Wednesday, December 30, 2020

How have people managed to to achieve this in 2020? I can't even do it when there isn't a pandemic

      Hey, hey, hey! It be the end of the year. Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth, I've been working on something that's still not finished. I'm not announcing what it is until next year because I don't know if I can commit to it just yet but I can tell you it's bigger than the usual doodle. Speaking of doodles, I made one to commemorate this crazy year:

Ah yes, the dreaded life comparison that social media brings with the ability to share things over the internet with people you do and don't know. As soon as the pandemic started, I cozied up to staying in my bed while watching wonderful animated shows mostly from Japan (2010 me would be so jealous of how much anime I have gotten away with seeing this year and the fact that I could bingewatch whole seasons) and postponed job searching to not put me or my family at risk. Yet, other people are not putting their lives on pause so I end up in an end-of-the-year depression as usual because all I did this year was survive in a pandemic, become a BTS fan, and cut my hair shorter than my shoulder for the first time in my life. It's grown since June but after the first few weeks, I've been sporting a fluffy, messy bunnytail on some days. Oh, and I created a new set of OCs that I think are my comfort characters for 2020 and have done quite a bit of writing for my OCs. This year has been a wild ride and I just want to get on with life again and maybe actually get somewhere so that I don't feel like a dunce at 30 😭

2020, sayonara.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Korean Keith for a belated Keithtober


      Hello! I'm back to briefly give you this latest drawing I did before I disappear again and hopefully return with something else. 

It's Keith! I meant to have this done in October for Keithtober but I um... yeah. I spent the past month not being motivated to finish anything for posting so I had to power through this one and I ended up not finishing by the end of October but here he is. It's rather weird, at least to me, for him to have a blue background when he's the red paladin but alas, the red background was too much and this is Korean Keith not Japanese Keith. Japanese Keith is Kogane Akira from Beast GoLion or whatever the name was for the original show. Besides, I just remembered that I already have a chibi Keith portrait where he has a red background shaped rather like a circle so enough of that. He is surrounded by Korean fir which has rather blue pinecones, lending more to that calm blueness in this piece. It's a cool piece for Keith, the coolest boy and my favorite one from Voltron, no matter what the amount of Lance doodles tells you.

Now I'm gonna go back to entertaining myself with the projects I am willing to work on (I have spent all of summer and this first half of fall writing some stories and I have written at least 180 pages total this entire pandemic period to date.) and I may or may not be working on a webcomic. I'm not going to say anything definite because I am still in development and need to finish naming characters and my weird lack of motivation to draw finished pieces I am willing to share has been affecting this but yeah. December or January will be better times to make an announcement if this becomes an actual thing. I'm off to busy myself and wonder how I'm gonna make money to cover car expenses this month because the pandemic has put a stop to my search for employment. Well anyway, till next doodle, toodles!

Friday, October 2, 2020

It's an anime crossover! Cops and Volleyball!


      Hello! I drew something towards the end of September but it was a comic and I had some issues with my internet and I just fell into a slump during September that has me not finishing the anime I am currently watching (lovely complex, based on a manga I read years ago... for some reason, I'm not finding the show as funny as I did the manga but maybe it's just me and my slump) or drawing, or posting on here, so sorry!

I drew this around the time that episode ten aired (two weeks ago already... whoops) but yeah, episode four aired and the fandom was like "Daisuke is a Kageyama!" and in the meantime, Haru's voice actor happens to be the voice actor for Miya Atsumu in Haiyku so I thought up this silly idea of Haru quoting this specific line from the time Kageyama and Atsumu were in that fancy volleyball camp together. I enjoyed this show, would like it if it had a second season, and I guess I am experiencing "showhole" now because I didn't know what to do with myself last night when I would have been watching it and then talking about it with a friend. Well, I believe that Haiyku season four starts up again today so that's something. I am making no effort to participate in Inktober but might indulge in some Inktober style drawings if the mood strikes me so hopefully I'll draw something this month. Anyways, stay safe, have a good weekend, and till next doodle, toodles.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Looking for some hot stuff?


