Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Inktober 2017 #6

      Hello. It's Wednesday and I finished another Inktober card yesterday so here ya go:

Yay, dinosaurs! Haven't drawn those in a long time. First one was the angry Triceratops defending its baby. I drew that on Saturday and had to look up Triceratops because I wasn't getting the head shape right. Oh, Saturday was my first day of work, did I mention that in my last post? I don't remember. It's possible I was supposed to stay longer but I left after three hours, I don't know anymore. I understood I could go at 1 when I had only been there since 10 in the morning. And then one manager told me Monday at 3 but I was scheduled for 11/11:30 to 7:15... and I got a call from the other manager about having missed work... whoops. SUNDAY (let's get back on track) I drew what was supposed to be a raptor but could be like any dinosaur going down a well-traveled path and leaving behind footprints. Monday I drew the Corythosaurus munching on a fruit. By this time I found out I messed up with work and I was feeling uninspired, like the look on its face. And yesterday I drew what I wanted to be a Spinosaurus but it could also be interpreted as a Baryonyx (I only drew a head, a weirdly shaped one at that. I see why they're always portrayed with their mouth open) that has seen plenty of fights in his day, including the one that caused loss of sight in that eye. Was it another spino? A croc? A bee? 😂 I went to work just fine yesterday and I stayed as long as I was scheduled, which was from 4 to 10:15 pm. Yay, I did something right. Oh, I rescanned last inktober card with Frozen:

It bothered me how it had been skewed, turns out it was me. I finally saw Wonder Woman, just a couple hours ago actually. I'm currently hearing Sims 2 music but I just heard her theme song because it got stuck in my head but I LOVED it. Both the theme and the movie. The part I enjoyed most from BvS (did I mention I saw that last month finally?) was Wonder Woman. Lex Luthor needed a puffy white room. I have to get going, I've had a headache almost all day and I'm late with today's inktober doodle , so toodles. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

How about a sandwich shop run by aliens? (that actually sounds like a simming idea)

      Hello. I finish this latest card tomorrow, so why am I posting now? Oh, it's nothing...

Nothing at all... My dad upgraded the family computer from Vista to 7 a long time ago (I don't remember how long it's been but it was recent) and with his very quick attempt at backing up right before that, we lost Photoshop. We just recently got it back and today the photo tile on my phone decided to remind me that this was an unfinished project so I was like, yeah I can work on it quickly today... I had to delete the original PSD file because neither Photoshop nor FireAlpaca would open it. Oh, and I was under the impression that I had to go into work in the afternoon so I went out in the morning and turns out I was scheduled to go in in the morning... I felt so bad about it so music, editing Santino Fontana so it looks like he's saying either sandwiches or aliens, and playing the sims 4 to feel better. I go in tomorrow for work in the afternoon (I have been double checking because part of the reason for today was I didn't think to check the schedule, I was just going by word of mouth) so I won't post again on here till Wednesday or work on any more silly stuff like this. I don't know when I'll do more stuff besides inktober but my work schedule for the time being will be three days a week so I'll have plenty of time to draw doodles, especially when I get paid and use my paycheck for art stuff. Well, I should be posting more inktober on Wednesday and maybe I can work with the schedule they give me at work and not accidentally miss more days 😱

Friday, October 20, 2017

Inktober 2017 #5

      Hello. It's Friday and I finished another inktober index card so here we go: 

