Monday, December 31, 2018

Venom Doodle Dump: Eddie UWU

      Hello, I return with just a couple hours left til 2019 in my neck of the woods with another Venom doodle dump:

I know it's a lot to process but when I get obsessed, I get obsessed. So the first one is an excerpt, if you will, of an idea I got of something Eddie would do: go shopping for a new over-sized hoodie and come back home with a hoodie dress instead. I just love how cute and cuddly he came out in this so he's my new phone lockscreen/wallpaper. My mom actually caught sight of it the other day and asked me "who's that?". I still haven't answered her that it's Eddie Brock and my family (minus my grandparents) saw the movie just last Saturday. Oh that's right, I finally saw the movie a couple weeks back when it released digitally. I spent $20 to watch a movie on YouTube 😅 I actually came up with the comic idea (second pic) the night I watched the movie because I was hanging around a tree and I sang out Anne's little ditty. When I was sketching out the posing in stick figure form, Venom was a sperm coming out of Eddie's shoulder 😂 The third is me playing around with the idea of a fem!Eddie. Does not help that while searching for a job, Eddie says "I could be a woman." This is technically my first time drawing She-Venom but since it's within an alternate universe with Eddie Brock as a woman, they don't call themselves that because it's pointless to. I omitted Carnage and Riot on purpose because Riot was the villain in the movie and Carnage is guaranteed to be the villain in the sequel, making them bad children that deserve to be in jars. And the last picture is just the variant I mentioned in my last post. Well this has an interesting year. How many great Marvel movies? So many Infinity War and Venom memes. Thank you memes and Venom, for helping me cope with my depression, stress, and those horrific undeserved deaths in Infinity War. What are my plans for 2019? For starters, I wanna watch Spiderverse. I'll be spending at least the next couple of months still obsessed with Venom even though there are movies that I have been waiting years for (aka Frozen 2). I'll keep drawing. I'll try to be more active on this blog, especially since Tumblr is supposedly dying with the whole getting rid of NSFW (which was part of why I was slow to getting a Tumblr). I'd also like to feel more accomplished in life. Well, I feel like I am forgetting stuff, which I probably am, but I'm just gonna end it here and say you next year. (I usually end the year with my OCs but this year has been very different)

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Venom Doodle Dump: This man's best friend

      Hey, I said a long time ago that I was going to eventually post the Venom doodles I started doing after suddenly getting obsessed with said movie when I had decided I wanted nothing to do with it so here are some of my doodles:

There's a theme here: Venom as Eddie's pet. The first one started out as a quick pencil sketch on the back of an index card on a workday, then my friend liked it so much that I digitized it. There is a variant with a bluer background but I'll post that one later. As the eldest in a household that loves chocolate, it was easy to imagine a chocolate loving alien stealing bites from its host's snack. The next picture is actually a redraw of a picture I took of my dog and a bottle of chocolate syrup she destroyed but she got replaced by darling little Venom here. Oh, and I didn't draw the background from the original picture. Venom's shadows are actually wonky here but I haven't felt like going back and fixing them, especially when I went through the trouble of giving him shiny desu eyes like in the movie. (For the record, the bottle was empty by the time my dog had chewed it up. We have to keep our recycling bins taller than her because otherwise we'd always be finding empty butter containers licked clean in the front yard or aluminum cans that have been crunched on because they once housed sausages. And she can puncture said cans so that's a problem.) The third one is another redraw but of a picture that Tom Hardy (our beloved movie Eddie Brock) took for PETA with his dog Woodstock. This time I actually followed the shadows in said picture reference so this one looks a lot better. The background bush looked like a brain at first but I fixed it obviously. I find it fun to draw Venom in goop form because you can do whatever with that goop body and he's also much less threatening looking so funny and cute drawings turn out so much better. If you'll notice, though, not that big a fan of his infamous tongue so I don't draw it often. I've got a whole lot more of this stuff where that came from but that's another post for another day. Till then, toodles. 

