Monday, February 26, 2018

Merry Monday

       Hello! I painted over the weekend! 

So a week ago, I bought this watercolor pad from Crayola at Target and I decided to start practicing watercolor. I started with my OCs Mike and Sandra. On Friday I bought two micron pens and I used them on this drawing. I was so scared I was going to screw up while inking this drawing but it turned out pretty good. I did make mistakes while inking but they're minor ones spread throughout. And then I cracked out my watercolor pencils and ta-daa! The only color here that wasn't a watercolor pencil is the skin tone, that's just a regular colored pencil I had already. The paper did buckle a bit while I was doing the background but I was using an old and probably cheap brush and it decided while I was working on the background color to misbehave with me. Whatever, this is my first time watercoloring since... early 2000's, and I didn't do much watercoloring then either, so I think this was pretty good for a first attempt. I should come back later this week (probably next month) with at least one more doodle so here's seeing ya. 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Muy Macho Monday

     Hello. I should be turning off my computer since it's been on like all day (I had the day off) but let me post my latest doodle before I forget:

Hola chica (or whatever). So I drew a semi-shirtless Rictor. Am I a bad girl for having this image stuck in my head for weeks and then drawing it out? I don't know why, but the idea of drawing him like this is just so fun. He's dressed as the construction guy from the Village People, and it's not because he's Mexican. I thought he'd look good with the outfit. I must say, I am proud of that hard hat. I googled images of them but I love how it turned out. I didn't draw much musculature on him because I am depicting him as a teenager and figure he'd start out on the lanky side. Also, the X-Men do the heavy lifting, the New Mutants step in where the X-Men can't. I also like the wrinkles in his shirt. It's just a good picture overall. To think that ten years ago I could barely draw guys. Now I almost draw them too well 😂 I bought a Crayola watercolor pad from Target Saturday (after attending a wedding ceremony, mind you... my mom walked the store in her heels while I had switched to my flip flops because I wore heels that gave me scabs over a week ago and they bothered me naturally) and I tested it out a little bit. I plan on talking more later this week. Hope to see you with more doodles. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

It's boiling down to either Disney will sue me or hire me

      Hello! Well, I didn't return on Friday but I'm posting twice in the same week so that's good, right? Posting today means four doodles at once so here they are:

Yeah, half of my doodles were Hans 😆 Well, this past Tuesday was the 13th, and I have it made an unofficial decision that the 13th of every month is when I should definitely draw Hans but I don't post on Tuesdays anymore and I had work that day so I thought I'd get ahead of myself and draw him on Monday. So I drew an upset cartoon Hans. Why is he pissed? Well, he wasn't in Olaf's Frozen Adventure, I lost an index card where I had doodled him (dressed as Olaf) and still haven't found it, I dumped him for another sword-wielding redhead, and Valentine's Day was this week. It has been a rough winter for him. And then I felt the need to draw him again, but this time I drew him modern, stylized, and happy. I think I have moved on from my depression and it's starting to reflect in my drawings, which is a good thing. Then on Wednesday, I started a villains page in my X-Men sketchbook and I finished a doodle of my take on Spiral. I haven't seen an image of her in ages so I took a lot of artistic liberty with her, like I gave her no sleeves because she has too many arms for wasting fabric on them, she has bracelets on her wrists (to tell apart her arms or proof of enslavement? Who knows...), and she's got the same style boots as Shatterstar. They're Mojoverse standard issue. I also got creative with her swords because I thought it'd look cool if hers had an exotic shape. I plan on giving her alien hand syndrome, which I didn't know really existed until my sister looked into it, but I thought it would be funny if she had this one hand that had a mind of its own and didn't always behave. She was born with only two hands and was experimented on to have six hands, I don't expect her to have perfect control of them all. And then yesterday I doodled Black Panther because his movie is out now. I can't watch it this weekend because I had to buy my family's groceries (it's a long story but my dad had an issue at work and he's on workman's comp... And he's the primary breadwinner. Until now, my paycheck was 98% just for me) but I think the movie is gonna be cool once I get to see it, hope everyone watching it enjoys it. Well, I attended a wedding ceremony today (I stopped working on this blog post in order to attend) and it was very nice. Glad to finally see a wedding after not getting invited to one for so long. I'm kind of on the edge of my seat wondering what's gonna happen next Saturday. Doesn't really matter though. Hope to return on Monday with at least one fresh doodle. Till then, toodles and enjoy your weekend.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Ughhh, I hate when I can't come with a title (happens to me all the time)

      Hello. It's Monday, I don't have work today and I've got some doodles for you finally: 

I drew Longshot, Dazzler and Shatterstar last Wednesday for the PyeongChang Olympics starting last Thursday with... figure skating? But the opening ceremony was Friday? Whatever. So far this has been the Olympics where everybody falls down. Even I fell last night when I went to lock up my dogs for the night. Nearly my whole family came to check on me because I had also managed to trap myself under the ironing board and a box of window blinds that we have lying around in our tiny hallway. I was the only calm one, sitting under all this stuff trying to get it off of me. Back to the art... I spent last week working on sketching some old school Captain America on and off but I finally decided to post him last night because I figured it was good enough. I originally planned on drawing his legs too but that wasn't working out. Yeah, I'm throwing in an Avengers page in my X-Men sketchbook because why not? I mean, when I draw them, I do refer to them as X-Men and Friends... and Enemies... The Avengers are friends. Some of the X-Men are Avengers (i.e. Storm, Wolverine, Beast...), so there. And Saturday night I doodled a little Rahne dolled up for a date. My weekend was so busy and tiring, and I didn't work on Saturday!!! I mean, I guess it was worth it, even though I have band-aids on the backs of my ankles thanks to the new shoes I wore for like 10 minutes on Saturday. So I wore a dress that day and then I imagined Rahne wearing a dress for her first date, feeling all awkward and shy about it, and stating that she shaved. Yes, I imagine Rahne doesn't shave her legs very often, so if she does, it's a special occasion. I plan on doodling this week, hopefully I'll return soon. 

Monday, February 5, 2018

Frozen Football (as in American)

      Hello. I didn't expect to post here on Friday because of my busy work schedule but I did doodle over the weekend:

How long has it been since I've drawn modern!Frozen? I don't really know but I thought of doodling them since the Superbowl was held in the home stadium of the Minnesota Vikings 😉 I actually sketched this at a bridal shower I got invited to last night but finished it at home with my colored pencils for a touch of interest. Yes, I went to a party Saturday night (I changed in the bathroom at work after clocking out) and drew in my sketchbook, that's how many guys I have fighting over taking me out to dance. There was this big group of people my age that I don't know them, only the guests of honor did, and it seems they were just there for date night/free food. It annoys me whenever I go to a party and see my age group not dancing and on their phones instead. Millennials... Who watched the Superbowl? My mom is happy the Eagles won. We basically only watch the Superbowl for the commercials and halftime show but my mom was complaining about Tom Brady and the amount of rings he has so she was actively rooting for the Eagles. I have nothing else to say except this is a very busy week for me, I won't available this Saturday and I'm working Wednesday and Thursday so let's see if I get around to doodling. I don't promise it.