Wednesday, December 30, 2015

One last thing...

Um, I forgot to load what I ended up doodling yesterday so there it is. I'm doing this on my phone so this is acting weird. My sister got upset when Captain America didn't say assemble and Loki was missed in Age of Ultron so this idea came up. Yeah, I accidentally gave Cap suspenders. I doodled today but it's part of something that would most probably get finished next year, if it gets finished. It's a rather large project. Guess I'll be seeing you next year and I almost forgot I'm considering getting a tumblr. I'll keep this blog because this is where I can ramble if I want to about my drawing. Ok, see you in 2016!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

GRRRR squeak squeak

      You know, I drew on Friday and I forgot to post it when I planned on doing just that. Sorry.

I drew Wolfsbane all cutesy and I uploaded her on Redbubble hoping she'd be a shirt but I draw too small Q-Q. You can still get her as bags or a pillow and a few other things though if you're interested in her gracing a material object. I have a few things I wanna draw and let's see if I can cram in anything before Thursday (the 31st, crap, where'd the year go?). Oh, I finally saw Age of Ultron last night (I know I'm late but at least it was in the same year it came out, unlike its predecessor) and that was some movie. I loved it but the funniest thing (besides Thor getting hit in the face with a freaking rock column and the language joke) was my mom saying mid-movie "I miss Loki". She was hoping for them to kill him in Avengers but she missed him here in Age of Ultron so... congratulations, Tom Hiddleston. You made my mom miss Loki and she's not even a fangirl. Maybe I'll come back tomorrow with something but I also wanna re-watch AoU so let's see what happens. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Have You Met My Boyfriends?

      Hello! I have a very special doodle for this week so here goes: 

Ta-daa! So I got the crazy idea to draw them in their fabulous poses last week and I decided to go along with it. Ok, I turned "Hawkeye" around because it was gonna be awkward drawing him with his back facing the viewer but you get the idea. He was actually the hardest part of this to draw  because I had to re-sketch him at least two times, one of them being that I quickly sketched it on paper then traced over it on the tablet and it actually needed re-sizing so I did that. This would make a great T-shirt but it will probably get taken down because Disney doesn't seem to have a good sense of humor so not gonna bother putting it on Redbubble. Hope you guys have a fabulous rest of the week for those of you that will be celebrating your respective holidays and hope to be back next week. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sith Saturday

      Ok, so sadly I got behind Thursday but I finished yesterday both Thursday's and Friday's pieces, I just didn't feel like getting on here at that moment because I finished the first one earlier in the day but was saving it for making one post with double the doodles. First off, I traveled back in time to the prequel trilogies: 

Annie, don't choke Taylor (Anakin Skywalker must be a hater). This song happens to be perfect for this relationship so I thought of drawing at least a portion of their epic battle with some of the lyrics but then decided to add a little fourth wall element because I don't think that the Jedi understand the concept of pop music. The background was pretty easy, costumes were fairly simple (I haven't seen this movie in a couple years so I can't say if they were still wearing their robes. Probably not) but when it got to shading, it hit me that the light would be coming from basically everywhere so I thought crap. Still pretty cool, though. And then there's this derp: 

I started drawing it digitally but I wasn't feeling it there so I doodled it in my sketchbook and gosh the second panel came out horrible but someone on Instagram commented that it was perfection so that makes me feel a little better about it. At least the punchline is catchy. I saw the movie last night. It was awesome, the only disappointment was no end credit scene. No, it's not a Marvel movie but Frozen had one so to be on the safe side, we stayed til the very end. Well, that's it. Hope you guys have a good weekend. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

You're Not Luke When You're Hungry

      Day 3! Only two more days to go. So here's something a little different, I'm leaving the musical route for a moment: 

I was pretty surprised to find out who the voice behind the Joker was in Bruce Timm's Batman last year when I went through a nostalgic moment there with the animated series (I was a five year old girl watching superhero shows and couldn't fully appreciate the genius behind them at the time). I think I went to my sister "he went to the dark side" or something like that. He did a great Joker, though, so I might actually like him more for that little fact. I came up with this idea because I was coming up with other ones that were crossovers with Frozen so no C-3PO and R2-D2 singing Androids Are Better Than People or Yoda getting tossed around by the trolls yelling "a fixer-upper I am not" because that's just too much already. Let's see if I come back tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