Seasonal Chibis Return: Fall 2

      Hey, I promised I would come back with more doodles so here they are before the end years and I forget: 

I redrew Wilhelm and Ariana's fall chibis too. Yay, now I have a complete collection. I finished Wilhelm like two weeks ago but I was waiting to do Ariana to post him here, but with the holidays making work busier (I work in a grocery store, remember?) and getting sick last week, there was either no time or motivation to draw so yeah, that sucks. I finally finished Ariana yesterday because I had no work so I opened up FireAlpaca and played some Spanish music to get into the mood. And when I say Spanish music, I mean Selena then Azucar Moreno followed by Peret, the latter two being artists from Spain. Wilhelm got a hair recolor to look more natural and if you notice, he's the tallest chibi out of all them and bulkier too. Only thing that got recolored with Ariana was her shoes because it turns out they were much bluer before when I was going for a soft black. All right, I'm gonna do a venom doodle dump (or two... or three, I have too many doodles amassed already) and I have no clue if I return Monday night with anybody. We'll see. 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Seasonal Chibis Return: Fall 1

      Hello! I'm finally back and I brought some OCs with me! 

Maybe you recognize them, maybe you don't. Either way I'm going to talk about them sooooo.... These are redraws of this thing I started doing years ago of drawing seasonal chibis of my OCs. It actually started with Aidan (the redhead up top) because it was feeling like fall where I live and I wanted to draw him in a sweater for once (his canon attire is usually a tank top with jeans and sneakers). Then I couldn't leave his friends out of it. And then I went to continue the trend with my other OCs up until the summer I messed up the drawing tablet. So the old drawings are from 2015 and I did them in my Powerpuff chibi style from back then. I felt the desire to redraw them for a good while but I was doing inktober and then I fell into the Venom fandom. That was unexpected because I never liked the character before and was NOT interested in watching the movie. Anyway, with fall fading rather fast, I felt the need to get these done soon, so here's half of them, Aidan and Tamiko sporting their own takes on fall fashion. Tamiko looks better prepared for New York weather than Aidan but Aidan likes to look cool and is fully capable of making himself warmer than everybody else, so why not wear just a long-sleeved shirt/sweater? I actually tweaked some of the colors in these because Aidan's hair used to be an unnatural red color, Tamiko's jacket was kind of an ugly color, and her skin and eyes were darker than they should have been. Other than that, the most change between the original 2015 chibis and these are the style and my skill in drawing. It's nice to look back at old art and cringe because you realize you have gotten better, it's a nice motivator to keep going. Speaking of cringe, I've got some nice cringy art from my childhood that my mom dug up and gave to me that I am planning on posting later in the year. I go back to work on Monday and I won't have freetime to draw after work because I'm closing the store 😫 It will basically be just come home, good night for me, which sucks. Anyway, I hope to return soon with more doodles, but till then... toodles.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Five Years of Frozen

      Hello, I'm just going to drop off something a quick moment and run because oddly enough, I don't have anything to say:

Ok, there's the drawing. Yay! Bye for now.

Edit: Ok, wow. So I was slow to do fanart of the comfy princesses from Wreck-It Ralph (I still haven't seen the movie yet but I'm not worried about it) and I just noticed Elsa's body looks so weird. The CRINGE. I love Anna's outfit. It's so cute and it's so her and I was going to buy her shirt from Shop Disney UK on Cyber Monday but my bank kept declining my purchase 😠😤 So I had Anna hold both a sandwich and a chocolate bar and managed to control myself and not insert Venom in here. Speaking of inserting Venom, I have quite a lot of Venom fanart already and I haven't posted any of it here. But I have redraws of OCs that I have been working on so I'll post those first (hopefully soon. I already finished one) and then I guess I'll just end the year with Venom. 

