Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday follies

      Hello. It's Friday! Whee! But I work tomorrow. Boooo... But I have some doodles to share with you so here they are:

I fixed Sitron's face in that sketch from earlier this week. It suits my expectations so I went back to knitting my mitten. Yes, I knit a mitten this week, currently working on the second one. The second is an idea I got late last year but I only started working on it last night and finished it today. It's what Frozen didn't show you... I didn't feel like doing a better sketch so here they are. And the last one I did today in my brand new sketchbook that I bought today specifically for X-Men and Friends... and Enemies. It's Rahne and the sketch is inspired by the song Praying by Kesha. I only discovered it in November but it's so powerful, I love it. I can see Rahne dedicating this to her jerk father, that's why the inspiration. 

I'm thinking of going analog for the most part next week. I say for the most part cuz I have to check my work schedule online. Why am I going analog, you ask? Maybe it's a good way to detox for a bit, but it's not really that. I've been feeling pretty good about myself and social media isn't bringing me down, in fact I'm getting bored of it right now. I'm going analog cuz with the FCC voting to kill net neutrality (after getting bribed by Comcast), that means charges just for being on certain places of the internet and I can't afford charges for using the internet. I don't know when that goes into affect but it will certainly affect me so I'll take a break and maybe when others do the same they'll notice. I'm not trying to be political here, it's just an inconvenience and I won't stand for this inconvenience. The only inconveniences I expect with internet is when it runs slow, when the modem stops working or when the power goes out, not companies charging me to use a website. That's like charging you at the library to check out a book. And I like my libraries free so you better not touch that. Either way, it'll get the load of feeling the need to draw and post often to meet some sort of imaginary quota of making people happy when I have 99 followers on Tumblr and only one is a regular liker... my sister. My Instagram followers are more sincere in actually following me because they like what I post. Sorry, I don't know how you are, but I follow people (especially artists) if I like at least 50-75% of what they post. 95% is like the best... mintmintdoodles has my approval like 95-98% of the time. I actually discovered her on Instagram thanks to a doodle that was a Star Wars/Civil War crossover but I only follow her on Tumblr at the moment. Well, I think that's it. See you whenever I come back. 

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