Saturday, October 27, 2018

Inky OCtober 4: In development Mains

      I have forced myself to come back today so hello there. Starting on the 11th (and ending yesterday), I kinda switched gears and drew old OCs that I had retired but, as much as they were all teenage girls, they had more diversity so I dusted them off for this inktober. The five characters below are actually my first manga OCs and I have started redeveloping them so if you don't mind, here they are: 

I got filter heavy with these because I still hadn't figured out that if I went to my camera's settings and hit to manually control them that I could set a it for fluorescent lighting. So these characters had names that I have decided to change and only two have had name changes applied so "" will imply that that was the old name they went by... "Kelly" is a biracial Japanese girl, her mother having been an American model and her father a rich Japanese banker. She used to be blonde and blue eyed but I have redesigned her so that she isn't because it makes no sense if she is half Asian and those are recessive genes not carried by ethnic Asians. I even changed her bangs but I haven't found a replacement name yet, and I have a list of names for her. She is a conceited, spoiled, boisterous girl but deep down inside she has a heart of gold. 24 karat. Next character is Isoke. She was originally named Isis and was basically a biracial girl with some Egyptian ancestry that had been orphaned in Kyoto, Japan (where the story takes place), but along with the name change I made her fully black of Nigerian ancestry. She's still an orphan though because the only orphan characters I know of are Oliver Twist, Batman and Robin, and Superman (who was adopted immediately because he happened to be a baby. How convenient for him) and it is hard for teens and minority children to get adopted in real life so let's represent for once, alright? I just need to figure out her orphan story ๐Ÿ˜… Being cynical, sarcastic, and absolutely done with everybody, she surprises everyone with her intelligence because they expect her to not care enough to make an effort. She and "Kelly" have a weird frenemy relationship in that Isoke always gets pissed off by the other girl but they don't actually hate each other. They just happen to be polar opposites. I didn't ink her in completely because I am doing this whole challenge with my two micron pens which have only so much ink and also the last time I inked in a black character, I immediately regretted how it looked. I think my profile photobombed the third picture in the form of a shadow ๐Ÿ˜†Well, her name is now Tara but she was known only by Tee-Nee for a long time. She is an Aussie girl not blessed with height and her parents are both collegiate professors that have transferred to Kyoto for the time being. She is shy and doesn't have much of a self esteem thanks to having been picked on most of her life. Tara is a smart girl, though, and gets along well with Isoke. The bottom two are twins. They were originally fraternal I think but makes more sense to make them identical with completely opposite personalities. Both have a mother who was a J-Pop sensation back in her day, and "Tari" (buns) have a personality worthy of a pop star with her peppy attitude and cutesy style. "Yari" (braid) is serious, more subdued and rolls her eyes at her sister and her antics. Her fiery twin would say she's as cold as ice. Maybe she's right. Ironically, "Yari" has dyed her hair blonde. I had to redesign "Tari" a bit on the fly because some of my design choices from when I was thirteen don't make much sense anymore, like short little bits of hair sticking up from her crown near her bun. You know you're an adult when you get rid of fun bits of a design because it won't work in realism ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ญ 

Can you believe I started drafting this post a long time ago and when I went to add to it to finally post from my phone, reloading the page got rid of what I added and I got pissed and left alone for later? Well I did so I now I gotta spam you guys with constant posts because I have moved along with Inktober. Be back. 

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