I took a week off from work and I am not looking forward to having to go back on Monday. I don't want that job anymore, even if they are paying me good. It's just the stress, having to deal with people and please them when they are so hard to, the long hours... I have been feeling my brain falling apart since the summer and my current obsession with Venom is just helping me cope and sort of embrace that I am going crazy. I was supposed to paint my room today but, like everything in my life, it has gotten severely delayed. Wow, I did more ranting on my personal life than this piece of art. I'll see myself out. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Inky OCtober 8: Baddies

      Hello, I return with the last bit of Inktober content so buckle and be careful, you don't wanna mess with these guys. 

Quick bios for these guys because I keep not wanting to write it out and putting it off: Dude with the ponytail prefers to go by Cory but was born Adolf (and out of wedlock so I haven't figured out what his last name is). The man he thought was his father left early on; as a pubescent boy he fell in love with a girl who rejected him; he found who his real father is (and that the girl he was in love with was actually his half sister); he he decided to try and claim his supposed birthright and attempted raping said girl. Oh, and his mother was found dead mysteriously. He disappeared after all of this, naturally... The lady underneath goes by Chernobyl. She believes herself to be the reincarnation of Anastasia Romanova and is bent on recreating the Russian empire. Why she wants to start in New York, I don't know why. She's obviously delusional... Underneath her are her lackeys, Lettice Richards and Puissant (Hercule). Lettice is British, green haired, and loves being a prick. Hercule/Puissant is French and it is either a grave mistake on my part or genius that I haven't given him a personality... Ah, and last but not least, we have Queen Ramahari, the evil queen of a race of aliens that just see humans as living breeding chambers. She may have attempted - maybe even succeeded in - making someone carry her baby. She is a very seductive woman and uses that to her advantage. Can you believe she has an identical twin sister that is nothing like her? Alright, I've done it. Now I am rid of inktober. Wreck-it Ralph comes out this week and as much as I don't wanna go see it in theaters now (thanks Venom. Thanks Tom Hardy. You are my newest and weirdest obsession), I do like the casual outfits the princesses got so maybe I'll finally make fanart of that. I haven't done any yet because 1. I am not fast and 2. Work is killer. I am doing better now because of my obsession with Venom but it is so hard for me to relax in just a couple of hours before bed. Like no, I need four day weekends because people are so stressful and my room needs cleaning but I am never motivated to do it lately. My fan got dusted last night only because I disturbed it while dealing with my sheets, so yeah. So hopefully I will reappear either on Wednesday or Friday/Saturday. Till then, toodles.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Inky OCtober 7: More sides

      Hello. It's only three pictures but there's four characters so let's go. 

Ok, the girl with the hijab is a possible spin-off character for Super Teens, well one of them anyway. Why did I draw only the Muslim girl for Inktober then if I have more characters besides her? Diversity, that's why. That and I haven't yet designed the fourth character. She's Norwegian by way of Iraq and currently has no name right now but nobody from her group does, I need to dedicate more time to them if I decide to roll with them. And then I drew an alien that looks kind of like a vampire without his color. I drew him as a chibi a long time ago but for newbies, this is Ecktoh. He's the chieftain of the Blue tribe of Entenō and the biological father of someone I already drew. His alien species is benevolent towards humans when they cross paths and Ecktoh happened to have a forbidden romance with a human woman but left with his people, unaware of the consequences he conceived. The next two are Takeshi (baby) and Kyukyu (cat). Kyukyu is Takeshi's dad's pet, making them roommates. Takeshi's birth was a strange occurrence and Kyukyu is a, um, unique cat but both are loved and they love each other and that's what's important. Oh yeah, I didn't just randomly draw a baby, his relatives are here, you just gotta find them. I have one more inktober post to make, and then we're moving on to Venom. Till then. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Inky OCtober 6: Bittersweet and Super Teens Sides... Just as good as the main course