      Hello! I have returned for that scheduled posting. Might have done it earlier if it weren't for the fact that my sister was monopolizing my laptop... and then she got offended when I pointed it out but anyway, prepare yourself for not one but four pictures of the same character 🙈:

I accidentally created a new OC a couple weeks ago and it's really hard to get them out of my head sometimes 🙈 I got the idea last week to draw them like this with makeup and yeah... A friend of mine who is in love with this character had mentally retconned their black hair and was imagining it to be pink so I tried it out and it's an option (still going to have them with their black hair majority of the time because that was how I imagined them). I wanted to do dramatic colored lighting on them but it wasn't working out and by the time I had figured out the right way to do it, I was like "too much work, next time". This was fun for me to work on and I am tempted to put this for sale on my Redbubble and Society6 but they barely got noticed on Instagram and Tumblr so idk, I don't want to risk them getting ignored on there as well. Nobody seems to care much about my OCs because they're not based on any particular fandom. Anyway, enjoy your weekend, I'm working on another little project (as other projects sit around waiting to be finished) so let's see when I post that. Till next doodle, toodles!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

When will this baby fever leave me? Wednesday


      Hello! I actually forgot to post on here last week so here's something I finished last week and then Friday I'll post the other, uh, piece (it became four pieces so I was hesitant to post it here). 

So I got this baby fever that won't leave me but because of the year we're in and the pandemic we're having, not like I'll be able to satisfy it because I'm still single (not surprised) and I have no money and it's too dangerous. So I have to content myself with doodling babies. Maybe you recognize this baby as having been in my old spring chibi/hanami doodles which means that yes, he is among my sprawling (and unfortunately increasing) list of OCs. The poor paper is beat up because I had been working on this for like a month and it appears that if I leave paper lying around, it's bound to get sat on or crushed by something else, smh. 

I've been feeling kinda down lately because of the above mentioned baby fever that I've had for months already and my current lack of funds. Yeah, I had that stimulus check from early on in the pandemic and it should have lasted me a little longer but I didn't expect to get Disney + in the summer and for my parents to borrow money from me to make a down payment on windows we still haven't received because of a bunch of things related to fixing up the house I'm stuck living in so my money has run out faster and I have an old car that needs fixing, a phone that I apparently have to replace soon thanks to our phone company, and I would love to get my own place so that I don't have to wait around to take a shower in my own house because someone is hogging up our one bathroom, have limitations put on my internet time and I don't have to hear my parents arguing or being annoying... but I don't want to be forced to search for a job and I know my best shot at getting a job is going to be in retail customer service but I've been there done that and don't want that anymore, hence why I quit my "good job" at Publix. But when I advertise my online shops or offer commissions, nobody takes me up on it so ahahaha I'm screwed.

Well anyway, till next doodle which should be coming up on Friday unless I get distracted, toodles.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Quarantine Parenting


      Hello! Two posts in one week! I'm obviously making up for not being very active this summer. I actually meant to make this post Wednesday but my internet has been giving me trouble since then so I had to postpone sharing this here:

Have I mentioned that I got into millionaire detective (fkbu) this month? Well I have and I have been enjoying this show. I would marry Daisuke Kambe in a heartbeat but I also love Haru Kato and made mention to my friend that I think he would make a good dad. She responded with "Haru would use his baby as a rag if he spilled anything" and this doodle idea came to me so I did this quickly. I was actually in a drawing mood at the beginning of the week and got three drawings done but I've only posted two of them because one of them is indulgent and I don't feel like sharing it with anybody so don't expect to see it. Well, hope you enjoy your weekend, stay safe, and till next doodle, toodles!

Monday, August 24, 2020

This summer has felt so alien...


      Hello! I finished my other project because I guess I'm in a doodling mood so here we go:

I did a summer chibi in summer, hip hip hooray! This character has existed as a concept for a long while but I created them back when boys were both minor characters and not usually drawn because 1. I wanted to focus on my female protagonist characters and 2. I couldn't really draw them for crap so there is one (1) drawing I did of what they were supposed to look like back then. Then I shelved the protagonist characters and didn't think I'd return to them so villain got shelved as well. After deciding to revisit these characters and rework them, I decided I should try my hand at their antagonist again, a mischievous alien boy. I happened to do this last October before season four of She-ra released and Double Trouble had been announced as being introduced in that season and non-binary to boot so ahaha, what was originally going to identify as a boy turned into me calling them they/them so accidental non-binary rep :) you can thank She-ra for that. I still call them he a lot still because I know the character a decent amount (still developing them and need to give them a name) but you know, respect pronouns, which I try but monkey brain has to go and mess that up sometimes. I really wonder how their skintone is showing up on your devices because I specifically chose one that can look human but it has enough green in it to give that alien feel. They look pretty greenish on my phone and I hate it that I never noticed until posting it here that one of their fingers wasn't colored in. My laptop kept restarting on me today so I just kinda finished it in a hurry because I wanted to move on. Till next doodle, stay safe and toodles!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Quarantine Mood


