Saturday, May 27, 2017

Another Redbubble promo... but with Olaf

      I'm sorry, but I was under the impression that yesterday was the 25th so I was promoting the wrong code for Redbubble. Here's the new one to use:

...or Tom Hiddleston... or horses

Use that code STUFFTOWEAR to get 25% off all apparel if you check out Redbubble today. 

I don't know why I have been having such a hard time drawing Hans's face lately. Being that his face came out rather round in this doodle, we'll say he's been indulging in wienerbrød a bit too much. And while posting to Tumblr, I realized I forgot their freckles... 😠 (personally, I think the emoticon ):[ I came up with fits better because it's the kind of face I would make, but whatever) ... and Olaf is being a bit creepy there, but that's ok. Hope you're having a lovely weekend, don't drink and drive, don't text and drive, don't Pokémon and drive... and have fun (hopefully more than I'm currently having). 

Friday, May 26, 2017

Redbubble promo

      Hey! I don't really feel like drawing today (doesn't mean I won't) and I didn't draw Wednesday either, but I should promote my Redbubble here as well and I got an email Wednesday that features a special code:

Because I draw small, not much of my stuff is on shirts, but will most likely be on items like scarves and leggings or maybe in a repeat pattern on graphic shirts. On Tumblr, I asked if I could be tagged if a purchase was made, partly because I think it's nice when people show their support and appreciation for artists, and partly because it will help me better gauge what content actually sells for future reference (besides my Hawkeye Initiative doodle which has sold two greeting cards [in all]). I don't expect that to happen here, but all the same, if you have an Instagram or even a Tumblr and you do make a purchase, it'd be nice if you tagged me there with an image of what you got. Anyway, unless I do draw and double post today, have a great weekend! Don't drink and drive, don't text and drive, don't anything and drive unless it's singing or talking to a passenger (unless that distracts you to the point of being a bad driver) and have a great day. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Toasty Tuesday

      Hello. I didn't think I was going to draw when I got on my computer but then I checked Instagram and 9GAG (which I plan to unfollow hopefully soon; I find their constant content posting to be attention seeking and annoying) posted a meme relating to a heatwave in Scandinavia... and, well, my had slipped:
Some modern!Frozen! Been a while since I've doodled this AU, and clearly they're suffering from the heatwave. I commiserate with you, Scandinavia. As if summer here didn't already feel like with hell with my house's clunky old AC running, we're not running that AC because it quite honestly needs a replacement. A replacement we can't afford at this current time. I could use Elsa in my house. 

A terrible thing, that Manchester attack. I normally avoid saying anything about news like that because what the hell am I going to say? I'm not good with providing comfort, I just listen, maybe hug if I think it's necessary, but otherwise, I'm useless there. I heard about the news last night, except my local station was focusing on the fact that it was an Ariana Grande concert where the bombing actually happened. I also see these things that happen as sad signs of the times we're living in. Has mankind always been violent towards each other? Yeah, pretty much. Why else would there be the story of Cain and Abel, the first murderer and his victim, and they were brothers. So it's not very surprising to me when people are violent towards others they're not related to, I just wish the world were more compassionate and peaceful and that there wasn't such a thing as racism, because at the end of the day, we're all people. Just because I look vastly different from you and act a certain way and have different beliefs doesn't mean I'm not distantly related to you. I don't have the DNA test (or the money for it) to prove it, but I say that I am genetically whitewashed because even though there is definitely Native American on one side of my family tree, there's also Irish and Spaniard there too; and another side has African, but again, Spaniard/Canario and British (I suspect that comes by way of Ireland)... yes, I'm a mutt and I wouldn't be too surprised if Scandinavian and/or Middle Eastern showed up too. What I'm trying to say is, you have no right to be racist because you know next to nothing about said person/nationality/ethnicity that you are judging except what you see, and what you see is not always what you get. For all you know, you're related. I'm more likely to judge based on actions and observations of said actions, so watch how you behave with me. 

Um, ok, I'll be going now. Don't know if I'll be back tomorrow or Friday, so I hope all are safe and that someone's hugging those affected right now. 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Moody Monday

      Hello. I'm sorry I haven't been here. As much as I am doodling, my depression has zapped my enthusiasm. In fact, it put me in an angry mood today. I've been listening to emo, Hamilton, and anything else that may have an aggressive tone to it because the new music on the radio sucks (stupid dance music that only serves for mindlessly dance to and getting stuck in your head) and one of my sisters checked out Moana from the library and she plays the damn movie every day. Then I'm stuck with the Coconut Conspiracy Theory, Shiny, We Know the Way, or Moana's Let It Go playing in my head. Ok, Moana is a completely different type of story from Frozen, but I still see similarities between the two. Last week, I started sketching a doodle based on a legend featuring Maui, but then my sister (not the Moana obsessed one) pointed out I was making his skirt poofy, so this goof happened:

Yes, Maui in a tutu. Have fun with that. And today, I didn't feel like drawing people but I did feel like sketching horses oddly enough, so here's my favorite:

It's a Norwegian Fjord owned by a Viking girl who likes to keep her horse looking pretty. The braid in the tail was actually going to be the black part but I Googled the breed and they usually have mostly black tails so I reversed it. And I just liked the sketch so much that I thought I should make a full doodle of the head for Redbubble, so here it is:

It is not up there at the moment, but it might be. Hope you're having a better time than I am. 

Friday, May 12, 2017

Someday my doodle will come...

      Hello. I don't have a full doodle for today, but I started working on an old one that is on my doodle list, so here's the sneak peeks:

Yes, it features Snow White and a mysterious bow doppelganger. Hopefully I'll have it done next week, then I'll explain it in more detail. Today has been a weird Friday for me. I woke up early (on purpose) and my mom is watching the news and tells me my dad couldn't get his Dunkin Donut's fix in the morning cuz there was a robbery and shooting in the vicinity AND the police called saying to not leave the house because there was an armed and dangerous man on the loose close to my neighborhood. Yeah. America has turned to crap and I blame Palpatine (the title I have given a certain someone. I really don't care if he finds out that I compare him to that. As far as I'm concerned, he's working with the dark side). Speaking of Palpatine, I have plans to rewatch the prequel trilogy this weekend, after I throw Johnny Zest's wedding of course. Happy weekend, keep a watchful eye out. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

I'm Hooked on a Feeling

      And so I'm back... from outer space. No, I am. I finished up a little something since Friday was the release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

I got the idea for a Frozen - GotG crossover back in late March/early April, starring Hans as Starlord, Elsa as Gamora, Kristoff as Rocket [Racoon], Marshamallow as Drax, and Sven as Groot. No clue who would be Nebula, but I have considered parts for Anna, Olaf, and Oaken. I didn't feel like coloring in their clothing so I let the background peek out through there 😆 It started as a much bigger picture that I started working on last Friday, but I thought it would be cool to have a version like this, so I finished this up today. Next week I'll probably finish the original version, it's just that I thought Hans and Elsa's thighs were too skinny so I didn't actually finish their legs. 

Since last week, I've apparently been checking out books related to my ancestry: a book on Native American beading and leather working, one on the Celtic people, and one on wild horses (both cultures stated above were big on horses - yes, I have Irish ancestry. Probably where I get my love of red hair 💖). I already finished the horse book but I kept around for a little bit longer as reference for my horse drawing, since I have felt the need to draw them lately. I sketched a little guy last night: 

The annoying thing is my phone is being read by the computers as a malfunctioned device. Don't know if it has anything to do with the account I had on my phone that I had to close down, which has impeded me from downloading or updating apps because that was the main account T-T... Don't know how I'm going to upload to Instagram if my computer won't read my phone to transfer the pictures. I need a portable external hard drive to remedy my phone (and growing collection of doodles in my computer's pictures folder), so if you can check out my Redbubble, maybe buy something, or even commission me, that'd be great. I'd open a Patreon or KoFi (idk on that spelling), but then I'd have to come up with a whole other password and I don't do so well with passwords. I currently have crappy passwords for both of my emails, I don't want to create another one for an account that might not even be able get me the support I need. Hopefully I'll have a Friday doodle. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Commah-commah-commah commission me

      Hello. So I forgot to make that post on Friday about commissions and that Tarzan thing I did that was forced out of the last post, but I forgot because I was too busy drawing what I didn't even finish then (because my mom took us out for a Checkers lunch and then she took me out to run errands later on). Sorry. Here it is now: 