      Oops, my venom obsession is showing in this title 😆I have so many side characters but I had thirty one days to draw and I wanted to draw my main characters, some side characters and finish the month off with villains so I had to cut out a lot of side characters from this. I technically drew seven side characters plus a character for a possible spin-off which was enough as it is, imagine that I started listing a good eight side characters from one storyline. Yeah, I had to let go of some people. Maybe next inktober? Ok, so here's half of my inktober sides right here:

I started the side characters same way I started the main characters: with Bittersweet. Sora and Saru are Sandra's cousins. Sora is actually Sandra's biological cousin and looks like she could be her sister, so yes, the resemblance was intended here. She's a quiet, observing girl and does her best to keep her adopted sister Saru in check because she doesn't like getting in trouble. Saru, on the other hand, is a troublemaker and trouble just kinda follows her. Sadly the picture I have here of her sucks. I should take a new one. She is my one and only freckled redheaded character, which is rather funny that we associate redheads with freckles but then I go and do this. (P.S. Aidan has freckles, they're just not on his face 😉) The next two characters were kinda hard to think of because um, Super Teens focuses so much on the actual teens but their parents are technically the side characters so I was like "well I'll draw Aidan's mom because she is important to the story in a way". I'm still between naming her Bridget or Eileen, btw, but I do want her maiden name to be Kelly. But my slot for day 23 was empty because I just couldn't think of anyone else to draw... so I drew Aidan's dad Rory O'Neill to make it a package deal. So, Aidan looks like his dad but he did inherit his mom's nose and chin. Pretty much everyone considered Aidan to be his father's son because he is practically the spitting image of his dad but what everyone failed to realize is he has his mom's personality and temperament. Aidan just happens to be a nice combination of his parents, 'k? Creating parents from a character you created is like a dissection because as much as my main boys look like their dads, they have to get something from their mother, you know? They also can't look exactly the same as their dad so I tweak the details to make them different enough. Rory has brown eyes and the straight nose Aidan was supposed to have but somewhere along the way, I changed Aidan to green eyed with an anime nose. To balance it out, Aidan's mom is a brunette (could have been blonde once as a child) with blue eyes. I just like to make my fake families seem as real as possible in an unreal world so I don't look too much like Disney. I actually take real life genetics into account here. Sadly, I have to go to work today and close the store 😩 Thank God I have the weekend, I'll try and wrap up my inktober posts and then I can show you the venom stuff I have come up with because it really has become my new obsession. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

Inky OCtober 5: I retired these Mains but brought them back for Inktober

      Hello. This should have been posted a long time ago but my last post got complicated so I didn't work on this blog post but I kept drawing:

Ok, so we've got these four characters that I developed and then didn't come up with anything else for them so I retired them after maybe a year or two. First one is Carmen Sanchez, an athletic, tomboy Cuban American girl from Miami. She loses her patience easily and was constantly losing her patience in her story. Second girl I drew in March as a cartoon with a flower crown. She was very much loved on both instagram and tumblr. Her name is Guey and she is a Cuban Taino, having been a teenager just when the Spaniards arrive. She is an ancestor to Carmen and has a very happy personality and is very open to exploring new things. She would be a riot if she were in our times. Ok, now the third drawing happened while I was depressed yet I managed to draw a happy go lucky character with a big smile on her face. I like this drawing actually. This is Carmen's grandma Nancy Alejandra Sanchez (no maiden name at this time so just going by her married name). She became a teenager before the communist takeover in Cuba, my only indicator of age at this current time. Last but not least, Carmen's ancestor from early imperial Spain Isabella. She was an adult by the time of the Spanish conquest of the Americas but I drew her as a teenager. Isabella thinks herself too good for everyone and has no patience for anything. Oh, and Spain is the best according to her. I now know that no one had bangs back in the late 1400s, but I designed this character in manga style. Also, her face looks similar to Hans and my sister pointed out that her bangs looked like Sandra's. *sigh* Well, I have only two days left in inktober, too many to post on here before then. 😩

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Inky OCtober 4: In development Mains