      Hello. I was gone for so long Blogger changed on me. For the record, I wasn't posting anything new anywhere for nearly a month so it's not really that I've forgotten about Blogger, I just haven't felt like creating anything that I want to share with the rest of the world (yet). Here's something I made rather quickly because I just happened to be in the right mood: 

This is based off a real life conversation between me and my friend as she was choosing what anime to watch. I was browsing Instagram when I read "I want to eat your pancreas..." and my friend happens to be vegan so confusion was a natural reaction to the thought of her craving my pancreas. Of course, I had to associate the desire to eat a human pancreas with Venom so ta-da, short little comic of one of my favorite chaotic duos that I have not drawn in a long time. It also has been a long time since I've drawn anything in my cartoon style. Like seriously, you can tell I am going through a strong anime phase but I don't mind. 2010 me would be proud of the amount of anime I have been watching this year 😂 Speaking of, I got into Millionaire Detective/Fugou Keiji this month and I did not expect the turn it's taken 👀. I also binge-watched Legend of Korra and I must say, it's not bad, people just like hating. My personal biggest complaint is how the romance was written at first but it's otherwise decent. I give it a 7/10. Well, I have something sitting in my drafts but I don't feel like dealing with it so it will just sit there for a little while longer. I have another project that I started the same day I started this so let's see when I finish it. Till next doodle, toodles.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Cuban Pete but it's Lance

      Hello! I spent way too long on a drawing but quarantine has given me crappy attention span, I want too many forms of entertainment, and my laptop doesn't like the Florida heat but here it is:

Lance! And he's dressed in Cuban swag, from the top of his Cuban style Fedora to the soles of his Cuban heels. Yes, I went there. Being Cuban American, it was all too easy to imagine him dressed in this classy outfit even though my dad doesn't have a guayabera or Cuban heels (he had Cuban heeled boots once but it resulted in him being out of work for months with a back injury because he decided to wear them on ice. I was little so I have no memory of it) but I do have that gold bracelet of his, it's just a little small on me now so I haven't worn it since I was a child. Anyway, I put so much work into this and I'm pretty happy with the result. I've been watching a lot of anime and I feel it's done me some good cuz look at that shading! I should really play around with that more, but I haven't been very motivated to draw "finished pieces" so bear with me. I am so glad that I drew something for Julance. Also, the fact that this is canon Lance 😂 (prior to season eight, that was a travesty) So I hope you guys are ok, remembering to wear your masks when you go out because you never know what you'll catch out there and sometimes, even if you go out for a walk in your neighborhood without a mask because you don't plan on interacting with people, some little kid also not wearing a mask may not know the concept of social distancing and cross right in front of your face as you stop breathing for her sake in case you somehow are an asymptomatic carrier. Well, I'm gonna get going but till next doodle, toodles!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Julance is here!

      Hello! First post of the month and I'm going to dump a few Voltron related doodles at you because I hadn't gotten around to posting them earlier:

And it's Julance, which I don't see myself doing much of but Lance deserves the love dammit so of course I am going to try and do something with him this month at least. Anyway, these are not Lance proper but my take on femLance but I had most of these lying around. The first one is actually a short comic I did last month where Keith's daughter Vanessa finds his blade and Lana, still feeling the need to be impulse control for the Koganes, tries to intercept. Then the next two are from earlier this year. I was imagining an older Lana and so I drew her in the outfit that was Lance's early design. That other drawing was more in the realm of funny domestic stuff but you're not allowed to see the rest of the doodle for now 🙈 not until I start dealing with this AU seriously, which probably won't be for a good while. I've actually been in the mood to focus on my OCs so yeah, let's see what happens this month. Till next doodle, toodles!

Friday, June 26, 2020

We've had a lifetime of bonding moments!

