Friday, March 28, 2014

TGIF and a clean shirt would be nice

      Hello. It's Friday and a rather lovely one it's been, too. For me that is. Good news for Super Teens fans: I finished a strip. Only problem is, it looks rather dirty and ugly now so it will have to wait till next week. Ugh, and I put so much work into it to put more work into it. So another Morgan comic it is. 

It's a one-liner, obviously. I know the background sucks but Photoshop tricks me into thinking that all of the background is the same color when it's not. Here, Haru is six and Maro is, well, a baby. And yes, Haru didn't like Maro at that age and doesn't tolerate him too much when he's older, either. As an older sister, I understand how he feels. However, I actually liked my sisters as babies. It's when they started talking that they got annoying. And I was never puked on by a baby that was not myself!!! I hope you guys have a nice weekend :). 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Where's Dinner?

      I am a bit stumped as to what to say. I have spent most of my morning just sitting, staring into space and thinking stuff. It just hit me that it's hump day! I just love that camel. Anyways, I long for a girl's night or just a hangout and that happens to be the subject of this next strip. The strip starts with the Morgan girls coming back from a girl's night out and they find a surprise in their kitchen. 

The moral of the story: don't leave boys alone, not even with their dad!! Just kidding. I have no brothers of my own, but I observe boys from other families and in public so I know that they're fully capable of this. Whoever thinks that girls cause too much drama haven't spent enough time with rowdy boys. Ha ha, I'm just missing ruff to make that Rowdyruff Boys. If you don't know what I'm referring to, you need a childhood. So yes, they are in trouble now because the girls leave thinking that dinner will be in good hands and taken care of to find their food in, well, hands. Oh, and it would have been sloppy Joe (that's all Mike can cook really) but I thought it would gross people out that he's licking raw meat off his shirt so it turned into brownie mix. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Just Another Manic Monday

      Hello. I regret to inform all Super Teens fans that at this present time I do not have another comic strip prepared for you to read but it's not like I didn't warn you. I have plans to make more but they do require work and I need freedom on the computer to work on them. This doesn't mean that I won't post a strip today. In fact, I have one picked out. Meet the Morgans. 

Yes, I know, they are a rather large family. It just happened rather suddenly. I blessed this happy couple with a little girl and boy (they're not so little anymore) and then I needed a reason for the older girl to have developed an attitude towards her dad so I thought it's because they have another baby. Then I was stumped as to what the gender would be so I said twins. And there you go. The dad's name is Mike, born and raised in Chicago, of Irish descent (although he looks black Irish here ;) not my fault though) who moved to Tokyo about 21 years prior to all this to accept a job as a reporter. Mom is Sandra (nee Roiyaru), was living in Tokyo at that time and working as a secretary in the same office. But there's something special about her! Mwahaha. The girl in red with the black hair is Midori, born and raised in Tokyo, not yet 18, with a sort of feminist point of view and awesome sword skills. The blondish guy with apparently no body is her younger brother Haru, also born and raised in Tokyo, 13, shy, withdrawn, skinny, and wishes to be an entomologist. Blondish girl holding onto Midori's hand is Yoko, eldest twin, outgoing with a lot of energy and likes to be girly. The blond boy who looks particularly upset is Maro, the youngest of the bunch, he and his sister are 7, outgoing like Yoko, tends to walk into trouble and likes to eat. You don't see it here but he tries to copy his dad's hair by spiking it up. I just love everyone's faces at the end. They look so disappointed, except for Sandra, she looks surprised.   

Saturday, March 22, 2014

You Make Me So Mad }:(

      Have you ever gotten so upset with someone that you run out of words to describe how much they upset you or the best words for them you don't want to say because they're really nasty? I have. And after I have my personal falling out with that person, I can't stand seeing them, what they like, not even hearing their name. Sorry that I have started this post out so upset sounding but I'm sick and tired of getting disappointed in life so sometimes I prefer to think of the characters I come up with because at least I can control what they do and they don't disappoint me. So, for now, this will be the last comic strip for my Super Teens (that's what I call them). In this case, Wilhelm has become very upset with Aidan and Aidan doesn't seem to care or has probably heard worse from others. 

If you zoom in, you can see that I pasted the Adidas logo on Wilhelm's shirt. I figured I'd slap it on because it is a German brand and Wilhelm is monetarily blessed so why wouldn't he wear brand name clothing? It also doesn't make it look like they live in a little made-up  world even if they do because superheroes don't exist :(. I know there are some splotches in this but I don't feel like touching them up so just get used to it. I'll try to cover them up better for any future stuff born on paper. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Gee, I feel stupid

      It's Tuesday once again but yesterday I was enjoying myself watching dolphins swimming and doing tricks. It was very impressive to see an orca up close. In other news, I don't have to go through the trouble of drawing on paper then scanning it and erasing lines and spots because I now have access to a drawing tablet. Yay! In fact, I'm kind of starting on a few projects with it. I will introduce the characters in these projects later on but you're still getting accustomed to the characters I have posted so far so here is a strip. 

