Friday, February 28, 2020

Summer Chibi Tara aka "Teeny"

      Hello again. Here's a video I posted on Wednesday and forgot to share here:

I made another post earlier today and I already talked about working on this drawing when I did it months ago. All I can add is I put blushes in the sketch layer and somehow didn't remember to put them in the final image. Oh well. Enjoy your weekend!

Friday Fanart for Voltron

     Hello! Boy, do I have good news for you on this last Friday of February 2020: I have completed two digital doodles this week. Here they are:

I am quite proud of how these came out. These aren't the only doodles I've done this week (especially related to Voltron) but I'll do that sketchdump later, probably next week, because it's likely I'll be double posting today because I was an idiot and forgot to do my usual YouTube video sharing here on Wednesday when I uploaded because YouTube gave me trouble and I had to redo it and I just wanted to get back to drawing once I was finished with that. 

Ok, there is actually a story behind the Shiro drawing. I went with my family to a mall in my area last November just to look around and there was this bag in Hallmark that just made me think "what if somebody *cough cough* LANCE *cough* bought Shiro this bag after a visit to the mall?" The idea has been in the back of my mind since then and now was when I finally got around to it. It helps that tomorrow would be his canon birthday and I thought I should draw some Shiro during his birth month so there. It was fun drawing these two, I should probably draw them more often. Well, anyways, I'll be going to do something else so until next doodle, toodles! (Enjoy your leap day weekend)

Friday, February 21, 2020

Cold-blooded Lady Killer? (Meh)

      Hello! I finished another seasonal chibi for this winter so here he is:

Back to my scheduled programming of drawing my bad guy OCs from fall 2019 to summer 2020. This dude is Cory. He has no last name at this present time because it's complicated. He's a bastard. I actually introduced him when I was doing Inktober 2018 but I don't remember everything I said then. I got him done faster than I expected. I think it took me three hours spread out over three days. Don't know if I'll do another one for this season or just stop here and wait till spring...

I wish I had more doodles done this week but I kinda got myself into a tiny book club my friend started and we were supposed to read Emma this month... I picked up the wrong Emma. Turns out both Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte wrote novels titled Emma. I both finished Charlotte Bronte's Emma and started Jane Austen's Emma yesterday so there hasn't been much time for me to do a lot of doodling. Also, I got back into playing the sims because I decided on Tuesday that I needed a break after all the drawing I did on those bookmarks (which are still not finished but I didn't want to take forever on them either so I released only a plain version for the time being.) I have other doodles I want to finish working on and more in my brain so let's see... Till next doodle, toodles. Oh, and enjoy your weekend.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Voltron AUs bookmarks

      Hello! I have something for you:

I've been doing all these doodles for my Voltron AUs where I apparently feel the need to physically alter Lance and I just wanted bookmarks with these in specific so here we are. It was fun designing human!Allura's outfit. I was at a bit of a loss as to how to dress her but then it came to me to dress her in a turtleneck sweater and bell bottoms. The shoes were harder to land on but dumping the original idea of platforms was a good decision, even if it means cutting out a joke where she and Keith switch shoes and leave poor little Altean!Lance so confused as to how Keith grew like five inches overnight and Allura shrank. Designing Altean!Lance's outfit also brought challenges. I decided to just use Allura and Coran as references so obviously I copied the bodice section of Allura's royal gown but what to do with his waist did throw me for a loop. Took a good long while before I settled on a design for the dividing of legs from body and then when I was lining for the bookmark, I ended up changing it again 😂 I think it's safe to say that this is the final design. Fem!Pike's design was figured out early this year I think and all that gave me trouble was how to do her hair. I have a file saved with the first attempt at that and it was terrible. The trick here was to evoke Catra's mane. I do have a bone to pick with whoever decided to use more than fifteen colors in a design for a cartoon character. Yeah, you heard me right. In fact, I didn't count and I really should have, but I think there are 20 colors in Pike's palette. Ten are in the head region alone, and I am counting the little details like the scar over the eye. It's terribly complicated. 

I am considering offering these for sale but I'd like to see some interest first so I'll hold off on that. Should I put these designs up on Redbubble and Society6? Hmm, I don't know. As much as I need the dough (no pun intended even though I do like puns) I don't want to rush into anything and then be disappointed. Well, hope to return later this week with more doodles so until then, toodles. 