      Hello! Gonna post something I did a while back, here you go:

Inspiration struck me to do one of those "we look like a couple" memes with these characters I made to inhabit my fem!Lance AU in the future. I may have posted the girl before but I don't remember so meet Vanessa Kogane, Keith's daughter (obviously), and Narteer, Acxa's adopted son. They've known each other since infancy and are about the same age so they're really good friends. However, Narteer has developed a crush on Vanessa. She's a little unaware or most likely in denial so yeah, moments like this happen. The other urls belong to their friends who are also related to members of Voltron/the Voltron Coalition. I spent a lot of time working on the format of this fake Instagram post (let's pretend Instagram exists in their universe and is still around by their time) because the template I had was from 2015 and I wasn't too keen on the current ones so I fussed over getting the font and color of the tags as close to the real deal. It was a lot of work especially since FireAlpaca's text tool pales in comparison to the one in Photoshop but the difference is FireAlpaca is free and has a default brush that looks very nice so that's the program I stick to. 

I haven't been doing much digital doodling this past week because I've been more concerned with binging some anime I left hanging on Hulu that are supposed to expire next Wednesday. I caught up with what Hulu has of two of them (they both have twelve episodes supposedly) and am currently close to finishing season one of the last one left which happens to be derived from a manga I haven't read in years so I am loving it. Hopefully I'll get back to my doodles that I started once I finish with this. Till then, toodles.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Don't try this at home, it's bad for your liver

      Hello, guess who finally did their spring chibi for this year?

Me! I planned on getting this done in April but this spring has been complicated between quarantining from a pandemic, messing up my own equipment and then having to wait to get the replacement, and my own motivation swinging around wildly. During the time I couldn't do any digital drawings, I was taking advantage of Hulu and Netflix and just binge watching because I figured I had nothing better to do anyway with it not being safe to go out too much and putting my job search on pause. I'll put a list of what I've been watching down below but anyway, I think I started this doodle in late May but since I now record speedpaints from these chibi drawings I do, I didn't have much motivation to draw while "being watched" and risk my laptop messing up something in the process so I worked on other personal projects until this week that I decided I had to finish this before summer officially started (I live in Florida so it basically already is summer but I'm going by the calendar here). So here we have some more villains enjoying the spotlight of my seasonal chibi series in the form of Ramahari (redhead on the right) and Kanteor (on the left). Their names are made up from syllables I mashed together because they're aliens but they might coincide with real names. I found out last year that the name Janah does in fact exist so it's possible my other alien names exist too. So this is the most adult thing I have drawn in quite a while plus I'm posting this so um children, don't drink straight out of the sake bottle. In the timeline I have set up for these guys, this didn't happen in 2020 but they would totally go celebrate Hanami in the middle of a pandemic with no face mask in sight and laugh at everybody actually following the rules. They don't give a damn about anybody else. I forgot a detail that would help distinguish the bottom of Ramahari's foot and possibly made the kimono she's wearing too busy but whatever. 

Wanna know what I've been watching during this pandemic? Since March, I have binge-watched/finished: classic Powerpuff Girls, My Hero Academia, She-ra and the Princesses of Power, Avatar: The Last Airbender, currently finishing up season two of Haikyu!! I've also watched a few episodes of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Gilmore Girls, and rewatched random episodes of Voltron: Legendary Defender. As I keep joining fandoms, I wonder what the heck I was doing in 2016 when some of these shows were popular/getting started. I was likely just being obsessed with Disney and Tom Hiddleston to think of getting back into anime. Considering the Voltron fandom has been known to be toxic at times over a ship, probably a good thing I didn't join in 2016, especially since my dad cancelled his subscription in 2017 so I would have been getting spoilers (I already was back then but I wasn't in the fandom so I didn't care) and then I didn't have Hulu until 2018 so yeah.

Till next doodle (or sketch dump), toodles! 

