Monday, May 8, 2017

Commah-commah-commah commission me

      Hello. So I forgot to make that post on Friday about commissions and that Tarzan thing I did that was forced out of the last post, but I forgot because I was too busy drawing what I didn't even finish then (because my mom took us out for a Checkers lunch and then she took me out to run errands later on). Sorry. Here it is now: 

Commissions... these are the conditions I will draw a commission for you if you so desire... I was pointing out how my snowflake brush is crap because I drew crappy snowflakes. Pricing can be found below:
Sketchy headshot: 4″ sq = $2 (US), 6″ sq = $4, 8″ sq = $6
Lined headshot: 4″ sq = $6, 6″ sq = $12, 8″ sq = $18
Sketchy torso/full body: 4″ sq = $4, 6″ sq = $6, 8″ sq = $8
Lined torso/full body: 4″ sq = $12, 6″ sq = $18, 8″ sq = $24
$2 extra for every added character, basic cell shading, colored background (specific shapes can be requested for backgrounds)
$1 extra for use of one of my special brushes
Yes, I still need a portable external hard drive, possibly a new tablet (still working with the one we've got), and my house definitely needs a new air conditioner because it always gets messed up during summer and I live in Florida. My dad really wants to get a new unit so we can live more comfortably in our crummy little house. And I've never gone to Disney World but I have cousins that absolutely want to go with me and their parents are already setting up their vacation for this summer (to Disney). I don't know how any of this will happen without me making some money somehow. Sure, I could apply for a job, but the likelihood of them hiring me is next to zilch with my lack of experience (and I have no special qualifications or schooling... I didn't even want to go to high school, I did it for the diploma) and afterwards, they probably won't be too happy granting me with vacation time and special days so soon after getting hired... and I don't even want to stay in the state anymore. I decided years ago that I don't like this state and I would rather move out, so I don't really want to be getting a job just to quit shortly after. That's just me and how my brain works. Also, I don't like the idea of working with the general public. I'm an introvert with social anxiety and I find that people down here (and people in general) don't make much sense to me so I would be highly frustrated. Well, ignore that little bit, I opened commissions for the hard drive and conditioner, so if you'd like to help by ordering a commission or buying from my Redbubble, that's fine. 

And here's Tarzan, covering up Elsa's bobble head. The joke is really for anyone that has read the original Tarzan of the Apes (well, not the very original. The big mistake of tigers in Africa was corrected before the book was published as a stand-alone novel and not in a magazine.) and seen Frozen. When he says that exact line, I couldn't help but think of Elsa saying something quite similar in the movie. Btw, Chris Buck directed both Tarzan and Frozen, so for everyone theorizing that Tarzan is Anna and Elsa's little brother, that's only because the style is similar. Next time you watch either classic, pay attention to character design. Jane could easily have been related to Anna and Elsa (possibly a descendant. She looks A LOT like them, down to the blue eyes) and you'll probably note that Hans has a more subtle version of Tarzan's noted heavy brow ridge/muscle. And the nose and chin length are quite similar too. Seeing design similarities and chalking them up to relations is like saying Ariel and Rapunzel are related because of their big eyes, wanting to leave the world they always lived in behind for adventure elsewhere, diminutive waists but large hips underneath, a lot of hair, a companion that isn't mammalian... Glen Keane worked on both princesses, btw, so what I'm trying to say is, it's rather dumb. We didn't feel the need for this before, why start it with Frozen? Just because the princesses looked similar to Rapunzel? Because Rapunzel showed up for two seconds? It's called a cameo and keeping a style that will make their movies recognizable as Disney. They did not tweak Rapunzel's features to make two (three if you count Queen Idunn) princesses out of it. They clearly didn't feel the need to tweak Eugene/Flynn's face for either Hans or Kristoff, why do it for the girls, eh? They have since tweaked Rapunzel's face for her TV series to look more like Anna and Elsa, however, which does bother me a bit. Frozen has made such a big impact that it's changed how Disney works and is making them copy themselves like you have no idea. Look at Moana. I have not seen the movie but I have a sister who is crazy obsessed with the damn movie and I've seen enough to believe that Disney copied some things from Frozen to make Moana more popular and profitable. For one, as much as Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote the songs, she has a song similar to Let It Go (or at least the idea that she has been trapped her whole life in society rules and not allowed to embrace herself). She is set to become the leader of her tiny little kingdom (*cough* Elsa *cough*), but she momentarily throws that away to follow her own pursuit. This doubles up with her having to save her kingdom from some uncontrollable force and take a journey that she doesn't really know how to take and team up with an unwilling companion (Anna, anyone?). There's a giant monster that threatens their lives and she twarts it (yeah, one's a crab and the other's a snowman but clearly they share the same purpose); at the end of How Far I'll Go, I believe she says something about there's nothing in her way and then she feels a bump in her boat (Anna was singing there was nothing in her way and bumped into a horse). Waking up with messy hair at one moment. An anti-climactic battle where the unstoppable force of nature is calmed down, saved, and gratefully helps the protagonists. Do you see where I'm getting at? Yes, there are a lot of differences too, but clearly Disney felt the need to copy and paste key elements from one story to the other and then change it so people wouldn't realize it copied its own homework. I also heard from that Honest Trailers video that there wasn't really any character development for Moana. Even the majority of Frozen's main cast experienced some character development. Why couldn't they just do like Zootopia and make it completely original and it's own thing? I love Zootopia because it's its own thing and doesn't feel the need to copy anything really, and it even pokes a little fun at Frozen instead of feeling the need to live up to it and follow in its footsteps. Kudos to Disney, though, for what little originality there is in Moana, like a teenager actually voicing a teenage princess, no love interest, the princess not being a twig but actually muscular looking, and how they deal with their main villain has great implications in how Frozen 2 could be, in my opinion. Te Fiti turned into Te Ka because her heart was stolen from her but the returning of her heart stopped her raging and she is forgiven by Moana and in turn, gives her forgiveness to Maui for stealing her heart in the first place. Hans was described by Anna as having a frozen heart, so there's hope that he will come back in the sequel and have to prove himself redeemable and actually be redeemed, since Disney has stopped killing off villains since Frozen. That doesn't mean that Disney will deliver, though. A lot of fans hate Hans and make out Elsa to be blameless, but she destroyed her own kingdom practically, trapped a whole bunch of foreigners and killed her sister. She's not blameless. At least Hans was prevented from killing her and his biggest crime was leading on the two sisters to believe he cared for them when he was just out to make a killing (monetarily and in position, not necessarily to kill at first). And there's an unexplored backstory with Hans that could very well explain why he became the villain. He offered up the information that his brothers mistreated him before Anna mentioned being shut out by her own sister. He used observations from his last time spent with Anna while lying to Elsa that her sister was dead. As much as he knew how to use the girls' sympathies against them, that could very well have been the truth, or part of it. I expect a lot from Frozen 2, like an explanation for Elsa's powers (I see them as some form of heritable mutation), Hans and his backstory, progression in Anna and Kristoff's relationship besides finally saying I love you, possibly a double wedding (please excuse my wishful thinking, I knew of a double wedding locally but wasn't invited. In fact, I haven't been invited to a wedding since I was a child)... yeah, and that could all be screwed up by Disney, so I'm not holding my breath. 

What a long rant. Started as one thing, ended as something else entirely. May come back tomorrow or Wednesday with what I have been working on so I can move on 😄

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