Ok, this kinda scanned weird and I might rescan it to fix that but later, I have to go in to work tomorrow for more training... It's Frozen, whoop whoop! This could have been my modern take on it but I didn't. That's fine. Well it was time to draw them and I did say that I wanted to include these characters into this year's inktober so here they are, starting with what was supposed to be a stately and graceful Elsa on day 17. Then I drew Anna and Kristoff and I came up with something of a ditty as a backstory: "Anna wanted to go on an adventure. Kristoff said she couldn't walk through a mud puddle. Anna insisted and when she fell in it, guess who went to help her?" Now to explain to her sister. It was fun drawing them all muddy with messy hair and I really should draw more Kristanna, they're cute. Hansanna was cute too, but Kristanna is genuinely cute not staged. And then of course I had to draw Olaf and Sven. They're having fun with Olaf's own personal flurry, which he gets for being Elsa's privileged "firstborn". For everyone waiting, I finally drew Hans... digging a hole? I hope that isn't someone's early grave. Hans got more likes than Olaf and Sven somehow... maybe it's because I put more personality into today's drawing than yesterday. I admit the Olaf one is generic. I don't like how Elsa came out when I penned her because I messed up her face shape. Tomorrow is the start of another card with another theme and I actually start training at the register... I would have done that today if I had the right pants and shoes, which I got at Walmart a couple hours ago, a pain and I would have preferred going elsewhere but my mom went there because it's closer. Ugh. Well, hope you have a good weekend, I'll be seeing you next week. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Inktober 2017 #4

      Hello! It's Monday and I just finished another inktober index card so here you go:

The theme is animals and I started this card off with a cave full of bats. My mom wet the corner of the card, thankfully it happened after I lined it and posted it on Instagram and Tumblr. This happened on Friday the 13th but this had nothing to do with Halloween, because I like bats year round. I find them cute and they remind me of mice that fly by the power of jazz hands so yeah. Could have been done better but whatever, I like the concept. I am proud of the orcas I drew even though they're mostly submerged. I have liked orcas since Free Willy (I'm that old) and I should draw them more often. I just finished reading through a book on whales and dolphins so that was part of the inspiration behind it. And then there's the snow leopard that was almost a black panther until the day of because I had just drawn black animals the day before... and snow leopards I find get ignored for lions and wolves. Ugh (that's for you, DeviantArt). What makes them more interesting is that they are so hard to find in the wild so we don't know much about them. And today I drew a tanuki aka raccoon dog. Don't google these if you are under the age of sixteen because they possess some strange abilities in Japanese mythology. I only left them with one mythological quality here: a fat tanuki is a good tanuki. 

Here's Aidan feeling bored and lighting a tiny flame in the dark as the power went out. I googled Ireland this morning to see how they were doing with Ophelia (tropical storm) and there were three deaths. One involved a chainsaw. Um, why a chainsaw in a storm? I'm just questioning that logic. Well, I hope this isn't another Houston or Puerto Rico (as if the other Caribbean islands and Bangladesh don't exist but that's Americans for you... The British raised such brats). 

I posted on my Tumblr that I am leaving my Society6 and Redbubble alone til October 31st to collect some data: whatever doesn't have a purchase or at least a like/favorite will get removed after that to make room for hopefully more art that better suits popular demand. I'll be getting my first paycheck before the end of this month so I can hopefully get back to digital art in November. I say hopefully because every time I check, the replacement pen is out of stock. It better be in stock when I get my money. I'm also thinking of making some of my popular inktober drawings and making them available on my stores, to add some interest. I may in the future remove fanart when I draw and further develop my own characters, but that will get announced if it does happen. I'll be starting a new card tomorrow and I think I just figured out how I'm going to finish this month so watch out for a new post on Friday, if I'm not too busy. 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Inktober 2017 #3

      Hello. I return on a Friday with more Inktober:

The theme with this card was X-Men and Friends... and Enemies. I have not drawn them in a long time so this month was a good excuse to do that. I started it off with Siryn letting out a sonic screech at the sight of a rat. That is technically animal abuse because rats and mice have sensitive hearing. That sucks for the rat. I wanted to draw Banshee in there too being done with his daughter, but no, maybe nobody would have recognized him or gotten the point. Then I almost drew just Colossus on day 10 but I thought better and instead drew a sentinel that has caught the attention of Logan and Colossus as they were walking along. Big boy C says "oh Bolshevik" but Logan has a more colorful vernacular and went for a simpler phrase that I leave to your imagination. And I drew Quicksilver apparently out for a jog because high speed comes naturally to him. This was my first time drawing him full body and I had to google him for that. I for one like both cinematic versions of him and refuse to believe that he is no longer related to Magneto in the comics. That and Hydra Cap. Tsk tsk Marvel. And I finished off with diamond form Emma Frost in the middle of shattering. This was fun to draw as I've only drawn Emma once up to her chest and Elsa cosplaying as her, and the detail was all in the cracks forming allover her and not in her costume... because she's naked. Why bother dressing up when your whole body is a crystal that glosses over the natural details of your body? I don't remember what is it that kills her in this form but Emma had an unlucky day and ran into it. I started another card today and I should be posting it here on Monday. I have to figure out days 17-20 and 25-31, I want to include Frozen/Modern Frozen and the Avengers but I don't when... I couldn't help myself and I drew modern!Hans for a bonus today. I didn't expect Emma Frost, today's inktober and modern!Hans below to get about 9 or 10 likes, but they did. I also didn't expect them to finally pick up the tree branches that I put out on the curb after the hurricane, but they did. It's been my lucky day... except for the fact that I found out Origin's sale on Sims 4 expansion packs ends Tuesday and I probably won't have money by then. Guess I'll wait for Black Friday.