Monday, June 15, 2020


      Hello. Time to post doodles that it seems I have never posted on here before:

I realized in the middle of this that it would have been better to just make this two posts but too late. So She-ra ended last month and it had a great ending, Voltron wishes they had Noelle among its writers but it's too late. I am so glad I started this show just a couple hours after finishing my Voltron binge because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the feeling of a show actually having a good ending along with the rest of the fandom. I always found Catra's design to be visually intriguing but I gotta say, season five Catra is my favorite Catra. I never hated her, I just would have never admitted to her being a favorite. She was an impressively well-written character before but once she got that redemption arc and haircut, I was sold. So much happened in this last season and I am so glad I got to see it. My favorites among the princesses and their allies are (in no specific order): Scorpia, Mermista, Sea Hawk, Bow. Yeah, it's a short list but my list of characters I don't like is even shorter: Horde Prime. You may notice that Shadow Weaver is not there with him. Well, let's just say that I appreciate her being a complex character that realized in the end that she had to pay for her actions and chose to sacrifice herself because she was part of the problem.

I still haven't finished my spring chibi and summer is fast approaching so I should get working on that BUT I feel like getting back into simming and I don't know why. Anyway, till next doodle or sketchdump, toodles. 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Summer Chibi Yuri

      Hello. This video has been sitting in my drafts for a long time so I'm posting it now.

I started editing this video in March but got hit by a bout of lack of motivation and couldn't figure out what to do for the music so I just stopped. It wasn't until last month when I finally got my replacement pen that I had the motivation to revisit this and finished it. So here is the speedpaint for that and I gotta work on editing five more speedpaints from this little series and finish the spring doodle that got delayed. Ack. Lately I feel more motivated to draw some OCs if they were in the Avatar universe so let's see. I also have a few doodles I haven't posted here but one thing at a time. Till next post/doodle, toodles.

Monday, June 8, 2020

They matter and they demand Justice and Respect

      Hello. I have a draft waiting to be posted and I keep forgetting but I made new art so I'll be posting in order of importance. 

I couldn't decide what to put on their shirts so they're just black but anyway, I've been working on this for the past week instead of my delayed spring doodle. The fact that these are currently my only black/black biracial characters but they are also the first among their peers (storyline) to receive a first name so hey, I gave them an identity besides "the black girl". Well, I can't stand to see injustice so the fact that there is a disproportionate amount of black deaths at the hands of cops plus the beating up of people at protests for these injustices but whites are allowed to shoot up black churches and get arrested peacefully or protest quarantine over *ugh* haircuts and TGIFridays... that ain't right. It already made no sense to me that anybody would fight a method to keep themselves, their families, and their communities healthy and safe for stuff you can do at home (you have scissors? You can cut your hair. You can google copycat recipes for a lot of fast food and chain restaurants, just learn how to cook damn it) but that they did it ARMED and the cops just? let them? But people peacefully protest against cops killing over race and they get beat up and tear gassed? Innocent people get shot up just for existing? Excuse me? 

Well, like I keep saying, I have stuff I have to post here so keep a lookout for that and I have projects I want to draw too so let's hope that this will be a productive summer because as much as counties and states and countries are opening up again, my county has a lot of cases so we're still in phase one... which is great because my area is popular for tourists and we don't need idiots spreading the plague to those of us stuck living here year round. Till next doodle, toodles. Just remember to respect black people, they helped build the damn Americas but don't get credit.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Summer Chibi Tomi

      Hello! This has been sitting in my drafts for a long time so let's just get this done and over with: 

When it came to editing this speedpaint, I was scratching my head as to what music to use and back in the day, YouTube had a list of songs you could and couldn't use because of copyright so I used it and I ended up downloading royalty free music straight from YouTube's Creator Studio (I think... I know I got it from YouTube) and one song I believe is one that originally came with my old computer in Windows Media Player back when it had XP (the good old days. That computer hasn't worked since last year btw and I'd like to be able to fix it). I will be posting more often hopefully, especially since I have gotten back into digital and been motivated to keep doodling. Mermay is nearly done and I had one (1) doodle done for it on my sister's iPad but when it came time to transfer the screenshot to my laptop, we couldn't figure out how it worked before so yeah. Anyway, enjoy your weekend, stay safe, stay at home (says the girl that went out today to buy dog food and then get a couple of things at Michael's but I was wearing a mask, washed my hands when I got home and sanitized my car where I touched, I should be ok 👍) and till next doodle, toodles.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Quick Chibi Allura

      Hello! I'm posting two times in the same week. Awesome! I am starting to feel so productive this week and I'm still waking up late in the morning. I actually tried going to bed early last night, partly because I had a bad headache but I couldn't fall asleep. Anyway, enough about my circadian rhythm, here's a doodle I made on Monday but held back on posting until today:

