Monday, January 30, 2017


      Hello! I'm a little late but I thought I'd doodle today. So far it hasn't happened but I do have a doodle from over the weekend so here:

Isn't it wonderful? If Hans were related to Ariel I don't know why, but I felt inspired this weekend to think about mermaids and naturally I temporarily transformed my current favorite character into one. Yes, there's a story behind this picture but I never know anymore if I'm going to go through with a story so don't hold your breath. I may or may not get around to it. I feel that I may have overdone his abs here but let's just say he's been swimming so much by this time that he got more muscular there. Or maybe I just feel that way because this is my cartoon rendition of him and I don't tend to throw a lot of detail in my cartoon drawings because I like simple cartoons. Most cartoons now are animated on the computer (both 2D and 3D) so we're seeing more cartoons with five fingered hands because now they don't care if they're spending more money on ink... because they're not using ink. But I'm a very nostalgic person that has learned to hate the passage of time so naturally I have developed a cartoon style that retains characteristics that I like from the cartoons of my generation. Anyway, maybe tomorrow I could doodle something but I find that I want to draw traditionally and digitally but I don't want to do it on my computer or draw for too long. I don't get it. I'm fine with simming for more than two hours but not with drawing for that length of time. I'll come back when I've got something. And make sure to check out because I may put up some stuff on there again as it suddenly became popular on Tumblr over the weekend and even buying a simple little greeting card or sticker will help me get closer to accomplishing my dreams (of leaving my house and becoming a full-fledged adult and buy Sims 4 DLC for certain personal reasons). 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Forever (Alone... at least I am) Friday

      Hello. It's been a week since I was last here, but I've been doodling (and simming) since then and can now present my doodles. The first one I'm putting here is a redraw of my winter chibi doodle of Mike and Sandra so here it is: 

The original was done more in my Powerpuff chibi style but I decided since my restyling of my manga style (and my forgetting to draw some chibis for last spring) that I should redo this. So here they are, looking more like typical chibis but with their eyes channeling the Powerpuff Girls more this time. I was in a hurry and it just hit that there are no lines in Sandra's hair making her hair look like it was cut out of felt. Oh well. Now you can see that Mike's drinking hot chocolate. Funny thing is I live in Florida. There is no winter. Winter is literally the few cold days we get from cold fronts. Speaking of cold fronts, anybody remember that polar vortex winter of 2013/14? I hadn't watched Frozen yet and I was blaming Elsa for it. In fact, it's a thing that when something freezes (like our crummy air conditioner), we blame Elsa. Can't you tell we're a bunch of nerds? 😄 I have another doodle, this one on paper, that I did earlier this week as a bit of character styling: 

Yes, another couple. Unlike Mike and Sandra who are obviously soulmates and are more recent, this couple looked like this back in the mid/late 70's. Yeah, they're old now. They're actually my rendition of a certain character's parents, this character not actually being my original creation. Not sure if anybody can guess who and what kind of person the girl is, but I hope you'll see more of them, old or young. So look out for them. Btw, they're not related to the tag at all. That is a secret (for now). My dad is being sworn in as a citizen today and he has plans to take us to the fair today for the first ever. I know, I have a sad existence. I've never been to Disney either but let's see if that'll happen. Pretty sure you guys know who'd I'd fangirl over. Hope you have a good weekend. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

I am pretty (Flower Crown Friday)

      Hello! Ignoring today's supposed importance, I have finally finished my doodle that I have been working on for so long!!!

For now, I'm leaving it sketchy like this but yes, I did it! Took me three weeks... three weeks of doodling for a little bit, being happy with it, then going off and playing Sims. Speaking of Sims, I started a game that will be following my modern renditions of the Frozen crew (minus Olaf... I'm tempted to make him a toddler in my other game but I'll likely turn aging on again which means Olaf will grow up so I'd rather wait for a pack that will introduce super powers and the ability to make living snowmen *hint hint*) as toddlers. I already have a game with them as young adults (they're married with children now. I'm not giving anything else up at this present time) but I wanted to play with them as toddlers so I started with Hans and his family considering that cannon Hans is the oldest of the group. I recorded it with a bit of an audio commentary and I'd like to edit it and maybe put it up on YouTube... probably next week. It would be a weekly thing like a TV show but I don't know if I should just go ahead and do it... I'd like to hear if you want it so that I know I'm not wasting my time (more than I already am). 

