Monday, October 31, 2016

Inktober set #7

      Hello there. The last day of the month of October. I can't believe it. I know that I spent it working on inktober and there were some personal events (not spectacular but they broke the monotony) but I feel like I wasted this month. Anyways, enough about me, I finished another inktober index card Friday and I should have loaded it on Saturday considering but I forgot so here they are now:

Ok, so I decided to finish inktober off with my Sims, which were based off of my Bittersweet characters. The first doodle, obviously Mike was really tired when I told him to take a bath because he fell asleep in it. The second is the speaker I bought them so that Sandra could listen to pop music because... the first time she gave birth was twin boys!!! So the second time around, I definitely wanted to get at least one girl so I influenced the gender a little. The third is based off of a funny screenshot where I noted how chunky Sandra got and she reminded me of Ursula in that so I attempted to draw her face. I'll load the screenshot later so you understand it better. And the fourth, unlike her main storyline counterpart who is already a pretty accomplished home cook, Sim Sandra started out with 0 cooking skill so this was her trying to cook eggs and toast I think. Mike didn't like it too much because he's a foodie and foodie Sims like higher quality food. Sandra's finished meal was poor lol. I am actually finishing inktober tonight so tomorrow I will most probably get that on here tomorrow. On my social media (Instagram and Tumblr) I've been using the tag my oc sims (#myocsims in Insta) to mean that these are original characters of mine that I made into Sims for roleplay/gameplay purposes so I will start putting that tag in my gallery whenever I create a Sim based on my characters even though I already put it in the description. I am excited to finish my first inktober, I am excited for City Living which will be released tomorrow even though I already saw a simmer start a Let's Play and I will be excited if I manage to get the money to buy both the basegame and the expansion pack. I'm michdoodles on Origin, in case you're wondering. Alright, see you tomorrow! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Inktober set #6

      Hello. I know it's the middle of the week and I should have done this yesterday but yesterday was an emotionally negative day for me and then when I was feeling better I had to hide my phone so yeah. Anyways, I'm here and here's some more inktober doodles.

The theme here is Disney animals. The top is Colonel Hathi from the cartoon Jungle Book in a more simplified way and in my cartoon style. Piglet got quite popular on Tumblr. I could have drawn Flash better, and the bottom is actually supposed to be the birds that Jasmine had in Aladdin that she released but oh well. I think I actually ran out of ideas because I was supposed to start a new card last night but I can't come up with a new theme. If anyone has some suggestions, thanks. I have considered my fandoms, my OCs or even some of the stuff that happened when I played the Sims. I think I'll do that, draw my Sims experience. Whatever, you'll see in a few days if I complete a new inktober card or just quietly stop. Hope to be back soon. 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Inktober set #5

      Hello. I haven't really doodled anything this week besides for inktober, which kinda sucks, partly because I'm being antisocial with my computer and tomorrow I have a special thing that's going to take all day so that is more of a priority. Here is my newly completed index card as of last night.

Yes, some X-Men finally. It was easy to come up with Wolverine battling Sabretooth, and Kitty Pryde, and Nightcrawler but it was harder to come up with someone in the third doodle and I ended up doing Storm. That night, though, I had lost my pencil (it was on my bed 😔) so I had to find another one for sketching and I had difficulty drawing her arm there, as made evident by the ghost arm. I have ten days left of inktober and I don't know exactly what I'll draw next but I'm taking it one day at a time and staying relaxed so I don't tear my hair out over this. I also have practice from doing week long themes for fandoms so it's not like I'm overworking myself here. Hope you guys have a nice weekend.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Inktober set #4

      Hello. In case you're wondering about the inktober posts having a different font until I post a new unrelated drawing, it's because I'm doing these on my phone since that's where I have the pictures but that also changes the format of the posts so yeah. Another inktober post because I finished yet another index card and I haven't drawn anything else as of yet so may as well post these now.

The theme was dinosaurs which, even when I thought the dinosaurs would come out of the TV if I got too close to it while watching Jurassic Park, I have always been interested in. Same way I'm interested in sharks, except those still exist so I believe in vigilance when at the beach thanks to Jaws. Yeah, the bottom is a plesiosaur and I know it looks like something Charles Shultz would've drawn. The tree full of tiny flying reptiles has a funny story. I had my sister google for me ginko trees because I remembered that they were present at the same time as some dinosaurs but I didn't bother with researching pterosaurs so I just did these generic little things. My sister later googled them and found a similar extinct creature so that made me feel better. And the third one down, just a simple theropod, didn't feel like being specific even though I think T-Rex, and I gave it skin details that can represent either scales or feathers as there seems to be a fight over whether dinosaurs were feathered or not. That arguing over feathers on dinosaurs has created what have been dubbed feather nazis and I'd rather not have to deal with those, so even if I doubt the presence of feathers on nearly all dinosaurs because we just can't be sure, I'll avoid the arguments. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Inktober set #3

      Hello. I was hoping to have a doodle besides my inktober ones ready for today but that's ok, I just wasn't enough and four inktober doodles is plenty so here goes:

