Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Molding the Next Generation

      Ok, so I'm making this first week of 2017 one of my most productive because I have to catch up and I have a lot going on in my head so I'm trying to make it count. One fandom that I'm in that I don't make too much noise with it the Sherlock fandom. I went through the trouble of reading a collection of the original stories, that's how into it I got. Now I only joined said fandom last year so I hadn't actually watched an episode outside of Netflix. Until this past Sunday that is. I liked this first episode of the new season for the most part so I doodled a little snippet: 

Obviously I left some of the details obscure because my memory isn't great but come on, Sherlock and a baby? Had to draw it. Mycroft's impression, though. Dude, you're an older brother. Anyway, I noticed that Sherlock seems to get along better with children than with adults. I don't blame him, I have a hard time connecting with other adults myself. I tend to forget I am an adult so I just refer to older adults as adults not including myself in the group. Well, I'm not supposed to spend a lot of time on my computer so I'll be going now. 

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