Friday, February 14, 2020

A Cozy Couple and Summer Chibi Isoke

      Hello. I started a post last week for the doodle below but I was hoping to be able to post a new video to YouTube so I delayed posting it till now:

Hey, more OCs. It was hard to do this seasonal chibis redraw only because my laptop made it. I like how it came out this year, I actually drew Mike and Sandra in the same style as the other seasonal chibis which was honestly my biggest goal for this. If you haven't noticed, I'm keeping Sandra in berets, they're just her. This means that I can move onto the other seasonal chibi I have planned for this winter, which is good. Then I have to figure out what to do with myself again. Hoo boy. And I edited a new speedpaint for my seasonal chibis. Yay. (I do realize I am posting a drawing of a couple on Valentine's Day but the drawing was done way before so ignore that fact.) 

Hey, if you could please check out my Redbubble and Society6 shops, that would be great. I'd like to keep being able to pay for my car insurance and the gas I spend instead of getting it out of my baby sister who is the only one working now. Lucky. I got an interview but then they didn't hire me. Oh well, it was a drive away from home and the store opens at 6 in the morning so it wasn't ideal. Well, hope you're enjoying your weekends and till next doodle, toodles. 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Friday's got me like...

      Hello. I started another post earlier but I wanted to post something else in said post that I am not finished with so Voltron doodles to the rescue until I can finish that: 

I have another doodle that could have been added here too but I don't feel like it so next time. I doodled both those Lanas while on break this Monday (my MOS class... which I passed, yay me) and Keith was an idea I had and sketched Tuesday. Lana has curly hair naturally (I have a slight pet peeve with the whole idea that only the McClain have curly hair plus how older Lance's hair is, because it sucks) but she learned how to straighten it while at the Garrison... and liked it. And Keith was me thinking he'd be the kind to roam around the house in his socks and when he's dragged out of the house to run errands with his SO, he just throws flip flops not giving a damn because he's tired and just wants to chill. I have a busy day tomorrow so I doubt I will post what I was going to tomorrow but you never know. Well, till next doodle, toodles. Enjoy your weekend. 

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Quick Chibi Hunk and friends

       Hello. I forgot to post this draft yesterday. Oops. I posted another video which you can watch underneath (hopefully. The music I used gave me copyright issues and won't be viewable everywhere. I haven't checked what countries it is blocked in):

And I made some doodles during the week. They're all Voltron related but c'est la vie. 

Most of them are technically Lance. Keith is still my absolute favorite, don't worry. In fact, I don't know how to think of Lance without inserting Keith somewhere in there... Oh God no, I am not inserting Keith in Lance, people. *swats away your dirty thoughts* Back to what I was saying, I doodled my alternate Lances: Altean!Lance and fem!Lance (Lana). Wait, I actually drew Lotor earlier in the week but I put him last because Lance is baby. Lotor is not. For some unknown reason, I actually drew Altean!Lance tiny. Maybe I was thinking too much about his backstory when I doodled this *shrugs*. My friend says I drew Lana bigger because she's the top. As funny a thought as that is, how do you top yourself? I just drew these guys while on breaks from the class I've been taking to get certified in Microsoft Office 2016 because I was bored and I had paper on me that I probably should have not drawn on but I got 2 out of the 3 certifications I need so I figure I can get away with it now. Better I put the paper to use than just throw it out, right?

Oh yeah, so I have been taking a free class to get certified in Office 2016 so I can get hired in better jobs than retail and make my resume look all fancy. And today I went and saw Hamilton! Yeah, I'm broke but I bought the ticket out of impulse back in November when I heard that they were coming to my town and I still had a considerable amount of moolah. It was wonderful. I went completely alone which made me nervous (tickets don't come cheap, people. I bought one of the cheapest ones. My mom said I sat in the nosebleeds but I didn't mind, I quite liked my perch) but once the music started, I forgot all about that. Then I was just nervous that my parking meter didn't run out but my parents took care of that for me. As someone who has been listening to the original cast soundtrack for four years already, it was nice finally seeing the choreography and acting. Maybe someday my sisters will see the show too. Maybe someday I'll actually see Lin Manuel Miranda, who knows. But for now, pretty happy that I finally saw Hamilton live. Hope you guys are also enjoying your weekends, and till next doodle, toodles!