I got hired at Publix and I start orientation tomorrow. This will affect the amount of time I have for drawing but I'll finally have money for art supplies and hopefully get a replacement tablet pen soon... and Sims DLC that I want, like Cats & Dogs coming out next month and Get to Work and City Living, that I've wanted to get for the longest time. Hope you have a good weekend. 

Monday, October 9, 2017

Inktober 2017 #2

      Hello! It's Friday and last night I finished another Inktober index card so here it is: 

I had to think for this theme because it was almost Frozen but too many of the prompts remind me of Frozen (how dare I be so obsessed) so I didn't want to torture you and myself and leave out some of the themes I came up with for this year so after a good long time thinking (interrupted by life, of course), the theme for this card happens to be my manga OCs. Yay, OC love. Oh, they're not manga you say? So last year's inktober was done completely in my cartoon style and throwing in chibis into the mix early on in the month was going to be weird, so as much as I almost drew chibis and thought of it, I asked my sister if I should draw them in manga or cartoon and she said cartoon. Made plenty of sense so cartoon versions of my characters it is. After deciding on theme and style, a couple of these prompts became easier to plan out. The first drawing has a story to it: my Super Teens (Tamiko, Aidan, Ariana, and Wilhelm) went on a trip and the first three lost their luggage, you know, the timeless tale of your luggage not coming back to you on that airport conveyor belt. That has never happened to me because I've only ever traveled on land by bus or car and ferry, it's expensive for a family of five constantly paying something to fly. Anyway, Wilhelm is just a big sweetheart and lent out his clothes to his friends so they could sleep dressed (and probably buy some stuff for them in the morning)... no one fills out his clothes the way that Wilhelm does, though. That made me think of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. Second was easy: baby Midori with Mike at an exhibit looking at a katana, as they live in Japan and Midori grows up to have swordsmanship as a hobby. Third one was a hard one because it occurred to me that I don't really have shy OCs (which is weird because I'm a shy introvert with possible social anxiety, but I remembered that Mike became shy as a child because he'd get picked on so he developed something of an inferiority complex... so he's blushing really hard as he talks his crush, who looks familiar. Fourth one took me a long time because I took a nap in the afternoon yesterday, I had to finally figure out Asian man eyes for cartoon Ryo, and what was I going to draw in that crooked painting? Obviously I figured that out and it is a crack painting that I said on Instagram and Tumblr if anyone could tell what the subject was, I would give them a larger copy of it... Eventually. I do want to draw a larger version of it but it would probably be best if I made it a digital painting to ensure quality and make it the way I think suits it best. Does anyone reading here dare to take a guess? 

I started another inktober card today so that should get posted Friday and I should have news about if I get hired. Ttfn. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Inktober 2017 #1

     Hello. You've probably been waiting for some doodles since last week. Well, I joined Inktober again this year (I'm not sure if I should capitalize it or not, so expect that I to constantly change size) and today I finished my first index card! 

