-what phase. You don't know what I mean by you-know-what? Then look at my previous posts starting this summer, I even admitted it back then. For now, I'm going to try going one week without mention of it on here or Instagram and if I succeed, then I'll go back to it and work on alternating a little more so I don't look like some crazy fangirl. Hope you guys feel good, I'm getting a headache. Toodles. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

I Know Every Rock and Tree and Creature...

      I've got a couple of doodles today, one that I finished today. 

I started this last year after getting inspired by Malinda Kathleen Reese's Google Translate Sings (GTS) series but I didn't finish it until today because of all the detail :( and I still left out details; for example, their shadows and she's supposed to be singing "bobcats, are you smiling?" because that is one of my favorite lines of that song and one that I could draw a situation for. And then there's this doodle from Wednesday because I was happy to finally be able to sport a hairstyle that fascinates me:

Both of these are on my Insta account in case you're interested. I hope to have some doodles ready next week for both here and Instagram so stay tuned and happy weekend!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Do You Know The Mountain Man?

      This Tuesday felt like a Monday but then again my sisters didn't have school yesterday so that may have contributed to it. I have another doodle (and an extra) for today and yes, it's Frozen related but I do plan on including some other stuff sometime soon too and this is what I have for now. 
I drew Kristoff for once! And he's bearded... wait, what? In my little idea (what an understatement) of Hans and Anna being married and having kids, Kristoff keeps on with his loner ways and eventually grows a beard (during the winters mostly to keep warm). Don't worry, he doesn't stay a loner forever, I have plans for him. A mischievous looking emoji was necessary at the end of that last sentence. Yesterday I posted this without the coloring on Instagram and I got likes from beard accounts (check out my Instagram if you don't believe me) which was quite interesting. Now for the extra: 

I was on Pinterest today and it happened again. Scrolling through stuff I find this, I've seen it before but I took a good look and I think Queen Elsa approves of the editing skills of Punziella and the outfit. I have actually seen Punziella on IG and it hit me now that that was her edit. I know I saw that she drew her like this but I didn't think she invented it. She's got cool art skills, maybe you should check her out. I'll come back later with something, maybe this week maybe next, who knows, so toodles.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Bonding Time

      I finished the doodle I was working on Wednesday night and posted it on Instagram right at that moment but I didn't feel like posting twice on the same day so I saved it for today. 

Not really a doodle, more like a work of art because it involved more work than a doodle. Took me pretty much a whole weekend to draw between the complexity of drawing an adult with two little kids so close to each other and their bodies interacting, the clothing details, then there was scanning it, getting rid of the dirty spots that paper gets, figuring out what colors to use for their clothes and the chair which took me like two days. So I drew this because I felt like drawing Hans interacting with some of the kids I've created for him and Anna, I'll get around to drawing Kristoff sometime but other artists have created artwork of Kristoff and Anna having a family and it's so nice and I don't really want to compete with them but everyone has their own perspective on things, right? Ain't got much else, but I could leave you with these couple of goof-offs I made earlier this week. Hope you have a nice weekend even with 9/11.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sooner or Later, I'm Greater Than You

      Sort of a weird week for me because of Labor Day on Monday and then yesterday felt like a cross between Monday and today and I'm just feeling bleh. I am currently working on something that involves a lot of time and patience and attention to detail and I probably won't be done until Friday but I do have a little something while you wait. 

A comic strip that stars two Disney characters? Yep.(Doesn't matter what you say, Loki is technically a Disney character) I drew this for a friend who is a fellow nerd (I'm not sure if she calls herself that but she does like Star Wars and the Avengers) because something I have noticed on the internet is quite a bit of Loki love but not quite as much Hans love. I've seen more Hans lovers and Helsa shippers on Instagram, which I like because Pinterest is all Loki, Loki, Loki, kill Hans, hate him, Jelsa. Ok, so he led us on but even though I liked him and still do, I knew something was up when there was a proposal 30 minutes into the movie so when he says "Oh Anna, if only there were someone out there who loved you", I wasn't as upset as I should have been. Funny thing is, as a kid I always rooted for the good guy and I thought why would anyone want to be the villain? But then, I became a teenager and I realized that the bad guy could be fun too. Some of my favorite Disney songs are the villain songs so I guess that goes to show you who has the better beat going. That's all I have to say for now so see you again when I have another doodle ready. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday Troubles (maybe)

      Ok, it's a new month and I have a new doodle for you so here goes: 

Anybody else know the feeling? Yes, I can relate to just about every Frozen character including the hated ones (don't worry, baby, I like you; guess who I'm talking 'bout) especially at special gatherings. I'm all I'm gonna dance tonight and then the only person that will dance with me is my mom. Only once did I dance with a boy and it was his mom who told him to take me out on the floor because I wanted to dance a song and he had the dance moves so I copied them. And then there's the watching every other person your age sit so far away from you and pretty much ignore your existence. Not my fault I'm introverted, I was born that way. Not my fault boys don't notice me, they're obviously stupid and wearing invisible blinders. Not my fault most other girls don't talk to me, they're clearly jealous of my combo of beauty and brains. Ok, let me go before this turns into more patting on the back and I become a Disney villain. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

Why Do You Run Away?

      Hello. I'm back, and just in time to post something before the possible coming of Tropical Storm Erica to Florida, yay. This doodle is different from what I usually draw because if you've been here before, you know I generally draw people. But this time, I decided to go down a different road: 

The joke is in Spanish but it was inspired by a song that is in Spanish so yeah. The translation is I am not a monster. I can relate to the song because I feel that sometimes people avoid me like I am some sort of monster but I thought better of inserting myself in there and that's when I thought that there are a few creatures that have been given a bad rap for being monsters so I went with that instead. The stars of this are obviously a Great White shark, T-Rex, and Orca/Killer Whale modeled after Bruce from Jaws, Rexy from Jurassic World, and Tilikum from you-know-where. TGIF and I hope you guys have a nice weekend and that mine doesn't have horrible weather. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Friends Don't Judge (and friends let friends quote their favorite parts)

      I've been in a Frozen craze (more than usual) lately and part of it is because my best friend hadn't seen it so I took it upon myself to show her the movie. I had a good time with her (and the movie of course) and I just had to draw a little something related to it. 

I finished it last night and posted it on my Instagram but I was missing one of my favorite TV shows so I didn't post on here right away. I haven't been drawing digitally for a short while so this is basically my jumping back into it and in case you were getting tired of me drawing Frozen characters, I'm giving you a little break here. I'll try to draw something else besides them but what can I say? IT'S TRUE LOVE! Happy Humpday and I gotta go for now but I'll be back, hopefully. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Going Back to Basics

      Hello. It's been a while since I've felt a serious need to draw digitally or at least finish a drawing, I've basically been drawing in short bursts mostly on paper but I have this little experiment with Paint to compare how it has improved along with Windows. First, a doodle with XP's version of Paint (didn't change much from 98, I can tell you that much): 

It's a kitty I drew with its pencil tool. Not the best kitty I've doodled. And then there's 7's version of Paint: 
This is sort of cheating but I was showing how this version of Paint now has a variety of brushes including this colored pencil textured one. And those are noses btw, not boobs like my mom thought. They are the noses I have drawn on my little X-Men cartoons, you would recognize a few of them although I don't usually draw the hook one like that, I was having a little difficulty with the tablet yesterday. So that's what I've got for now, maybe I'll come back with something else.