Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Do You Know The Mountain Man?

      This Tuesday felt like a Monday but then again my sisters didn't have school yesterday so that may have contributed to it. I have another doodle (and an extra) for today and yes, it's Frozen related but I do plan on including some other stuff sometime soon too and this is what I have for now. 
I drew Kristoff for once! And he's bearded... wait, what? In my little idea (what an understatement) of Hans and Anna being married and having kids, Kristoff keeps on with his loner ways and eventually grows a beard (during the winters mostly to keep warm). Don't worry, he doesn't stay a loner forever, I have plans for him. A mischievous looking emoji was necessary at the end of that last sentence. Yesterday I posted this without the coloring on Instagram and I got likes from beard accounts (check out my Instagram if you don't believe me) which was quite interesting. Now for the extra: 

I was on Pinterest today and it happened again. Scrolling through stuff I find this, I've seen it before but I took a good look and I think Queen Elsa approves of the editing skills of Punziella and the outfit. I have actually seen Punziella on IG and it hit me now that that was her edit. I know I saw that she drew her like this but I didn't think she invented it. She's got cool art skills, maybe you should check her out. I'll come back later with something, maybe this week maybe next, who knows, so toodles.

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