Friday, August 7, 2015

It's Twin Day!

      So Baymax was my 100th post, I've been on here so long already. It's been over a year and I actually sort of forgot when it was the one year anniversary of my blog and didn't do anything special to commemorate it, boo-hoo. Anyway, it's National Twin Day and it was today I found out that Scarlett Johansson actually has a twin brother which is cool. I find twins cool and I actually am related to two sets of twins at this current time (I could always end up having my own, I don't know, they're pretty much random) so naturally I'm possibly more attracted to the thought of them than the average person so why not doodle a set of my very own twin characters?

Yoko and Maro are an example of my twin fascination. I actually tend to plug in twins in whatever story my mind makes up. Let's see, I think the only story line that has no twins whatsoever is Super Teens because Bittersweet has a set of twins (these), Kenta was romantically involved with a twin at one point, and a previous story idea that I have not touched since high school had a set of twins in it as well and that's just my manga ideas. Funny thing is, Yoko is and always will be the first twin but she was originally going to be the outgoing one that would defend her little bro if she had to while Maro was the shyer, sleepier twin of the two. Somehow he ended up being just as outgoing as his sister though and more devious to the point of stealing the spotlight. Yoko will still stand up for him but he can also be the defensive brother to her when she needs it. In other words, they have each other's backs. Whenever I invent twins, as much as they are twins, I give them personalities of their own as individuals and most of them are actually fraternal for some odd reason which helps but even my identical twin characters can be as different as night and day. Well, hope you guys have a nice weekend, toodles. 

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