It's Allura! I am so glad that I could get back to my projects like my little chibi headshots of Voltron characters. I drew her in 2 hours and she turned out pretty darn cute too. I had fun drawing her and I've noticed over the past couple of months that I appreciate her more as a character now. She definitely deserved better, that was a bastard move on the creators' part to just sacrifice her in the end. Plus, her relationship with Lance was rushed and helped ruin Lance in the ending. Like dude, not cool. Enough ranting, here's the link to the speedpaint I made to accompany the doodle: I expect to make at least one more posting this week but let's see. Till next doodle, toodles!

Monday, May 25, 2020

It's the rest of the Gaang! (plus more fly swatting)

      Hello! I am trying to end this month with a bang and I have accumulated a lot of doodles lately so let me show you the Avatar related ones:

That's not the order I wanted but I don't feel like fighting it so I guess the girls will have to be in a Zuko sandwich. My little pencil doodle of Zuko looks like a mix of Keith and Todoroki (BNHA) to me but that's just me, and they're all among my favorites anyway so does it really matter? (It kinda does but whatever) Then there's Suki in her Kyoshi Warrior makeup. She is unfortunately placed where there was a thick black line on the other side of this scrap paper so forgive me. I am happy with how my little Toph turned out in this doodle. When I posted to Instagram, I complained that I personally would be bothered by having a middle bang in my face but that's just me. And then the last one is just an Avatar version of the last post with Keith and Lance but it's Zuko and Sokka. Can you believe that I had the top part of Sokka's outfit memorized and a really hard time colorpicking for Zuko's outfit? Yeah, this was all fun and I am so glad that Netflix brought the real Last Airbender back for Americans because that meant I could finish watching the show after binge watching season five of She-ra. Well, I'm gonna get going now. I finished another digital doodle today but that is going to have a complimentary speedpaint video with it so expect that later this week. I am so glad that I got the pen problem fixed finally. Till next doodle, toodles.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Keith, The Quickest Swat in the West

      Hello. I return with a doodle I finished today. 

Wow, more Voltron. Ok, so this is based on a true story. I've become pretty good at killing flies lately because they keep coming into my house uninvited and I legit said exactly what Keith says here. I have said it more than once. Lance was just an addition I wanted to make because that seems like the kind of reaction a normal person would have and for added comedy. 

Oh! This doodle also means that I got a replacement pen for the drawing tablet! I ordered it in April with my stimulus check (American thing, I don't know if any other country has done this to reimburse its citizens monetarily) and it finally came earlier this week so of course I had to draw something. This idea has been in my head since March, maybe as early as February, I really don't remember anymore because this year feels so long yet it's also happening so fast. I plan on doing a couple of doodles that were put on hold next week, let's hope I follow through with that. I do have a couple of doodles that I should post on here soon so expect that too. Enjoy your weekend and till next doodle, toodles!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Art vs Artist (does this mean a face reveal?)

      Hello. I sucked into the sims again (I got Island Living and Discover University and have been playing as a household with a mermaid that went to college) and have been trying to motivate myself to do some drawing but it's hard when the only way I can do anything digitally is on my sister's tablet and she keeps using it to play Animal Crossing. Also, I don't get along well with Procreate so I don't finish anything I start there. The art vs artist meme has gotten popular again so I decided to hop on board since I've been failing at the six fanarts challenge so here you go:

What can I say except you're welcome? I hope I post some more stuff soon. Till more doodles, toodles.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Some necessary fluff for these trying times

      Hello. I haven't posted in a long time and it's because I got caught up in writing fanfic instead of drawing 😅 I am posting tonight a comic I made months ago before all this quarantine business but didn't know if the world was ready for it. I think at this point everybody is bored and will take just about any content so here. It's from one of my Voltron AUs but hey:
It's something. I drew this back in January. Man, has it really been that long? I had this as an idea as something that was happening in the background, hence the lack of dialogue (not that it's not necessary, you get what's going on) but I felt the overwhelming need to actually draw it as its own comic. So here you go. I hope you enjoy this little bit of soft Acxa and it helps you. Till next doodle, toodles.