The theme was Pixar and included three of my childhood movies and one from shortly after childhood. I own two out of the three Toy Storys, A Bug's Life, and Finding Nemo. I can actually quote the latter nearly verbatim and it's been years since I've seen the movie. Can't come up with anything else except have a nice weekend. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Humpday Hiddles (and Sims)

      Hello everybody. I feel like this has been a long day and like I've done nothing. That's not really the case, but I haven't done much around the house or draw (yet). It's been a boring day overall. But I do have a doodle that I did on Monday so here goes: 

Yes, it is a more finished version of the last panel of my first Daddy Hiddles comic (hit the tag at the bottom for more Daddy Hiddles). I put it up on my Redbubble already. I do not want to come off as desperate or only concerned with sales but please check it out if you like this, I will be happy if you buy a card. And if you don't that's fine but at least tell a friend you think might like it. 

Also, I don't think I have said it on here but I became interested in the Sims 4 over this summer thanks to my sister watching LifeSimmer's LP and I decided that I wanted to play it and use my characters for that. Well, I started planning out how my characters would be in the game and then I went crazy and downloaded the Create-A-Sim demo in early August when I knew that I had no prospects of purchasing the game soon. So I did that and then I found out in September that they were giving a free two-day trial. So I took it. I fell in love. Then my trial ended and I'm going through withdrawal so I wanna get some money for that, which I've started a little bit. But today (here comes the reason I started this subject) I found out that my sims were downloaded by two other people. That made me happy to think that someone actually noticed them so now I want to know who out there downloaded them. 

That's them as I saved them to the gallery (so that I could play them in the game when I had created them in the demo). Yes, I chose Mike and Sandra. And here's a screenshot from my game play: 

So I managed to have three kids and get Mike promoted a few times before my trial ended. I would like to know for those that actually downloaded my sims what they have done with them. Are you playing them as your household? Current household? Are they your neighbors? Curiosity you know, I mean these are my babies for lack of actual living ones that aren't covered in fur so I want to know. They might not be popular at the moment but I'm glad that at least someone took a chance on them. I hope to be back on Friday and I should be because I'm finishing another inktober index card tonight so until then. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Inktober set #2

      Hello. So Hurricane Matthew did hit my area but not as bad as the hype around it. We had the wind, we had the rain, but not the usual loss of power or water and definitely not the damage associated with a category 4. We were only hit with the outer bands so we got lucky. Can't say the same for other affected areas. I did continue my inktober doodles over the weekend and finished my second index card so here they are:

The theme for this card was songs, which made it more difficult for me to come up with doodles. I had a hard time coming up with a doodle for Thursday (maybe it was hurricane brain) and I had a sketch but I didn't like it too much so it wasn't until Saturday that I finally came up with one I did like (the second one down). And there were so many contenders for Saturday's, but I decided to go with Roxanne. Yes, I know you can see the pencil lines I made to separate the card into four sections. My Brave doodle actually got (as of last night) 10 likes on Instagram, Soft Cell's Tainted Love got like 7 and Roxanne got 8. I hope to do some other doodles soon so stick around. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Inktober set #1

      Hello. So I am doing inktober this year, wanted to try it out and when you've had a doodle drought in the summer and want to make up for it, you take opportunities like this. I filled up my first index card with inktober doodles so now I'm going to load those doodles here.

Yes, this index card was animal themed. I'm going to start a new card tonight, not sure of the theme for it right now. We are expecting Hurricane Matthew to at least pass us tomorrow and Friday so I don't know when I will be able to post again so here's an early happy weekend, hope you're safe.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday Twosome (this is completely innocent)

      Hello. I was going to post yesterday but I lost internet and phone yesterday so I couldn't from any computer at home and doing it from my phone was going to be a process so I decided to wait till today when it got fixed. It's back so yay, now I can show you what I worked on yesterday. 

It's Mike and Sandra!! So I worked on headshots for them. I actually started on Saturday and had finished Mike then but yesterday I decided I wasn't totally happy with it so I fixed it after I was done with Sandra. I have them now in this style but I also want to work on developing a painterly style so I can make them more manga looking. 

Last week I got a free two day trial to the Sims 4 and I played these two. It was a pretty happy 2 1/2 days. I loved playing the game, especially as these characters that I love so much and now I'm going through Sims withdrawal. I want to buy the game but I am so broke and getting a job is hard, especially if you do it like me (handing in applications like twice a year) but that's mostly because I'm not interested in working most places in my area or working in customer service/with the general public. I know I'm not cut out for the restaurant business, even with my cooking skills, so that's a no there. So don't be surprised to see more promotion of my Redbubble or even my Threadless shop. Anyway, that's why I did nothing last week. 

I am also doing Inktober. I am three days in, I have to do today but I'm going to do posts about that in batches because I'm doing it on the back of index cards with a regular pen from around the house. Why? I just told you, I'm broke. So tomorrow I'll post my latest Inktober doodles because I want to load them once the card full.