Commissions... these are the conditions I will draw a commission for you if you so desire... I was pointing out how my snowflake brush is crap because I drew crappy snowflakes. Pricing can be found below:
Sketchy headshot: 4″ sq = $2 (US), 6″ sq = $4, 8″ sq = $6
Lined headshot: 4″ sq = $6, 6″ sq = $12, 8″ sq = $18
Sketchy torso/full body: 4″ sq = $4, 6″ sq = $6, 8″ sq = $8
Lined torso/full body: 4″ sq = $12, 6″ sq = $18, 8″ sq = $24
$2 extra for every added character, basic cell shading, colored background (specific shapes can be requested for backgrounds)
$1 extra for use of one of my special brushes
Yes, I still need a portable external hard drive, possibly a new tablet (still working with the one we've got), and my house definitely needs a new air conditioner because it always gets messed up during summer and I live in Florida. My dad really wants to get a new unit so we can live more comfortably in our crummy little house. And I've never gone to Disney World but I have cousins that absolutely want to go with me and their parents are already setting up their vacation for this summer (to Disney). I don't know how any of this will happen without me making some money somehow. Sure, I could apply for a job, but the likelihood of them hiring me is next to zilch with my lack of experience (and I have no special qualifications or schooling... I didn't even want to go to high school, I did it for the diploma) and afterwards, they probably won't be too happy granting me with vacation time and special days so soon after getting hired... and I don't even want to stay in the state anymore. I decided years ago that I don't like this state and I would rather move out, so I don't really want to be getting a job just to quit shortly after. That's just me and how my brain works. Also, I don't like the idea of working with the general public. I'm an introvert with social anxiety and I find that people down here (and people in general) don't make much sense to me so I would be highly frustrated. Well, ignore that little bit, I opened commissions for the hard drive and conditioner, so if you'd like to help by ordering a commission or buying from my Redbubble, that's fine. 

And here's Tarzan, covering up Elsa's bobble head. The joke is really for anyone that has read the original Tarzan of the Apes (well, not the very original. The big mistake of tigers in Africa was corrected before the book was published as a stand-alone novel and not in a magazine.) and seen Frozen. When he says that exact line, I couldn't help but think of Elsa saying something quite similar in the movie. Btw, Chris Buck directed both Tarzan and Frozen, so for everyone theorizing that Tarzan is Anna and Elsa's little brother, that's only because the style is similar. Next time you watch either classic, pay attention to character design. Jane could easily have been related to Anna and Elsa (possibly a descendant. She looks A LOT like them, down to the blue eyes) and you'll probably note that Hans has a more subtle version of Tarzan's noted heavy brow ridge/muscle. And the nose and chin length are quite similar too. Seeing design similarities and chalking them up to relations is like saying Ariel and Rapunzel are related because of their big eyes, wanting to leave the world they always lived in behind for adventure elsewhere, diminutive waists but large hips underneath, a lot of hair, a companion that isn't mammalian... Glen Keane worked on both princesses, btw, so what I'm trying to say is, it's rather dumb. We didn't feel the need for this before, why start it with Frozen? Just because the princesses looked similar to Rapunzel? Because Rapunzel showed up for two seconds? It's called a cameo and keeping a style that will make their movies recognizable as Disney. They did not tweak Rapunzel's features to make two (three if you count Queen Idunn) princesses out of it. They clearly didn't feel the need to tweak Eugene/Flynn's face for either Hans or Kristoff, why do it for the girls, eh? They have since tweaked Rapunzel's face for her TV series to look more like Anna and Elsa, however, which does bother me a bit. Frozen has made such a big impact that it's changed how Disney works and is making them copy themselves like you have no idea. Look at Moana. I have not seen the movie but I have a sister who is crazy obsessed with the damn movie and I've seen enough to believe that Disney copied some things from Frozen to make Moana more popular and profitable. For one, as much as Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote the songs, she has a song similar to Let It Go (or at least the idea that she has been trapped her whole life in society rules and not allowed to embrace herself). She is set to become the leader of her tiny little kingdom (*cough* Elsa *cough*), but she momentarily throws that away to follow her own pursuit. This doubles up with her having to save her kingdom from some uncontrollable force and take a journey that she doesn't really know how to take and team up with an unwilling companion (Anna, anyone?). There's a giant monster that threatens their lives and she twarts it (yeah, one's a crab and the other's a snowman but clearly they share the same purpose); at the end of How Far I'll Go, I believe she says something about there's nothing in her way and then she feels a bump in her boat (Anna was singing there was nothing in her way and bumped into a horse). Waking up with messy hair at one moment. An anti-climactic battle where the unstoppable force of nature is calmed down, saved, and gratefully helps the protagonists. Do you see where I'm getting at? Yes, there are a lot of differences too, but clearly Disney felt the need to copy and paste key elements from one story to the other and then change it so people wouldn't realize it copied its own homework. I also heard from that Honest Trailers video that there wasn't really any character development for Moana. Even the majority of Frozen's main cast experienced some character development. Why couldn't they just do like Zootopia and make it completely original and it's own thing? I love Zootopia because it's its own thing and doesn't feel the need to copy anything really, and it even pokes a little fun at Frozen instead of feeling the need to live up to it and follow in its footsteps. Kudos to Disney, though, for what little originality there is in Moana, like a teenager actually voicing a teenage princess, no love interest, the princess not being a twig but actually muscular looking, and how they deal with their main villain has great implications in how Frozen 2 could be, in my opinion. Te Fiti turned into Te Ka because her heart was stolen from her but the returning of her heart stopped her raging and she is forgiven by Moana and in turn, gives her forgiveness to Maui for stealing her heart in the first place. Hans was described by Anna as having a frozen heart, so there's hope that he will come back in the sequel and have to prove himself redeemable and actually be redeemed, since Disney has stopped killing off villains since Frozen. That doesn't mean that Disney will deliver, though. A lot of fans hate Hans and make out Elsa to be blameless, but she destroyed her own kingdom practically, trapped a whole bunch of foreigners and killed her sister. She's not blameless. At least Hans was prevented from killing her and his biggest crime was leading on the two sisters to believe he cared for them when he was just out to make a killing (monetarily and in position, not necessarily to kill at first). And there's an unexplored backstory with Hans that could very well explain why he became the villain. He offered up the information that his brothers mistreated him before Anna mentioned being shut out by her own sister. He used observations from his last time spent with Anna while lying to Elsa that her sister was dead. As much as he knew how to use the girls' sympathies against them, that could very well have been the truth, or part of it. I expect a lot from Frozen 2, like an explanation for Elsa's powers (I see them as some form of heritable mutation), Hans and his backstory, progression in Anna and Kristoff's relationship besides finally saying I love you, possibly a double wedding (please excuse my wishful thinking, I knew of a double wedding locally but wasn't invited. In fact, I haven't been invited to a wedding since I was a child)... yeah, and that could all be screwed up by Disney, so I'm not holding my breath. 

