Friday, May 30, 2014

Not everyone can be so privileged...

      Hello. I've been away for a while, haven't I? Last weekend was actually Memorial Day weekend here and my family did what everybody else in Florida does - we went to the beach. Not my best beach outing but at least we went unlike last year. How could you live in Florida and not go to the beach, you ask? Easy. Get caught up in daily routine and watch TV. Anyway, I went to scan a drawing and my scanner was supposedly scanning it then at the end would say that it didn't read it. Thank you, Lexmark. This is why my mom likes HP. Taking into consideration that my hardware wasn't cooperating, I decided to work on something that I had waiting for the final touches. 

This was inspired by a few song lyrics and that coincidentally I have a few characters that have royal ancestry from fictional civilizations. The girl on the left is obviously Lorde, if you don't recognize the girl in the middle by her hair then I suggest you look at my older posts, and the guy on the right is not depressed :D. He is a newer character that I came up with last year, not related to the Na'vi of Avatar. His is a long story but he's related to a very prominent alien, I'll tell you that much.That's it, I'll be back when I finish something else so, you know, enjoy your weekend.  

Friday, May 23, 2014

Freak-y Friday

      It's so nice to be back. I didn't feel like doing much Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday I was busy. I drew a little something but it's on paper and I want to scan it. And yesterday I didn't feel like turning on the computer. So here I am! X-Men: Days of Future Past comes out today and as much as I would like to see it (somewhat), I already saw Godzilla last Saturday (it was awesome) and I don't think I'll be able to go. Besides that, I finally saw the first X-Men movie Monday so I have to do a lot of catching up to understand what's going on in this movie anyway. Is it just me, or did the first movie seem a little hokey? I mean, yes there's CG but the costume design, the stunts... when you compare that to say Captain America or Iron Man, it doesn't feel very real. Enough movie bashing, I wanted to put up something X-Men related here, mostly referring to the movie, but the most I have is this: 

Yes, it's She-star again. I told you that portrait didn't do her personality justice. So, she's getting her male counterpart miffed and Rictor is cowering in the background. Wait, who's the "other" redheaded girl she's talking about? 

The one in this picture. This was a little something I drew on notebook paper (ain't it obvious?) and then fooled around with in Photoshop. This was on my old flash drive but thankfully I had this one in an email I sent so I guess I got lucky there. Sorry She-star's nose is too high up and Shatterstar's ear is too small. And I forgot my signature. Oh well. And if anybody out there is having issues with the costumes not being accurate, I did try to base them off of the comic versions and whatever I thought was stupid or I didn't remember correctly I took creative licensing. Let me just put it to you this way, they're not cannon so it really doesn't matter. I kind of "heard" something about Rictor being in the movie but I also heard Lady Gaga was playing Dazzler so I don't know what's real but it'd be nice to see them portray other not-so-well-known characters this time around. Hope you enjoy your weekend :). 

Friday, May 16, 2014


      Godzilla comes out today in theaters. For the umpteenth time. Iiiiiiiiiii don't know if I'm going but it does look rather awesome and scary at the same time. Here's a little fact about Godzilla that won't really be useful for you in life, it's just fun to know: the Japanese word "gojira" is a conjunction of the words whale (kujira) and gorilla (gorira). Here's a doodle I made for today: 

Yes, Midori is scared of Godzilla. It stems from childhood. I don't blame her. The idea of a giant lizard-thing invading and terrorizing your city is scary for anybody. When I was 5, I thought that the T-rex would come out of the TV if I stood too close while my parents watched Jurassic Park. Not my problem anymore. I hate it when my parents watch the 1998 Godzilla... they have to put the stereo so loud that I can hear it walking while standing outside my house. So annoying >.<. Anyway, hope you have a happy weekend and sleep tight, don't let the atomic dinosaur bite. :D

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hump Day w/Lineart

      It's hump day and a rather boring one, too. I could use the Hump Day camel from that Geico commercial. Sorry if it hasn't gone international. I've made quite a bit of progress on that sketch I told you about Monday. It's not really a sketch anymore. 

