Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Let the Storm Rage On

      Hello. I have managed to come here three times in a row in one week. Wow. Well, instead of finishing an old idea like I should have, I drew something inspired by the weather. 

This winter storm may be named Stella, but ever since that freak winter with the polar vortex in 2013/2014, I blame Elsa for cold weather like this. And considering that it's the middle of March and the north (of the United States; let's be specific, I don't know how you folks in Europe are fairing) has gotten fresh winter weather, who else could be behind this? It's possible that Elsa is getting jealous of Moana and has decided to be petty and remind everyone of her power. She wants people to remember her and say "Long live the Queen". I know the eyes are wonky but I did the actual sketch in like 20 minutes, coloring took longer, but yeah, I have gained the ability to produce a small sketch in less than an hour (or an hour in the case of Elsa, but she's special). 

I put sweaters on my dogs today. One is a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix who needs to wear the sweater but always removes it in the middle of the day and the other is a Labrador/GSP mix who I'm sure can take Canadian weather but actually likes wearing clothes and has destroyed my other dogs sweaters in the past... until we got her her own sweater that is.  Dogs are silly. And I'm the weirdo who wants to hear the news that there's a cold front coming until it's on top of me and I have to put up with chilly wind without the proper clothing (broke and in Florida... I don't have many shirts with long sleeves or long pajamas that cover my legs when I let my dogs out). Friday I plan on being busy but I do want to produce another doodle because I'm feeling so accomplished this week and I'm going to film another part for my YouTube series whether anybody watches it or not. I have fun and eventually someone's gonna come upon it and watch. Anyway, hope you're staying warm and are having a good humpday. 

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