Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday Troubles (maybe)

      Ok, it's a new month and I have a new doodle for you so here goes: 

Anybody else know the feeling? Yes, I can relate to just about every Frozen character including the hated ones (don't worry, baby, I like you; guess who I'm talking 'bout) especially at special gatherings. I'm all I'm gonna dance tonight and then the only person that will dance with me is my mom. Only once did I dance with a boy and it was his mom who told him to take me out on the floor because I wanted to dance a song and he had the dance moves so I copied them. And then there's the watching every other person your age sit so far away from you and pretty much ignore your existence. Not my fault I'm introverted, I was born that way. Not my fault boys don't notice me, they're obviously stupid and wearing invisible blinders. Not my fault most other girls don't talk to me, they're clearly jealous of my combo of beauty and brains. Ok, let me go before this turns into more patting on the back and I become a Disney villain. 

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