      I have forced myself to come back today so hello there. Starting on the 11th (and ending yesterday), I kinda switched gears and drew old OCs that I had retired but, as much as they were all teenage girls, they had more diversity so I dusted them off for this inktober. The five characters below are actually my first manga OCs and I have started redeveloping them so if you don't mind, here they are: 

I got filter heavy with these because I still hadn't figured out that if I went to my camera's settings and hit to manually control them that I could set a it for fluorescent lighting. So these characters had names that I have decided to change and only two have had name changes applied so "" will imply that that was the old name they went by... "Kelly" is a biracial Japanese girl, her mother having been an American model and her father a rich Japanese banker. She used to be blonde and blue eyed but I have redesigned her so that she isn't because it makes no sense if she is half Asian and those are recessive genes not carried by ethnic Asians. I even changed her bangs but I haven't found a replacement name yet, and I have a list of names for her. She is a conceited, spoiled, boisterous girl but deep down inside she has a heart of gold. 24 karat. Next character is Isoke. She was originally named Isis and was basically a biracial girl with some Egyptian ancestry that had been orphaned in Kyoto, Japan (where the story takes place), but along with the name change I made her fully black of Nigerian ancestry. She's still an orphan though because the only orphan characters I know of are Oliver Twist, Batman and Robin, and Superman (who was adopted immediately because he happened to be a baby. How convenient for him) and it is hard for teens and minority children to get adopted in real life so let's represent for once, alright? I just need to figure out her orphan story 😅 Being cynical, sarcastic, and absolutely done with everybody, she surprises everyone with her intelligence because they expect her to not care enough to make an effort. She and "Kelly" have a weird frenemy relationship in that Isoke always gets pissed off by the other girl but they don't actually hate each other. They just happen to be polar opposites. I didn't ink her in completely because I am doing this whole challenge with my two micron pens which have only so much ink and also the last time I inked in a black character, I immediately regretted how it looked. I think my profile photobombed the third picture in the form of a shadow 😆Well, her name is now Tara but she was known only by Tee-Nee for a long time. She is an Aussie girl not blessed with height and her parents are both collegiate professors that have transferred to Kyoto for the time being. She is shy and doesn't have much of a self esteem thanks to having been picked on most of her life. Tara is a smart girl, though, and gets along well with Isoke. The bottom two are twins. They were originally fraternal I think but makes more sense to make them identical with completely opposite personalities. Both have a mother who was a J-Pop sensation back in her day, and "Tari" (buns) have a personality worthy of a pop star with her peppy attitude and cutesy style. "Yari" (braid) is serious, more subdued and rolls her eyes at her sister and her antics. Her fiery twin would say she's as cold as ice. Maybe she's right. Ironically, "Yari" has dyed her hair blonde. I had to redesign "Tari" a bit on the fly because some of my design choices from when I was thirteen don't make much sense anymore, like short little bits of hair sticking up from her crown near her bun. You know you're an adult when you get rid of fun bits of a design because it won't work in realism 😅😭 

Can you believe I started drafting this post a long time ago and when I went to add to it to finally post from my phone, reloading the page got rid of what I added and I got pissed and left alone for later? Well I did so I now I gotta spam you guys with constant posts because I have moved along with Inktober. Be back. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Inky OCtober 3: Project:Reclaim Earth Mains

      Hello. I should have done this last week on Friday, but I didn't. I had a long day at work and I just wanted to finish my inktober piece for that day. Should have done this last Saturday, but I didn't. I got depressed and didn't even get to go out and do what I wanted to do on that day. Could have done it on Sunday but Sunday is an awkward day for me and I was depressed on that day too, but I managed to get myself out of the house for my errands. Monday was a long day at work. Wednesday was a long day at work and had a frustrating ending so forget that. Anyway, here are some more completed inktober for you:

