Saturday, March 15, 2014

Goo Goo Gaa Gaa

       I would have posted yesterday but internet was down since Thursday night and I store my work on my flash drive so there was no way of connecting it to my phone :(. Anyway, this post is geared towards teenage girls who have ever liked a guy and just started imagining what life would be like with him and their kids and everything. Of course, since I said teenage girls, the stars of today's comic strip (I only have a few of them so don't expect me to post one daily or weekly) are Tamiko and Ariana. 

Ok, just realized it's Blogger the one giving them tans. Ok then. I draw mostly on lined paper and even though I went over them with the paintbrush in Photoshop, they're still rather visible. Eh. Back to the subject, Ariana is obviously googly-eyed over her big hunky blonde Wilhelm and Tamiko is either playing it cool or just doesn't think at this moment that breeding with Aidan would be very smart of her. I am obviously parodying how girls plan out their whole lives with this one guy. I'm not saying that they're stupid, I've done it myself then realized that the guy would rather marry the girl that wears tight clothing and/or has three piercings on one ear like I'm not interesting enough for them. I don't find them interesting anymore either so there. Spoiler alert (do not read beyond this point if you would rather that I make a full comic for them and not just tell you bits and pieces of my storyline) :

Tamiko has kids with Aidan before Ariana and they did not need such heavy duty disciplining. 

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