Wednesday, January 31, 2018

You Should Probably Watch Your Back

      Hello. It's Wednesday and it's not like I didn't have doodles on Monday, it's just that I didn't feel like posting them then because I actually drew one kinda late. And I thought I'd like to consolidate my posts and add another doodle so yeah, midweek post it is. 

Saturday I rewatched the Avengers and I felt the need to draw Black Widow but I didn't finish her till Sunday. I can't draw guns partly because I don't really like guns but this is Black Widow, she needs a weapon and a weapon of her choice is a gun. Then on Monday, I was on my computer to relax after work but my game crashed on me so I played Avril Lavigne. But I felt the need to get the emo mood by drawing something related, and after debating whether I should draw more Rictor, I drew Logan instead. I didn't color in his hair (which was difficult to master in this style) but he has thick eyebrows, which I figured fit him, especially the whole being extremely hairy. Thankfully I have practiced sideburns enough to know how to draw them on Wolverine 😆 Today I drew Dani Moonstar outside out of my cartoon style. I took my time with her because I wanted her to have an angular face and larger hips than bust and guess who didn't warm up beforehand? I drew her with her hair loose for once to change it up but she is wearing her suede laces that she uses for tying up her hair around her wrists as bracelets. I am happy with how these drawings came out and I did not expect Wolverine to get 12 likes on Instagram but he is a popular character so I get it that people were going to come across this image eventually and like it. I'm not complaining. Tumblr I find to be more of a stick in the mud when it comes to my drawings getting liked and such. Sometimes I get something that gets over 10 notes on there, but most of the time it doesn't even reach 10. It's annoying but whatever. Doesn't help that Tumblr gets quite political and I do what I can to not get involved because I don't like politics and I have rather conservative views concerning what 95% of Tumblr absolutely loves so.... I keep more to myself than most bloggers. Heck, it bothered me to find a blog dedicated to shipping Rictor and Shatterstar and I am pretty aware of what they are/have been in the comics, I just elect to mostly ignore it.  Just briefly checked Instagram and she had 13 likes. I'm surprised because I had no notifications before walking from my computer for a bit. I have work this entire weekend but let's see if I can make any time for posting here either Friday or Saturday. Can't doodle at work because I'm not sitting at work and I have to keep busy so any doodles that do get produced will be before or after work. Till next time, toodles. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Fashion dos and don'ts

      Hello. Look at that, I'm posting Wednesday after I posted on Monday, yay me. I have a couple of doodles to share with you so here you go:

I must have been inspired by fashion (well I know I was for one of them) cuz here's the two extremes. I don't know why but I felt like drawing Rictor and Shatterstar in their old costumes (with some creative licensing of course. NOT drawing Ric with a Mohawk... just no) that I don't care for and I added Dani Moonstar because, as much as that outfit is pretty awesome, it's not practical. It's funny how teen Ric was trying so hard to be punk back in the 80's. I apparently can't draw men with ponytails without making them look girly. Just to make myself clear, I don't ship Ricstar. I like them but separately together, if you catch my drift. Kinda why I almost always draw a girl (usually Rahne) with them. And then I worked some more on modern!Elsa in gowns, the cartoon one is kinda old and a dress I saved a long time ago on Pinterest while the stylized one is from today after seeing a picture of Naomi Campbell in Versace (I basically copied the dresses). I'm going down a deep dark hole with the X-Men. I nerded out at the library yesterday and checked out Avengers on Blu-Ray, a Wolverine and Gambit comic book, and a book on Civilizations. I almost took out X-Factor too but I put it back. This is my first time reading any X-Men comics although I have seen movies and TV shows and read up on bios on wikis. I'm picky with comics because I'm a mental art critic and storylines get all convoluted, besides the insane amount of magic that dwell on their pages, so I prefer to not touch comics for the most part. Well, hope to come back with more doodles soon, hopefully Friday, so ttfn.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday Mutants

      Hello. I meant to finish some doodles I've been working on and post the previously completed doodles below on Friday but I forgot so you can go ahead and tell me that I suck, I am already aware of that fact. I guess the idea that we might finally get X-Men/Avengers crossovers has inspired me a little too much because I'm back at it with the X-Men doodles and not so much with the Frozen ones:

The first picture is of the completed first page of my X-Men sketchbook I got myself like the first week of this year (or maybe it was the last week of December, gotta check my receipt). Yeah, it's action packed since I managed to squeeze in Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde, Polaris, Gambit, Dazzler, Longshot, Colossus, and Rogue. Polaris is playing a triangle because I had already drawn her teammates using or implied they used their powers and felt drawing a car or fork horns would be too much. Then after that, I started working on filling up page two and there's the sneak peek Boom Boom I posted on Instagram and Tumblr. Today I finally finished filling up that page thanks to my computer deciding to not work with the latest windows 10 update. This page spent a long time in puberty. I did my best to include whatever members and/or affiliates of New Mutants including: Wolfsbane, Rictor, Dani Moonstar, Shatterstar, Boom Boom, Siryn, Cannonball, Sunspot, X-23, Multiple Man, Magik, Xian (I forgot her codename), Magma (who looks like self-insertion without color), and Cypher. I never drew the bottom left characters before for x or y reason but here they are for future reference. I also tried to portray the alternate forms of Wolfsbane and Sunspot but the picture doesn't do a good job of that. Sunspot's sunspot form sucks anyway the way I drew it. Well, I'll come back, hopefully soon, so toodles for now.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Somethin's a brewin'