I see modern Hans as being on Instagram nearly 24/7 and calling himself the Selfie King so he is definitely posting a selfie in the last panel. If I do a more professional version of this (for Redbubble or otherwise), I'll fix Elsa's shoulder in the last panel. Her sweater is throwing it off. Hope you have a happy weekend and we don't end up in war with each other (and I can keep eating tacos. I love them)

Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday Frost

      Hello! I know what day it is, but guess what? I finished another panel of my Modern Frozen cartoon comic strip so here it is:

Elsa with Pokemon-esque hair, Anna with closed eyes, and Mr. 13 himself, Hans. What's gonna happen in the next panel you say? Keep your eyes peeled, I plan on doing that next week. I should work on it a little more but there are now toddlers in the Sims 4 and I need to see that for myself. I have in one game 6 children total (I'm doing rotational play among two families and one townie family, which I haven't touched in forever) and in another I have three who are all related (the latter three; they're cousins) so I want to see what those kids would've looked like if they had gone through the toddler stage. Heck, I think I want to see all my Sims as toddlers. Isn't it obvious I'm baby crazy? I can't wait to have my own... but nobody's helping me out there 😡😒😑 I'm rather shy about it, but every once in a while I get the baby bug and then that's all I want to draw... and then I'm hiding the papers from my parents. Well, hope you guys have an oddly good Friday and a good weekend. And if you have the Sims, have fun with your toddlers!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Humpday Hans

      Hello. I haven't been here in a while. I've been posting to my tumblr and Instagram but that's because I've only been doodling in bits so I'm posting previews there. Since that's all I've got for now (I don't know if my attention span has gone wonky or if it's just that I don't really feel like sitting behind my computer for too long), that's what I'll put here because I figure I'll finish up 2/3 of what I have been working on on Friday. It's a silly little thing, but that's just how I've been lately. If I had a portable tablet, I'd probably be able to draw anytime the whim comes upon me, anywhere... but I don't have a tablet (don't really see much use for one) and I'm broke. Anyway, my doodle previews: 

The top one is a preview of the first panel (which has since been refined a bit) and the other two are of the panel afterwards. I think this has been the first time I've drawn Elsa since 2015... yeah, I can't remember if I drew her last year. I'm pretty sure that when you have an OTP, you draw both of them. Not me. Half of my OTP is my favorite character so that's who I draw most. Don't get me wrong, I love all the Frozen characters, but Hans is my favorite. He's the one we know the least about, he gets the least amount of attention, and (among the main characters that represented the movie before it's release) the one with the least amount of merchandise. I just naturally lean more towards the underdog so yeah. That's just me. Well, I'll see if I can produce the first two panels Friday. I want to earn money and so I'd like to promote my Redbubble more, see if maybe I can get at least pocket change. My mom wants to help me get a job and she's also looking for a job so let's see how it goes. If only life were like the Sims. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Molding the Next Generation

      Ok, so I'm making this first week of 2017 one of my most productive because I have to catch up and I have a lot going on in my head so I'm trying to make it count. One fandom that I'm in that I don't make too much noise with it the Sherlock fandom. I went through the trouble of reading a collection of the original stories, that's how into it I got. Now I only joined said fandom last year so I hadn't actually watched an episode outside of Netflix. Until this past Sunday that is. I liked this first episode of the new season for the most part so I doodled a little snippet: 

Obviously I left some of the details obscure because my memory isn't great but come on, Sherlock and a baby? Had to draw it. Mycroft's impression, though. Dude, you're an older brother. Anyway, I noticed that Sherlock seems to get along better with children than with adults. I don't blame him, I have a hard time connecting with other adults myself. I tend to forget I am an adult so I just refer to older adults as adults not including myself in the group. Well, I'm not supposed to spend a lot of time on my computer so I'll be going now. 

Monday, January 2, 2017

Can I say something crazy? WILL YOU SAY SOMETHING?!?

      Hello! We are finally rid of 2016. I had such high hopes for it. Anyway, I have a fresh doodle to ring in another year on this blog so here goes: 

Anybody notice something about this winter? I ended up grounded off of my computer and phone the last week of last year, and with nothing else to do, I asked my mom to take me to the library and I checked out A Frozen Heart. It was a bit embarrassing because I was looking for it in the teens section but it turned out to be in the children's section... under Disney Princesses. I'm in the same age group as the main characters of Frozen and I had to go to the children's section to grab a book that was sitting on top of a bookshelf advertising the Disney Princesses. I tried to ease the situation by pointing out a Star Wars book I saw on the way out of that area. I actually ran into a lot of Star Wars books in that library. Nothing wrong with that, I love Star Wars, but my sister has become mega obsessed with it. Imagine living with someone that has been turning nearly every conversation into Star Wars since December 18, 2015. I go through phases with my obsessions that don't last as long. Maybe the Powerpuff Girls, but I was in high school. Anyway, I read the book (in about a day and a half) and there was this section that I just had to draw because I thought it was hilarious: Just then, Anna opened her mouth. Hans sucked in his breath, ready. But she closed it again. Hans's eyes bulged. 

So much tension between them in the last two panels 😂. I originally imagined only his face changed, not his body language/posture, but I sketched Anna with her shoulders tense, as she's obviously doing a lot of thinking and having second thoughts, so it was natural that he would do the same. You guys must really hate English right now. I listened to Love is an Open Door (I had to) while sketching and at one moment, I paused right before she says yes to include this awkward pause. I also heard You'll Be Back (Hamilton) and the last panel sketch was more exaggerated so it was quite hilarious. Hope you guys are doing well and that you are enjoying the new year so far... until Him