Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Inky OCtober 1: Bittersweet Mains

      Hello. I should have posted this a lot sooner but last week was busy and hectic and I actually got days off of work this week, hence why I'm posting now. So my third inktober in a row I decided to change things up and, besides being more professional and using a sketchbook bought specifically for inktober and micron pens, I ditched the prompts and cartoon style and am focusing instead on my OCs and stylized realism style. Naturally, I had to start this with the OCs that have stuck with me for the longest continuous length of time:

Mike and Sandra! Actually I started with Sandra because it all started with Sandra. Mike was made as a consequence to creating Sandra. So my sketchbook has only 25 pages and October has 31 days... therefore I calculated how many pages I had to have two characters sharing a page... after starting with Mike and Sandra sharing a page. But their stories are interconnected and merge so it makes sense. Anyway, I am sketching out my characters first then inking (it's easier for me) and I knew I was going to have a long day at work with little chance to draw during the day on the 1st so I sketched out Sandra the day before (Sep. 30) since I had the day off and we had a beach outing on that day so it was just a great time for me to squeeze in a sketch. And squeeze in a sketch I did. Yes, I started my inktober ahead of time. It's called planning. I actually have planned out most of the characters I am drawing this month (I say most because I have a day that I still have no clue who I'll draw then and this is actually day nine of inktober) and I am starting the month with main characters, which Mike and Sandra are. I may have drawn Mike a bit too big for the space I gave him on the page because if you'll notice, a chunk of his head is missing and he doesn't seem to mind. For the most part, I think these drawings are coming out ok, I am proud that I am interpreting these characters in a more realistic manner and inking them. I keep making mistakes, though, which I keep covering up with my white gel pen. But otherwise, they're good drawings considering that I went through art block recently. I'd still be going through it if it weren't that I am pushing myself to do this challenge because I like it and do want to draw because I enjoy drawing and need something to distract my brain from all the bad in the world. I am going to get another post started up so that you can see who I drew for days three to six tomorrow hopefully. See you then.

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