Friday, November 13, 2015

Fangirl Friday

      Hello. How awkward, I forgot how to spell hello for a moment. Well, I gotta scan some stuff but I guess that'll be for tomorrow. For the moment, I have a comic strip for today so here it is: 

I don't usually display them this large but I thought this one deserved it. So it just hit me that today is Friday the 13th (oh no, I say sarcastically) and ironically I drew the 13th in line to the throne of the Southern Isles. Ha. I had this in my head for a while and I even sketched it out last month but this week I thought well I'll just draw this already and I even asked a friend if she'd mind making a cameo. This is the only way one can get to touch their fantasy crush, especially if he/she is just a figment of the imagination. Yep, fangirls are a weird sort. Hope you guys do well and I'll see you when I come back. 

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