Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday Fanart for Voltron

     Hello! Boy, do I have good news for you on this last Friday of February 2020: I have completed two digital doodles this week. Here they are:

I am quite proud of how these came out. These aren't the only doodles I've done this week (especially related to Voltron) but I'll do that sketchdump later, probably next week, because it's likely I'll be double posting today because I was an idiot and forgot to do my usual YouTube video sharing here on Wednesday when I uploaded because YouTube gave me trouble and I had to redo it and I just wanted to get back to drawing once I was finished with that. 

Ok, there is actually a story behind the Shiro drawing. I went with my family to a mall in my area last November just to look around and there was this bag in Hallmark that just made me think "what if somebody *cough cough* LANCE *cough* bought Shiro this bag after a visit to the mall?" The idea has been in the back of my mind since then and now was when I finally got around to it. It helps that tomorrow would be his canon birthday and I thought I should draw some Shiro during his birth month so there. It was fun drawing these two, I should probably draw them more often. Well, anyways, I'll be going to do something else so until next doodle, toodles! (Enjoy your leap day weekend)

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