They are in a very dark hallway... ;). I drew this one day in Spanish class because I was bored. Wait, was it in Spanish? It's been so long since I was in school that I don't remember quite well anymore. Aidan hasn't been living there long and obviously doesn't recognize that if there is a knob facing you, you pull the door. But Aidan is so stubborn that he tried to push that door inward and Wilhelm can't see anybody having trouble without helping them. It took Ariana of all people to show them that they were being neanderthals. Mind you, the guys are not stupid; Wilhelm is a genius and Aidan has a quick wit. They just had a stupid moment (in Wilhelm's case, a blonde moment) like anybody else. I know it's not of high quality but like I said, I was bored. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Goo Goo Gaa Gaa

       I would have posted yesterday but internet was down since Thursday night and I store my work on my flash drive so there was no way of connecting it to my phone :(. Anyway, this post is geared towards teenage girls who have ever liked a guy and just started imagining what life would be like with him and their kids and everything. Of course, since I said teenage girls, the stars of today's comic strip (I only have a few of them so don't expect me to post one daily or weekly) are Tamiko and Ariana. 

Ok, just realized it's Blogger the one giving them tans. Ok then. I draw mostly on lined paper and even though I went over them with the paintbrush in Photoshop, they're still rather visible. Eh. Back to the subject, Ariana is obviously googly-eyed over her big hunky blonde Wilhelm and Tamiko is either playing it cool or just doesn't think at this moment that breeding with Aidan would be very smart of her. I am obviously parodying how girls plan out their whole lives with this one guy. I'm not saying that they're stupid, I've done it myself then realized that the guy would rather marry the girl that wears tight clothing and/or has three piercings on one ear like I'm not interesting enough for them. I don't find them interesting anymore either so there. Spoiler alert (do not read beyond this point if you would rather that I make a full comic for them and not just tell you bits and pieces of my storyline) :

Tamiko has kids with Aidan before Ariana and they did not need such heavy duty disciplining. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It's Tuesday :/

     The weekend is over. I know yesterday was Monday but I didn't feel so good and I just didn't feel like turning on the computer. Some good things happened over the weekend and some bad things happened. That's how life works sadly. Last post included a cartoon featuring only two characters. Today I am treating you to one with four - Aidan and Wilhelm are half of a foursome. The other two are girls - Tamiko and Ariana - and the first members of the group. Then Wilhelm joined in then Aidan came into the picture. That's actually the order that I created them in funny enough. So here is the picture:

I don't know why FireAlpaca made it look so dark after I tried getting rid of the splotches that were left behind from using lined paper and the fact that when I'm working on Photoshop the splotches don't seem to show up until I look at this on another computer. At least right now I'm looking at everyone tanned. Huh. Anyway, as I was saying, Ariana is the dark girl in pink. She's from Spain and does go crazy over Enrique Iglesias, not that I blame her. The blue haired girl is Tamiko. She's Japanese. I didn't mention this before but they've got super powers. Wilhelm is a little beefier than most of my guy characters because he's got super strength, Ariana can produce and become toxic sludge, Aidan is a little fireball and warmer than everybody else, and Tamiko is nuclear. I wanted to make a cartoon featuring all of them and showing the relationships between the guys and gals. Wilhelm and Ariana have been flirting since they met but he hesitates to make any commitments with her. He still sees them as rather exclusive so he gets a bit upset when her eyes start wandering. Aidan and Tamiko do become an official couple but she doesn't want anything or any enemies to tear them apart so they try to keep it as quiet as possible. I like the ending because Wilhelm is wearing a cut-up box over his head in a desperate act and Aidan is smiling at Tamiko as she watches the antics of the other two. It's the kind of smile that looks like an open-mouthed smirk as in look at what I made him do. This picture is rather good at summing up  their different personalities for the most part. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Hello World

   Hi guys. Welcome to the first post on Mich Doodles. That's pronounced mee-tch without the ya afterwards. It's a nickname for something else much longer and harder to pronounce and this is much more catchier. This is a blog mostly for my artwork/doodles, ergo the Doodles part of the name. Therefore (who says that outside of an essay? I'll tell you: me), I shall commemorate this event with a doodle. 

These two blokes are named Wilhelm (blonde) and Aidan (redhead). Wilhelm is German-born and Aidan is Irish-born, which I guess is a bit stereotypical but I like them the way they are. I drew this with paper and pencil, then scanned and photo shopped them. Not perfect, but I like coloring with Photoshop, it's more vivid. This was done in late December last year but isn't this International Women's Day weekend? Google confused me so I say weekend to make sure I'm not wrong on the date. Ironically, this cartoon focuses on two guys interacting with each other but I hope the joke doesn't just go over your heads because Aidan is using a sarcastic tone at the end. Oh, and Wilhelm is NOT looking in Aidan's sweatpants even though he could. Please note that my intention was not to make a joke out of the day, it just made sense to use it in the joke.