Thursday, May 4, 2017

BAM! Star Wars Day/Catching up

      Hello. I know it has been a long time, but I was busy in April and, even though I did draw a little bit (I also worked on some manipulation but when I added pictures from my phone to the draft, it got rid of it for some reason), I didn't feel like drawing much and ended up doing more simming than I thought I would. I also lost pen pressure AGAIN when my Windows 10 updated. I'm sick and tired of that happening and trying to find a suitable driver on the internet only for it to go bust... so I downloaded it from the CD that came with the tablet. Yay, problem fixed (until next update). So the last two weekends I drew on paper. Both drawings are Frozen-related:

The first one is because my mom went on a quest to get my high school yearbook (we couldn't afford it when they were taking the orders and there were no extras afterwards), but that attempt just brought up buried feelings related to my age and how my life has not gone the way I've wanted it to... so I felt like drawing modern!Hans. And the one beneath is because I want to draw a coloring page featuring Olaf with Sven and Sitron... but at the moment I couldn't and I wanted to draw something cute and a little different than what I have been drawing lately (Hans) so it turned into a three day venture... because somehow Olaf has become the easiest character for me to draw but I was drawing cartoon Sitron and Sven sideways, which was much more difficult. Also, I have probably drawn Sven three times total... not good. And today is May the 4th (be with you), and for years I wanted to draw some of my characters dressed as Leia (with one exception), so I spent three days this week sketching out characters with different Leia hairstyles... only to produce this:

The top one is Sandra dressed as Queen Amidala of the Naboo, because I grew up on The Phantom Menace and loved Padmé (and her costume. If I could wear the full makeup, I would) so I wanted to give her some love. I think it's a shame that the franchise doesn't speak much about her outside of the prequels (and Clone Wars, which is related to the prequels). I understand if George Lucas hadn't fully fleshed her out as a character while working on the first trilogy, so naturally she gets only one mention there, and it ended up being debunked by the prequels as inaccurate (Luke not remembering his mother but Leia remembered her as a beautiful sad woman when Padmé died shortly after childbirth. I chalk it up to the force and Luke was asleep at the time). But there is another trilogy being produced by Disney, with several other small projects that tie into the original story, plenty of opportunity for Leia to mention her mother fought only to see democracy die thanks to her own husband, or she inspires every small rebel group that fights against the tyranny of the dark side, or someone reading her name somewhere. I'll be happy to hear her name but also sad if someone comes across her tomb. As long as Padmé is remembered, I am glad. And the other one is an alternate version with Natalie Portman's hair and eye coloration. The hair is a little wonky in shape (misshapen doughnut) and I could have done the headpiece better, but I like how it turned out for now. Long live the Queen. And the bottom is a goof from a previous doodle: 

Olaf may be cosplaying as Bella Goth. Good night. 

p.s. I opened commissions this Monday, I'll post more details here tomorrow... and I can't put my digital drawings on Instagram right now because my phone isn't being recognized by our computers 😢

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