This is my boogie

      Day 2 brings you a Huttese who feels comfortable in his own skin:

I didn't mean to draw him cute but Meghan Trainor is involved along with my cartoon style so maybe it was bound to happen. I swear I can draw ugly though. His assistant doesn't look like he appreciates this. Took drawing him to realize he wears his head tentacles or whatever they are as a scarf. Methinks Jabba has a fabulous assistant/butler. This was done quickly compared to yesterday's so I should be seeing you tomorrow hopefully with more Star Wars stuff. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

I Love You - I Know

      Hello and welcome to Star Wars Week! I came up with this while planning Dinosaur Week six months ago and now I can show you what I cooked up. This week will cross both established trilogies and will feature the likes of Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Jabba the Hutt, and Darth Vader with one special guest star so saddle up and may the force be with you. First off, a crossover of sorts that would have been an eight panel comic but today it's only four because ain't nobody got time for that (also that's a lot of work. I'm a procrastinator that likes shortcuts).
Details that would have been necessary for the imagery I wanted have been put to the side for the moment but yes, I did that. Love is an Open Door is my favorite Frozen song, actually, and the similarity of the guys' first names were probably a factor in this idea. I would like to make the full comic instead of leaving you with a cliffhanger but tomorrow's doodle is easier so I'll keep working on the rest of this week's stuff and hopefully get around to finishing this eventually. (It took me how long to fix that messed up sentence? 4-5-17 is when I fixed it. Yeah, so now you can understand it!)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Humpday Hawkeye Initiative

      Made it to humpday, woo! Anybody heard of the Hawkeye Initiative where artists replace sexist feminine poses in comic books with Hawkeye making the same pose? I just learned about it last week (or earlier, I can't remember) and I wanted to join in and it just so happens that I had material for it: 

Wait for it... 

Ta-da! I loved drawing this, especially since Bucky ended up stealing the show with his pose and face. I'm sorry about Cap's face being on the creepy side and the shadow on the inside of his shield. At first I thought up Loki where Bucky is because "he's full-blown diva" but the genius idea of Bucky came to me while washing my hands, then I changed my mind and thought Tony and changed my mind back to Bucky. No Hulk, I couldn't picture him here, sorry. Well, next week Star Wars is coming out and I want to commemorate that so see you next week (hopefully). 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday Magazine (in my dreams)

      Hello. Remember that I did that meme on DeviantArt? Well, I fixed up a little something from it because I liked it so much.

I made it look more like a magazine cover. There's no text because that would mar this beauty and why would I wanna do that? Funny how I got away with not drawing any hands in this, I noticed that one night over the weekend that I hid them. I'm in such a Hiddles craze that that's almost all I look at on Pinterest and Pinterest keeps pulling those alignment tricks it does. Here's a few:

Just had a fight with these pictures getting them looking nicely here with this new Blogger feature. Anyway, the first one was just a happy accident of noticing that, even though the shirt colors don't match, he gained back his body. And you can guess what's funny about the other two. I'm now on Redbubble, same name as here, but I only have one artwork up and apparently I draw too small for t-shirts so it's only on phone cases, mugs and pillows. I'll put up more as I go and I'm working on something hilarious right now so stay tuned. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Today feels like Monday but it's Tuesday

      It's already December? No year, don't finish. Well, I was working on this OC meme my sister found on DeviantArt and I finished it today. Here's a link: my Avengers OC meme. It's quite big so I'm not posting the full thing here, sorry. What I can tell you is that it gets a bit ridiculous with the situations but they're fun and this one included adding in a famous person so after a tiny bit of thinking, I came up with Tom Hiddleston (I went hehehe when the thought popped up) which is part of the reason why I decided on doing this. I can also show you some sneak peeks: 

That's before I colored their hair and clothing and wrote Avengers Assemble! right above. 

The shield was difficult to draw but besides getting Loki'd by his nose in the "footage", Tom was pretty much a breeze to draw. The posing was last minute because I had sketched out a "magazine cover" but it didn't look front cover quality. I had another sneak peek on Instagram but that can wait for later this week. Hope you guys are having fun and see you guys soon.