Saturday, February 1, 2020

Quick Chibi Hunk and friends

       Hello. I forgot to post this draft yesterday. Oops. I posted another video which you can watch underneath (hopefully. The music I used gave me copyright issues and won't be viewable everywhere. I haven't checked what countries it is blocked in):

And I made some doodles during the week. They're all Voltron related but c'est la vie. 

Most of them are technically Lance. Keith is still my absolute favorite, don't worry. In fact, I don't know how to think of Lance without inserting Keith somewhere in there... Oh God no, I am not inserting Keith in Lance, people. *swats away your dirty thoughts* Back to what I was saying, I doodled my alternate Lances: Altean!Lance and fem!Lance (Lana). Wait, I actually drew Lotor earlier in the week but I put him last because Lance is baby. Lotor is not. For some unknown reason, I actually drew Altean!Lance tiny. Maybe I was thinking too much about his backstory when I doodled this *shrugs*. My friend says I drew Lana bigger because she's the top. As funny a thought as that is, how do you top yourself? I just drew these guys while on breaks from the class I've been taking to get certified in Microsoft Office 2016 because I was bored and I had paper on me that I probably should have not drawn on but I got 2 out of the 3 certifications I need so I figure I can get away with it now. Better I put the paper to use than just throw it out, right?

Oh yeah, so I have been taking a free class to get certified in Office 2016 so I can get hired in better jobs than retail and make my resume look all fancy. And today I went and saw Hamilton! Yeah, I'm broke but I bought the ticket out of impulse back in November when I heard that they were coming to my town and I still had a considerable amount of moolah. It was wonderful. I went completely alone which made me nervous (tickets don't come cheap, people. I bought one of the cheapest ones. My mom said I sat in the nosebleeds but I didn't mind, I quite liked my perch) but once the music started, I forgot all about that. Then I was just nervous that my parking meter didn't run out but my parents took care of that for me. As someone who has been listening to the original cast soundtrack for four years already, it was nice finally seeing the choreography and acting. Maybe someday my sisters will see the show too. Maybe someday I'll actually see Lin Manuel Miranda, who knows. But for now, pretty happy that I finally saw Hamilton live. Hope you guys are also enjoying your weekends, and till next doodle, toodles!

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