Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Fighting Crime, Trying to Save the World

      Hello. So, long story short, I have been drawing but last week I dropped my tablet pen and it stopped working right (it still kinda works but too wonky for me to draw with it properly) but I remembered that Medibang Paint (a program similar to FireAlpaca, which I use) has an app version and cloud capabilities so guess who managed to finish up some art on their sister's iPad? Me, obviously.

This is the first time I have drawn Powerpuff Girls in a long time and I like how this turned out. I probably would have finished this last week if it weren't for the incident I told you when I started this post, while I was working on Bubbles no less. (I kept starting with Buttercup because she's my favorite, then working on Blossom, which left Bubbles for last) I actually worked on this drawing pretty much all day today and I haven't done shading in so long (or rather, very infrequently) that I forgot the trick of lowering the opacity so it looks more natural but my sister reminded me of it which explains everything to be honest. 

Reason why I drew the Powerpuff Girls? Well, I saw other artists on Instagram drawing the Powerpuff Girls and it was their own takes on it, and I just liked the idea of it so I decided to go with it. And for nostalgia's sake, I started watching the classic show on Hulu. I'm only a third of the way through season four, for some reason I slowed down in my viewing (the reason is Avatar mostly) but my state has finally issued an order to not leave your house so I will probably be finishing it soon. Anyways, my interpretation is they get to express their individuality but not in the crazy fashion that the X-Men had been doing lately because I like letting characters be themselves, you know? I am a sucker for fingerless gloves so I ended up giving them all fingerless gloves even though I was originally going to give them only to Buttercup. Buttercup in all honesty is like living my dream of having short hair, cool earrings, a leather jacket, fingerless gloves (I knit a couple pairs for myself but they're red and purple, and only good for when it's cold), and just all around being a cool punk. I like Blossom and Bubbles's outfits too because I also like cute and preppy. Blossom is supposed to have tights on but you can't see her legs so she could honestly be wearing anything. I almost gave Buttercup green lipstick, then I changed my mind and thought black, but I thought both were too much for her so it was changed to red which works pretty darn good. Well, I'm gonna have to do a sketch dump post on Friday and probably some more over the coming days for my paper doodles I've done. Till next doodle, stay home and toodles.

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