What a long rant. Started as one thing, ended as something else entirely. May come back tomorrow or Wednesday with what I have been working on so I can move on 😄

Thursday, May 4, 2017

BAM! Star Wars Day/Catching up

      Hello. I know it has been a long time, but I was busy in April and, even though I did draw a little bit (I also worked on some manipulation but when I added pictures from my phone to the draft, it got rid of it for some reason), I didn't feel like drawing much and ended up doing more simming than I thought I would. I also lost pen pressure AGAIN when my Windows 10 updated. I'm sick and tired of that happening and trying to find a suitable driver on the internet only for it to go bust... so I downloaded it from the CD that came with the tablet. Yay, problem fixed (until next update). So the last two weekends I drew on paper. Both drawings are Frozen-related:

The first one is because my mom went on a quest to get my high school yearbook (we couldn't afford it when they were taking the orders and there were no extras afterwards), but that attempt just brought up buried feelings related to my age and how my life has not gone the way I've wanted it to... so I felt like drawing modern!Hans. And the one beneath is because I want to draw a coloring page featuring Olaf with Sven and Sitron... but at the moment I couldn't and I wanted to draw something cute and a little different than what I have been drawing lately (Hans) so it turned into a three day venture... because somehow Olaf has become the easiest character for me to draw but I was drawing cartoon Sitron and Sven sideways, which was much more difficult. Also, I have probably drawn Sven three times total... not good. And today is May the 4th (be with you), and for years I wanted to draw some of my characters dressed as Leia (with one exception), so I spent three days this week sketching out characters with different Leia hairstyles... only to produce this:

The top one is Sandra dressed as Queen Amidala of the Naboo, because I grew up on The Phantom Menace and loved Padmé (and her costume. If I could wear the full makeup, I would) so I wanted to give her some love. I think it's a shame that the franchise doesn't speak much about her outside of the prequels (and Clone Wars, which is related to the prequels). I understand if George Lucas hadn't fully fleshed her out as a character while working on the first trilogy, so naturally she gets only one mention there, and it ended up being debunked by the prequels as inaccurate (Luke not remembering his mother but Leia remembered her as a beautiful sad woman when Padmé died shortly after childbirth. I chalk it up to the force and Luke was asleep at the time). But there is another trilogy being produced by Disney, with several other small projects that tie into the original story, plenty of opportunity for Leia to mention her mother fought only to see democracy die thanks to her own husband, or she inspires every small rebel group that fights against the tyranny of the dark side, or someone reading her name somewhere. I'll be happy to hear her name but also sad if someone comes across her tomb. As long as Padmé is remembered, I am glad. And the other one is an alternate version with Natalie Portman's hair and eye coloration. The hair is a little wonky in shape (misshapen doughnut) and I could have done the headpiece better, but I like how it turned out for now. Long live the Queen. And the bottom is a goof from a previous doodle: 

Olaf may be cosplaying as Bella Goth. Good night. 

p.s. I opened commissions this Monday, I'll post more details here tomorrow... and I can't put my digital drawings on Instagram right now because my phone isn't being recognized by our computers 😢