      Hello! It's Monday, I'm back from my internet vacation and I have doodles so let's jump into it:

I'm returning to drawing X-Men obviously. Wolverine was actually drawn over a week ago but I didn't post him on here because I drew him on a Saturday after work, after a party and I was getting ready to go "analog". He's on the first page of my X-Men sketchbook (have to get one for my OCs) and I just finished filling that page with more members. Wait till you see it, it's action packed. The second picture is actually me getting back to that fanfiction fanart I was inspired to do thanks to fanfiction I've been waiting for an update for. Hans is not asking Elsa to partake in 50 shades of anything (maybe 50 shades of royal coup). I personally don't like to draw my OTP (or anything else) kinky, so please don't interpret it that way. Just because I ship it doesn't mean I like to see or draw them getting it on. And just because I draw them kissing or flirting doesn't mean I ship it either. Just letting you know that. And I drew my favorite trio outside of Star Wars, Shatterstar, Rictor, and Wolfsbane looking like they're judging someone. I felt like drawing them in my stylized realism so I did, that was the point of it. I hadn't realized how long it was since I'd done anything with these guys and now I want to draw them A LOT. Look out for that in the near future. I just need to draw a lot this year and test out new stuff, especially since I have watercolor pencils and one skin tone alcohol marker that I keep calling a copic even though it's not because it's much cheaper. Well, time for me to be shutting down so toodles. 

Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday follies

      Hello. It's Friday! Whee! But I work tomorrow. Boooo... But I have some doodles to share with you so here they are:

I fixed Sitron's face in that sketch from earlier this week. It suits my expectations so I went back to knitting my mitten. Yes, I knit a mitten this week, currently working on the second one. The second is an idea I got late last year but I only started working on it last night and finished it today. It's what Frozen didn't show you... I didn't feel like doing a better sketch so here they are. And the last one I did today in my brand new sketchbook that I bought today specifically for X-Men and Friends... and Enemies. It's Rahne and the sketch is inspired by the song Praying by Kesha. I only discovered it in November but it's so powerful, I love it. I can see Rahne dedicating this to her jerk father, that's why the inspiration. 

I'm thinking of going analog for the most part next week. I say for the most part cuz I have to check my work schedule online. Why am I going analog, you ask? Maybe it's a good way to detox for a bit, but it's not really that. I've been feeling pretty good about myself and social media isn't bringing me down, in fact I'm getting bored of it right now. I'm going analog cuz with the FCC voting to kill net neutrality (after getting bribed by Comcast), that means charges just for being on certain places of the internet and I can't afford charges for using the internet. I don't know when that goes into affect but it will certainly affect me so I'll take a break and maybe when others do the same they'll notice. I'm not trying to be political here, it's just an inconvenience and I won't stand for this inconvenience. The only inconveniences I expect with internet is when it runs slow, when the modem stops working or when the power goes out, not companies charging me to use a website. That's like charging you at the library to check out a book. And I like my libraries free so you better not touch that. Either way, it'll get the load of feeling the need to draw and post often to meet some sort of imaginary quota of making people happy when I have 99 followers on Tumblr and only one is a regular liker... my sister. My Instagram followers are more sincere in actually following me because they like what I post. Sorry, I don't know how you are, but I follow people (especially artists) if I like at least 50-75% of what they post. 95% is like the best... mintmintdoodles has my approval like 95-98% of the time. I actually discovered her on Instagram thanks to a doodle that was a Star Wars/Civil War crossover but I only follow her on Tumblr at the moment. Well, I think that's it. See you whenever I come back. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Hello 2018

      Hello there! First post of the year here and I have something for you:

Yes, first doodle of the year was one finally commemorating the purchase of Fox by Disney with Shatterstar being a ham and Rictor being done with him. *strikes Hamilton pose*  I got this idea at work during my lunch, which I didn't know I was scheduled for Monday and ended up late to work. Great way to start off the year, right? Been a long time since I've drawn them and I've been messing up the anatomy of my own cartoon style, as evidenced by the picture just above this paragraph. This is a page of my sketchbook (designated for Frozen doodles) as it is now but I had to fix everyone's anatomy. Anna turned into a chibi (that's what I get for drawing her with a big head), Elsa was easy to fix, and Sitron's head needs a redraw. For now though, it looks like Hans realized that isn't his horse. These are my takes on modernizing their "coronation" outfits (Elsa was still supposed to wear the tiara but I forgot). I've seen other versions but I see modern!Elsa being into retro dress so expect 40s/50s/60s inspired outfits in the future while Anna is more quirky and can be spotted in millenial, hipster, and 80s/90s clothing. Hans is a pretty preppy rich boy, expect that to be portrayed in what he wears. I'm currently knitting a mitten for myself instead of finishing my dog's sweater that I started last year or drawing so maybe I'll post something on Friday? Hopefully. I have to work on both Friday and Saturday but thankfully Friday will be an early day while Saturday was a little inconvenient because I have a party that day. Well, toodles (I accidentally ended the year with the phrase doodles).