Some of the themes have changed and this card's theme is Disney music. I was originally going to have regular music as a theme but it turned Disney because the very first prompt was swift and using Taylor Swift would have been too obvious 😅. At least I'm not making this a month of Frozen/Modern Frozen because you would probably get tired of that fast (I think it's cool how other artists can have this whole theme for the entire month but I don't know if I could keep my sanity doing that, much less yours). So I'm going off of this prompt this year like I did last year but the prompts usually change yearly and different artists follow different prompts or make their own, or you could be totally not mainstream and not go by a prompt, personal preference. 

Let me explain the drawings before this becomes a completely different topic: Mulan opened my inktober by considering becoming as swift as the coursing river (be a man). Usually people don't worry about a background during inktober which is fine by me but I'm making these backgrounds this year and even I'm wondering why because Instagram's square cropping thing isn't kind to my rectangular piece of paper that ends up getting detailed and you know I don't normally do backgrounds. To show it's a river, I added fish, not blobs like my sister thought initially. To show Mulan is still in the army getting trained, a mass of other soldiers plus two guys that get to stand out and actually be characters. I might name them Bob and Steve. I drew Mulan with the cartoon eyes I use to imply exotic and/or femininity minus the eyelashes because Disney Mulan's face is drawn more feminine when she is herself but becomes more masculine looking when she is Ping. I did imply a more feminine body shape, though. I still haven't drawn an Asian man in my cartoon style to see what eye style would work so Bob and Steve got slit eyes. Maybe there's a lot of dust getting in their eyes. As much as I don't care much for her movie, I drew Moana for day 2 being divided between her expected role in life and what she wants to do. Naturally, I had to draw the ocean (her namesake. Her dad wasn't thinking that through, was he?) and a coconut tree (consider the coconut... NO. I don't like coconut 😠 I just like the song and call it the coconut conspiracy) but we've also got sand as implied by her footprints and the very faint dots, and she is carrying the chieftain's headdress, all the while looking at the sea and thinking "what's wrong with me?" I've asked that question too, but let's not get into that right now. Day 3 is a princess loved by many (I'd say all but I cannot speak for everyone) and I like this princess too. I don't obsess over her like I do over Hans or like how other people do but I like her and I am glad that she got her own TV series, like I don't see much room for a sequel but you can stuff so many adventures into a TV show. I think they gave her a redesign, though, to make her look more like Anna and Elsa, which I don't like because they are separate stories and I did not see same face syndrome in those three in particular, and she grew her hair back? That's only because everyone loves the long hair aesthetic. What about Rapunzel having adventures with short hair? What about Flynn telling the story of how he became a dad? Never mind, I'll do it myself. Anyway, here Rapunzel is falling into poison ivy all the while (I like that, don't I?) thinking she should have listened to her "mother". Poor Punzie. Day 4 is something of an abomination as Sebastian looks like a thumb with a face sticking out of a crab shell. Point is, he's supposed to be convincing Ariel that life is better underwater but instead he convinced a group of humans that made it their dream to be a mermaid. I'll admit I spent a portion of my childhood pretending to be a mermaid and being fascinated with them until my teens, but I got over it for the most part. I will tell you that I may or may not have created a type of creature based off of them but I'm just going to leave it at that for now. 

I didn't know earlier what I was going to draw tomorrow but now I have an idea so you should be seeing that next week. I don't promise any other doodles because yesterday I had my first ever interview and today I had a drug test. I don't take drugs so I will be very surprised if I don't pass with flying colors. It's for Publix so let's see how this goes. It will mean less doodling time (aw shucks) but I will have money for producing future doodles, digital and traditional, so that's a good thing. I sent a direct message to Wacom through Instagram over the weekend asking if they refurbished their pens because I personally think it would be a waste to throw out the old one but I got no response. I need to back up my phone better because I was backing up to a 16 GB flash drive but my phone can hold about 30 GB and most of the usb is videos now... and I'm not finished! Well, I scanned this card because I've been going crazy backing up my Instagram pictures to declutter my phone of them... and I deleted the cropped versions of these drawings. Oops. I brought up contrast by a lot when I scanned this, so you can see it pretty clearly at the size I'm portraying it but it made it look pixel-ly. *Sigh* I'll lower it for next scan. Well, if I come back with a doodle on Friday, yay. If I don't, see you next week.