Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Today feels like Monday but it's Tuesday

      It's already December? No year, don't finish. Well, I was working on this OC meme my sister found on DeviantArt and I finished it today. Here's a link: my Avengers OC meme. It's quite big so I'm not posting the full thing here, sorry. What I can tell you is that it gets a bit ridiculous with the situations but they're fun and this one included adding in a famous person so after a tiny bit of thinking, I came up with Tom Hiddleston (I went hehehe when the thought popped up) which is part of the reason why I decided on doing this. I can also show you some sneak peeks: 

That's before I colored their hair and clothing and wrote Avengers Assemble! right above. 

The shield was difficult to draw but besides getting Loki'd by his nose in the "footage", Tom was pretty much a breeze to draw. The posing was last minute because I had sketched out a "magazine cover" but it didn't look front cover quality. I had another sneak peek on Instagram but that can wait for later this week. Hope you guys are having fun and see you guys soon. 

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