Friday, April 10, 2020

How my OCs would handle QUARANTINE

      Hello. Here's another belated sketchdump:

I think you know where my inspiration came from. The last bullet for each character happens to be a quote from said character. Well, hope you find some enjoyment during this weekend and till next doodle, toodles.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Do I look like a 112 year old man?

      Hello. I mentioned Avatar very briefly in one of my posts and I should explain. Turns out that the VLD (Voltron: Legendary Defender) fandom overlaps with the Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom. Funny story, I kinda remember watching snatches of Avatar back when it was on TV. Back then, my dad got it into his head to open a gym membership and go with my mom and all three kids. Where did we go? To the kid playroom so that we didn't in the way of the adults, where there was a TV that was sometimes on and yes, sometimes Avatar was playing. I didn't have cable so I couldn't watch it at home and I eventually lost track of it. Only recently I have developed an interest in it again because of the fandom overlap and my not being satisfied in VLD content. So I started watching the series before quarantine, then found a site where I could finish watching book one so I just wait for quarantine to end so the library can open again I guess but here are some doodles I did:

I have to admit that so far, Sokka is my favorite character. I think it's the sarcasm and skepticism he brings (he also looks good in makeup. Bonus points for that). I usually draw my favorite character(s) first or most of the time so I started with a Sokka. And then I drew his sister Katara. She is a good character and I know that if I had actually gotten to watch and appreciate this show as a kid, SHE would have been my favorite because back then I was biased towards liking the one girl on the team in a show that was more geared towards boys. I was a simple child who could only relate to other members of my gender 😂 Then I drew Aang because he is such a poor bean, I don't think it's possible to hate him. One of my sisters thought his forehead tattoo was a birthmark... smh. Funny, but smh. And then because I had just finished book one, I had to draw Princess Yue. I already knew thanks to memes containing the spoiler that she was going to die and turn into the moon but I still cried when it happened. It does not help that when she and Sokka kissed during that scene, it felt reminiscent of Allura's death in Voltron and I half expected Sokka to gain Altean markings. Well anyway, this is the sketchdump I meant to do on Friday but didn't get around to. I have more doodles that I'm gonna post here but that's it for now. Till next doodle, toodles.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Fighting Crime, Trying to Save the World

      Hello. So, long story short, I have been drawing but last week I dropped my tablet pen and it stopped working right (it still kinda works but too wonky for me to draw with it properly) but I remembered that Medibang Paint (a program similar to FireAlpaca, which I use) has an app version and cloud capabilities so guess who managed to finish up some art on their sister's iPad? Me, obviously.

This is the first time I have drawn Powerpuff Girls in a long time and I like how this turned out. I probably would have finished this last week if it weren't for the incident I told you when I started this post, while I was working on Bubbles no less. (I kept starting with Buttercup because she's my favorite, then working on Blossom, which left Bubbles for last) I actually worked on this drawing pretty much all day today and I haven't done shading in so long (or rather, very infrequently) that I forgot the trick of lowering the opacity so it looks more natural but my sister reminded me of it which explains everything to be honest. 

Reason why I drew the Powerpuff Girls? Well, I saw other artists on Instagram drawing the Powerpuff Girls and it was their own takes on it, and I just liked the idea of it so I decided to go with it. And for nostalgia's sake, I started watching the classic show on Hulu. I'm only a third of the way through season four, for some reason I slowed down in my viewing (the reason is Avatar mostly) but my state has finally issued an order to not leave your house so I will probably be finishing it soon. Anyways, my interpretation is they get to express their individuality but not in the crazy fashion that the X-Men had been doing lately because I like letting characters be themselves, you know? I am a sucker for fingerless gloves so I ended up giving them all fingerless gloves even though I was originally going to give them only to Buttercup. Buttercup in all honesty is like living my dream of having short hair, cool earrings, a leather jacket, fingerless gloves (I knit a couple pairs for myself but they're red and purple, and only good for when it's cold), and just all around being a cool punk. I like Blossom and Bubbles's outfits too because I also like cute and preppy. Blossom is supposed to have tights on but you can't see her legs so she could honestly be wearing anything. I almost gave Buttercup green lipstick, then I changed my mind and thought black, but I thought both were too much for her so it was changed to red which works pretty darn good. Well, I'm gonna have to do a sketch dump post on Friday and probably some more over the coming days for my paper doodles I've done. Till next doodle, stay home and toodles.