Saturday, November 7, 2015

Saturday Sketch (and other goodies)

      So I finally scanned the drawings I did earlier this week of Mike and Sandra with a few added doodles so here it is: 

Sorry that my handwriting is pretty much unreadable but I didn't want too much contrast on this (I can adjust the brightness and contrast through the scanning software). I drew Sandra on Monday, Mike on Wednesday and decided to draw them in two different styles today. In the upper right is Disney and I started drawing his hair spiky as usual but it didn't look good so I left his bangs flat and wrote him saying "my hair" rather confused. Bottom left is my personal style for X-Men and Friends... and Enemies (yep, it got named) and Mike is now mad at his hair and saying "don't toy with me". I have noticed recently that my default style is no bottom eyelids (at least in manga and my more comic book looking style) so Sandra stands out quite a bit but she was designed when I was still developing my own style by borrowing certain style elements from others and I happened to like the eyes of Kitty Pryde in this X-Men manga: 

Obviously over the years I have worked it to the point that even though it's still similar, it's got my personal touch to it (p.s. this was a good manga and it didn't make it to book 2 because of Disney). Mike's hair came up when I first drew him as a chibi (I had difficulty at drawing guys at some point so I was better at chibis) and I transferred the design to a not-chibi head, so yeah, his hair was meant for a chibi. I also have something goofy that showed up on my Insta Wednesday but I didn't want to put it with Kristoff's cosplay. 

It was an idea I had thinking of the original quote and the joke is how Coulson is a Captain America fangirl (you know I mean fanboy but I think fangirl). I took the original Frozen screencap from and the heads from Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend and sorry if there's too many pictures here. 

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