Some of these characters I've drawn and posted here before in manga form but it's time for a formal introduction for this crew. Years ago I sort of debuted Kenta and Ryo but for anyone that has discovered me after that: Kenta Hayashi was born to a divorced Japanese woman, which is hard to believe when you see this 6 foot tall, blond and amber eyed guy. His mom tells a story that he finds hard to believe. Ryo Takahashi is his playboy friend, expected by his father to join and eventually inherit the family pest control business... which he is not interested in because he has plans of starting a psychology practice. Emi Kimura is a friend of Kenta's... at least that's what he says. She's a highly optimistic girl even though her life circumstances call for more pessimism. She's not really a main character but she's important enough to the story that I included her in the lineup. And last but not least is this other character (who is isn't really a main character either, but I have to have an equal ratio of male to female characters now so I threw the girls in to even out a male-heavy cast) Janah. She is actually an alien with only two recorded emotions: rage and disgust. Oh, the few times she has smiled have because of Kenta, and Ryo suffering some sort of misfortune. She is not here of her own choosing but is definitely settling in permanently due to mitigating circumstances. I drew the girls sharing a page so Emi's hair is cutting into Janah's picture. Man, this inktober is hectic because it feels a bit like I am biting more than I can chew, what with work and the new format I have adopted this year. I might go back to prompts and my cartoon style next year. Not following the prompts isn't entirely a bad thing. I don't have to think too hard what exactly I am going to draw because I planned which characters I am drawing on which day so I just have to figure out how I want them facing, what expression and how to interpret them. Oh, and I have finally figured out how to take brighter pictures with my phone but that didn't take effect on these pictures. Hopefully I will post tomorrow. Till then. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Inky OCtober 2: Super Teens Mains

      Hello again. I said I would post days three to six next and here they are: 

Yes, my Super Teens Tamiko, Ariana, Wilhelm, and Aidan. These characters were created like a year or two after Mike and Sandra and it was because of a roleplay? My sister and I were drawing a roleplay comic that breaks pretty much every rule of roleplay but we didn't know this at the time. The first time I drew Tamiko was then and she was Hispanic with dark hair. I don't even remember what prompted me to change her ethnicity and hair color but I made sure to include a Hispanic girl in her posse anyway. For this drawing, I wanted Tamiko to be distinguishable as ethnically Japanese to combat her unnatural hair. Problem is, I don't feel like she looks much like she is Japanese. A follower of mine on Instagram commented that she thought she looked Japanese (I have yet to respond 😱) but I don't know... maybe my style's minimalist approach doesn't convey it the way I want it to without drawing stereotypical slanted Asian eyes. If you haven't noticed, these drawings are bigger because everybody here got a page to themselves. Also, in order to convey dark hair, I am inking in only their eyebrows because I am working with micron pens and I don't want to deplete my ink. I am also trying to ink in dark eyes, which I realize I did not do with Mike, but the dark eyes I am inking in are either black or dark brown. Mike's eyes are like a medium dark brown, might have looked weird if I had done it then. I'm not entirely fond of how Ariana and Wilhelm's bangs came out but it's the price you pay when you draw heavily stylized characters in a less stylized manner. I actually got a comment on my Instagram post of Ariana that my style reminded them of old Archie comics. I feel so honored because I grew up reading old Archie comics and it probably has influenced my style in a subliminal manner. What else can I say here about this art and these characters? Nothing is coming to mind now besides how Aidan went from being the quiet and serious bad boy type to having a boisterous personality and cracking jokes. Well I'll be seeing you next time I post more inktober stuff, which should be soon because I just finished the last of another set of characters today. See you then.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Inky OCtober 1: Bittersweet Mains

      Hello. I should have posted this a lot sooner but last week was busy and hectic and I actually got days off of work this week, hence why I'm posting now. So my third inktober in a row I decided to change things up and, besides being more professional and using a sketchbook bought specifically for inktober and micron pens, I ditched the prompts and cartoon style and am focusing instead on my OCs and stylized realism style. Naturally, I had to start this with the OCs that have stuck with me for the longest continuous length of time:

