Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Toasty Tuesday

      Hello. I didn't think I was going to draw when I got on my computer but then I checked Instagram and 9GAG (which I plan to unfollow hopefully soon; I find their constant content posting to be attention seeking and annoying) posted a meme relating to a heatwave in Scandinavia... and, well, my had slipped:
Some modern!Frozen! Been a while since I've doodled this AU, and clearly they're suffering from the heatwave. I commiserate with you, Scandinavia. As if summer here didn't already feel like with hell with my house's clunky old AC running, we're not running that AC because it quite honestly needs a replacement. A replacement we can't afford at this current time. I could use Elsa in my house. 

A terrible thing, that Manchester attack. I normally avoid saying anything about news like that because what the hell am I going to say? I'm not good with providing comfort, I just listen, maybe hug if I think it's necessary, but otherwise, I'm useless there. I heard about the news last night, except my local station was focusing on the fact that it was an Ariana Grande concert where the bombing actually happened. I also see these things that happen as sad signs of the times we're living in. Has mankind always been violent towards each other? Yeah, pretty much. Why else would there be the story of Cain and Abel, the first murderer and his victim, and they were brothers. So it's not very surprising to me when people are violent towards others they're not related to, I just wish the world were more compassionate and peaceful and that there wasn't such a thing as racism, because at the end of the day, we're all people. Just because I look vastly different from you and act a certain way and have different beliefs doesn't mean I'm not distantly related to you. I don't have the DNA test (or the money for it) to prove it, but I say that I am genetically whitewashed because even though there is definitely Native American on one side of my family tree, there's also Irish and Spaniard there too; and another side has African, but again, Spaniard/Canario and British (I suspect that comes by way of Ireland)... yes, I'm a mutt and I wouldn't be too surprised if Scandinavian and/or Middle Eastern showed up too. What I'm trying to say is, you have no right to be racist because you know next to nothing about said person/nationality/ethnicity that you are judging except what you see, and what you see is not always what you get. For all you know, you're related. I'm more likely to judge based on actions and observations of said actions, so watch how you behave with me. 

Um, ok, I'll be going now. Don't know if I'll be back tomorrow or Friday, so I hope all are safe and that someone's hugging those affected right now. 

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