Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Going Back to Basics

      Hello. It's been a while since I've felt a serious need to draw digitally or at least finish a drawing, I've basically been drawing in short bursts mostly on paper but I have this little experiment with Paint to compare how it has improved along with Windows. First, a doodle with XP's version of Paint (didn't change much from 98, I can tell you that much): 

It's a kitty I drew with its pencil tool. Not the best kitty I've doodled. And then there's 7's version of Paint: 
This is sort of cheating but I was showing how this version of Paint now has a variety of brushes including this colored pencil textured one. And those are noses btw, not boobs like my mom thought. They are the noses I have drawn on my little X-Men cartoons, you would recognize a few of them although I don't usually draw the hook one like that, I was having a little difficulty with the tablet yesterday. So that's what I've got for now, maybe I'll come back with something else. 

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