Mike and Sandra! Actually I started with Sandra because it all started with Sandra. Mike was made as a consequence to creating Sandra. So my sketchbook has only 25 pages and October has 31 days... therefore I calculated how many pages I had to have two characters sharing a page... after starting with Mike and Sandra sharing a page. But their stories are interconnected and merge so it makes sense. Anyway, I am sketching out my characters first then inking (it's easier for me) and I knew I was going to have a long day at work with little chance to draw during the day on the 1st so I sketched out Sandra the day before (Sep. 30) since I had the day off and we had a beach outing on that day so it was just a great time for me to squeeze in a sketch. And squeeze in a sketch I did. Yes, I started my inktober ahead of time. It's called planning. I actually have planned out most of the characters I am drawing this month (I say most because I have a day that I still have no clue who I'll draw then and this is actually day nine of inktober) and I am starting the month with main characters, which Mike and Sandra are. I may have drawn Mike a bit too big for the space I gave him on the page because if you'll notice, a chunk of his head is missing and he doesn't seem to mind. For the most part, I think these drawings are coming out ok, I am proud that I am interpreting these characters in a more realistic manner and inking them. I keep making mistakes, though, which I keep covering up with my white gel pen. But otherwise, they're good drawings considering that I went through art block recently. I'd still be going through it if it weren't that I am pushing myself to do this challenge because I like it and do want to draw because I enjoy drawing and need something to distract my brain from all the bad in the world. I am going to get another post started up so that you can see who I drew for days three to six tomorrow hopefully. See you then.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Oh hey, I'm doing Inktober

      Hello. This is sudden but I am joining inktober again this year but I'm doing things differently. For one, since getting a job (which I want to quit but haven't found a suitable replacement as of yet) I can afford actual art supplies so the index cards and ballpoint pens are out. I have done two years with official prompts and four day themes. I want to focus on my ocs more and take them seriously so the whole month will be spent drawing thirty-one of them. That's right. I have enough ocs to fill up a month. That amazes me too. I actually have more but I wanted to start with main characters from my different stories, then a couple of side (but important) characters, then villains. I had to omit a bunch of characters from the list because they were future characters, not diverse enough... Hard decisions, but I had to plan ahead this year due to my hectic work schedule (one of the reasons why I want to leave. I have little me time and I require me time. Oh, and being a cashier can be so rough.) so sadly my "let it happen organically" approach cannot be used this time. I actually did a sketch today for inktober tomorrow because there is just no way I can draw it from start to finish tomorrow. Let's see how it goes this year. I hope I'm not being too ambitious. 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Sorry I haven't posted in a month...

      Hello. This post's title is doing the apologizing for me because my depression has kicked in again and my job is keeping me busier than I would have liked. Besides that, being a cashier in a grocery store is quite demanding on a shy introvert like me. It's worse when a customer decides to give you a hard time or you have to go lunch or home and you're stuck at the register longer than you wanted to be. The only good thing about yesterday at work was they started handing out candy to whoever got a $5 donation for Tools for Back to School from a customer in the afternoon and I got six. I brought home five because I gave one to a coworker who was staying later than I was. When I got hired, I didn't know how long I was going to be there, my goal was to stay as long as possible until circumstances changed. I have accomplished a lot with this job, but this summer I realized I still didn't have a life and not enough time to do the things I love to satisfaction and uncomfortable situations at work have added to my current dislike of my job. Enough of the venty explanation, I have been trying to keep up with my doodling so here's some OC stuff I've posted in this month:

A sketch of Sandra I made in my OC sketchbook to figure out what she'd wear to work (she's not a cashier, she's a secretary for a newspaper editor), two of an evil alien queen who you'll hopefully meet eventually, and one of a newcomer because I have a fertile mind that can't stop making characters. She's a punk and maybe I'll develop her enough to give a proper introduction. I have more doodles to share but I'll do that later. Till then.