Saturday, December 8, 2018

Seasonal Chibis Return: Fall 1

      Hello! I'm finally back and I brought some OCs with me! 

Maybe you recognize them, maybe you don't. Either way I'm going to talk about them sooooo.... These are redraws of this thing I started doing years ago of drawing seasonal chibis of my OCs. It actually started with Aidan (the redhead up top) because it was feeling like fall where I live and I wanted to draw him in a sweater for once (his canon attire is usually a tank top with jeans and sneakers). Then I couldn't leave his friends out of it. And then I went to continue the trend with my other OCs up until the summer I messed up the drawing tablet. So the old drawings are from 2015 and I did them in my Powerpuff chibi style from back then. I felt the desire to redraw them for a good while but I was doing inktober and then I fell into the Venom fandom. That was unexpected because I never liked the character before and was NOT interested in watching the movie. Anyway, with fall fading rather fast, I felt the need to get these done soon, so here's half of them, Aidan and Tamiko sporting their own takes on fall fashion. Tamiko looks better prepared for New York weather than Aidan but Aidan likes to look cool and is fully capable of making himself warmer than everybody else, so why not wear just a long-sleeved shirt/sweater? I actually tweaked some of the colors in these because Aidan's hair used to be an unnatural red color, Tamiko's jacket was kind of an ugly color, and her skin and eyes were darker than they should have been. Other than that, the most change between the original 2015 chibis and these are the style and my skill in drawing. It's nice to look back at old art and cringe because you realize you have gotten better, it's a nice motivator to keep going. Speaking of cringe, I've got some nice cringy art from my childhood that my mom dug up and gave to me that I am planning on posting later in the year. I go back to work on Monday and I won't have freetime to draw after work because I'm closing the store 😫 It will basically be just come home, good night for me, which sucks. Anyway, I hope to return soon with more doodles, but till then... toodles.

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