Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hurricane Irma knocked down a tree and my internet but I'm a-ok

      Posting from my phone, don't mind the wonky format. Good news and bad news: The good news is I'm alive and there wasn't much damage. The bad news is that my power went out and the backup battery for our wifi doesn't work, which is absolutely wonderful for someone who normally spends a lot of time on the internet for entertainment purposes. I don't like the boredom but I can keep my mind busy anyway. It's my sister who ruins everything with her complaining. Well, I've got doodles from before and after the storm so here goes:

These are the doodles I managed to produce last week right before the storm. I spent most of last week prepping for the storm and not much of it on my computer or the internet. But my mom had us watching the news and Irma's path (this has been the year of my mom watching tv and trying to get everybody else to do it with her. I'm tired of tv. I accidentally watch it if I'm sitting in the living room, probably eating dinner) and the Caribbean was horribly battered by her wrath, including the island that Alexander Hamilton called home before he came to the states ("colonies") and became a founding father, so there's a cartoon rendition of a young Alexander Hamilton during that great hurricane of 1772. And Irma was the size of France (10 Delawares according to Stephen Colbert, Texas according to my local news), so I thought of Lafayette.

And right after the storm passed, I drew a little doodle to show I was ok. I decided to doodle a tree that fell in my front yard onto my fence. Before we lost power, our security cameras were still working and I saw that the tree had fallen. We opened our front door to take a better look and that turned into our tv when the power went. I don't recommend it but our front door faces north and the wind was blowing from the southeast. We also had a couple of shutters on the front door, not that that would have helped if the wind decided to change direction and throw something at us. We were scared of our palm tree going down but I saw evidence yesterday of our mango tree nearly going. That survived thankfully. That tree that fell was only ours because it grew in our property but not because we actually planted it there, and my mom wanted it cut down. It did mess up our fence but my dad fixed it yesterday. And an incident with our generator meant no power at all in the house today while my dad was at work so I doodled Tamiko with a slight redesign because there was nothing better to do. Posting on Instagram and Tumblr was frustrating. I could finally get it to post on instagram once I climbed a tree in our front yard. I had to wait over an hour for my dad to come back because Tumblr wasn't cooperating. Well, hopefully I will get power back soon and I'll have more doodles by Friday. I spent some time scouring the radio for music and my god, music sucks lately. The best music I've heard this year so far is Sia, Adele, Chained to the Rhythm, Shape of You, and Look What You Made Me Do. Out of the new stuff, that's all I care for. Ok, well, ttfn.

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