Sorry it looks like this. I used MS Paint to get this screenshot so I've got lousy quality and I couldn't crop :(. But you see? I have actually drawn them like an actual manga-ka (manga artist) would: no chibis. Not like they don't draw chibis, just not as often as I do. They're just easier to draw, besides they're cuter. I actually have color on them but I'll leave that for the big reveal. I'm also working on other stuff, one that I started today and would like to have ready Friday. Hope to be here again soon. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

It's Monday :|

      Hello. G'day. Hola. Hallo. Dia dhuit. Konnichiwa. Nihao. Bonjour. I can basically say hi in more than two languages (not that Australia has its own language, just a different vernacular). Language just happens to catch my attention so I try to absorb as much as possible. And I do most of my absorbing through Google. Enough said. I'm working on some stuff right now and I actually have a sketch going. Currently working on the line art before I do any coloring and this is much more intricate than everything else I've shown here so it's taking some time to complete. 

This is a screenshot of the original sketch. Yes, those are X's where their crotches would naturally be and the girl on the left has Mystique boobs. If you've seen the X-Men movies or just bits of them, then you catch my drift. I promise they will not look like that in the final. Well, I'll be back later in the week with whatever progress I make. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Spring Fever

      Hi guys. It's Friday which means WEEKEND!!! Anybody remember my drawing that I was doing starting April 22nd? I finished it. Here it is: 

Ain't it purrty? :3 I think it's pretty. I misspelled it on purpose for those of you that don't understand hillbilly talk. I don't talk like that on a daily basis but occasionally it is fun to say. I originally thought of having a bunch of my characters on that hill but I didn't feel like drawing all of that so I kept it simple: Mike, Sandra, and..... Who's that girl? Her name is Saru (not really, it's a nickname, her parents didn't name her "monkey") and she is Sandra's younger cousin. This is before any of the kids so Sandra is only 22 making Saru 14. Yeah, quite an age gap. Wanna know how old Mike is? ... drum roll please ... 25. That's why he is so serious. The panda on his shirt is the WWF panda. I'm acknowledging it so I don't get in trouble. I wanted something on his shirt, preferably a funny saying but Google gave me a lot of cursing and one that was disturbing. So I went with logos and I saw the panda. I could talk more but I think I have said enough. Have a nice weekend! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Boop Boop Boo-Boody-Boop-Boop

      I'm feeling better but still not at my normal so excuse me if I say anything funny. I have done some drawing in Sketchbook (I would have done it in Photoshop but I don't like that the brushes look fuzzy) and so I'll post them: 

I made it easy for you, didn't I? You know how people like to make their own Powerpuff characters and put them all over the internet? Yeah well, these are my own version. I know, they look more like my chibis because they actually started out that way. I was practicing drawing flying in perspective and they were just born, these girls dressed up like Dorothy, Xena, and Princess Leia (of all things) flying on a piece of paper. First, they were The Ragdolls (long story), then they were descendants of the original Powerpuffs and now they are their slightly modified kids. I haven't drawn them in the longest but yesterday I was in the mood to draw Chloe so I did. Then I just couldn't leave out her cousins. Btw, that's a fist by Annie's name. Don't let that sweet face and braids pulled up for this picture fool you: she will make you cry. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

They say laughter is the best medicine

      Hi. I've gotten sick so I haven't done much drawing. I did draw something close to what I'm feeling now February last year when I was sick then. I took a picture of it because I had photoshopped it last year but I still haven't retrieved my stuff from the dead flash drive and I had deleted the scan from the computer. Ugh, can't wait to get my stuff out of there already. 

Sorry there's "wood" in the picture. This was actually based on a little incident that happened while I was sick. I left a tissue that I was using on the desk and my dad is on the computer and he sees a piece of paper and almost wrote on it when I said "that's my tissue". I didn't blow my nose right in his face but he had a similar reaction to the thought of touching someone's used tissue xD. I've recently noticed that I have had viewers in Spain, Germany, and Poland, which is cool. I think the Germans are the ones that stayed though. Can't win them all, can we? Still cool :D.