Monday, October 9, 2017

Inktober 2017 #2

      Hello! It's Friday and last night I finished another Inktober index card so here it is: 

I had to think for this theme because it was almost Frozen but too many of the prompts remind me of Frozen (how dare I be so obsessed) so I didn't want to torture you and myself and leave out some of the themes I came up with for this year so after a good long time thinking (interrupted by life, of course), the theme for this card happens to be my manga OCs. Yay, OC love. Oh, they're not manga you say? So last year's inktober was done completely in my cartoon style and throwing in chibis into the mix early on in the month was going to be weird, so as much as I almost drew chibis and thought of it, I asked my sister if I should draw them in manga or cartoon and she said cartoon. Made plenty of sense so cartoon versions of my characters it is. After deciding on theme and style, a couple of these prompts became easier to plan out. The first drawing has a story to it: my Super Teens (Tamiko, Aidan, Ariana, and Wilhelm) went on a trip and the first three lost their luggage, you know, the timeless tale of your luggage not coming back to you on that airport conveyor belt. That has never happened to me because I've only ever traveled on land by bus or car and ferry, it's expensive for a family of five constantly paying something to fly. Anyway, Wilhelm is just a big sweetheart and lent out his clothes to his friends so they could sleep dressed (and probably buy some stuff for them in the morning)... no one fills out his clothes the way that Wilhelm does, though. That made me think of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. Second was easy: baby Midori with Mike at an exhibit looking at a katana, as they live in Japan and Midori grows up to have swordsmanship as a hobby. Third one was a hard one because it occurred to me that I don't really have shy OCs (which is weird because I'm a shy introvert with possible social anxiety, but I remembered that Mike became shy as a child because he'd get picked on so he developed something of an inferiority complex... so he's blushing really hard as he talks his crush, who looks familiar. Fourth one took me a long time because I took a nap in the afternoon yesterday, I had to finally figure out Asian man eyes for cartoon Ryo, and what was I going to draw in that crooked painting? Obviously I figured that out and it is a crack painting that I said on Instagram and Tumblr if anyone could tell what the subject was, I would give them a larger copy of it... Eventually. I do want to draw a larger version of it but it would probably be best if I made it a digital painting to ensure quality and make it the way I think suits it best. Does anyone reading here dare to take a guess? 

I started another inktober card today so that should get posted Friday and I should have news about if I get hired. Ttfn. 

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