Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Inktober 2017 #6

      Hello. It's Wednesday and I finished another Inktober card yesterday so here ya go:

Yay, dinosaurs! Haven't drawn those in a long time. First one was the angry Triceratops defending its baby. I drew that on Saturday and had to look up Triceratops because I wasn't getting the head shape right. Oh, Saturday was my first day of work, did I mention that in my last post? I don't remember. It's possible I was supposed to stay longer but I left after three hours, I don't know anymore. I understood I could go at 1 when I had only been there since 10 in the morning. And then one manager told me Monday at 3 but I was scheduled for 11/11:30 to 7:15... and I got a call from the other manager about having missed work... whoops. SUNDAY (let's get back on track) I drew what was supposed to be a raptor but could be like any dinosaur going down a well-traveled path and leaving behind footprints. Monday I drew the Corythosaurus munching on a fruit. By this time I found out I messed up with work and I was feeling uninspired, like the look on its face. And yesterday I drew what I wanted to be a Spinosaurus but it could also be interpreted as a Baryonyx (I only drew a head, a weirdly shaped one at that. I see why they're always portrayed with their mouth open) that has seen plenty of fights in his day, including the one that caused loss of sight in that eye. Was it another spino? A croc? A bee? 😂 I went to work just fine yesterday and I stayed as long as I was scheduled, which was from 4 to 10:15 pm. Yay, I did something right. Oh, I rescanned last inktober card with Frozen:

It bothered me how it had been skewed, turns out it was me. I finally saw Wonder Woman, just a couple hours ago actually. I'm currently hearing Sims 2 music but I just heard her theme song because it got stuck in my head but I LOVED it. Both the theme and the movie. The part I enjoyed most from BvS (did I mention I saw that last month finally?) was Wonder Woman. Lex Luthor needed a puffy white room. I have to get going, I've had a headache almost all day and I'm late with today's inktober doodle , so toodles. 

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