Monday, March 27, 2017


      Hello. So I didn't doodle on Friday because pen pressure has decided to stop working on my computer. The tablet pen I have (it's actually my sister's) is old, the tablet model is outdated and the pen is a bit abused, considering that my sister dropped it and broke the nib. My dad glued the nib back in as a quick fix but clearly it's time to upgrade. In lieu of that, I have doodled anyway, mostly on paper:

This past weekend has been me drawing horses 😄 Saturday I went with my mom to my grandparent's for a bit and they always have the TV on. There was a movie playing featuring a dragon voiced by Sean Connery (don't ask me why. My grandpa left it on for a bit, mostly on mute, and then changed the channel) and I saw a few horses there and I felt the need to draw a horse (I came prepared). You can clearly see the book I placed it on top of in order to take a picture for Instagram which happens to be an encyclopedia of sharks I checked out from the library. Yes, horses and sharks. I already know I'm a weirdo. Then yesterday my sister watched a live stream from Finchwing (an artist she follows) and she got the urge to doodle and then I had doodle energy so I expelled it in the form of a tiny little doodley sketch of... Sitron! Yes, finally I have drawn Hans's companion animal. My sister actually suggested the other day he be an emotional support animal for modern!Hans, and I can so imagine it. Hans filling out paperwork so he can take his spoiled horse everywhere with him. Yes, I imagine Hans (or at least my modern!Hans) spoiling Sitron, mostly with sweets and treats that horses can eat. Someday I may put up some doodles pertaining to that. 

Speaking of doodles, because of the tablet pen issue and I'm running out of space on my flash drive(s), it would be great if there was more activity on my Redbubble shop. If you can check it out and tell your friends about it, that would be greatly appreciated. My dad is currently the only person in our household with a job and his salary isn't great so we're lacking even in basics. We're alive but bills (and my sisters) are expensive so they take a toll and in order to be keep doodling, I would need an external portable hard drive and a tablet pen replacement or complete tablet upgrade. This is stuff that I can't buy for myself and my parents probably wouldn't be able to buy for me either so please help me advertise my Redbubble if you can and want to see more doodles here. I go by Mich Doodles there as well, although I think it's all lowercase. I'll probably apply for some jobs later on (like, maybe next month) but that will definitely cut down on my free time that I use to doodle and I've never been hired or called in for an interview because I lack experience and higher schooling, so nothing is guaranteed there. Well I'll be going for now. Hope to be able to continue doodling. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Humpday happiness squashed by technology

      Hello. My humpday has started a bit off. I'm not feeling well like I finally caught what the rest of my family has and there is currently no chocolate this morning for all of us that start off the day with chocolate milk. Yeah, we don't believe in coffee and my sisters like to spend pretty much the whole day drinking chocolate milk (besides other ways that they happen to be nuisances) and then they get upset whenever we (mostly me) blames them for our lack of either ingredient. Anyway, I've been running into problems with the computers I've got at home and it's being a pain. One is that my computer isn't recognizing my phone as a separate device that can be opened in file explorer like it used to, so I have to be going off to another computer with both my flash drive and phone in order to post anything on Instagram. That sucks, in more ways than one, because that computer doesn't recognize my flash drive in the front port so I have to be stuffing it in one of the back ports and just now I had a fight there because I ejected it only to end up with only the plastic covering in my hand and the data hardware still in the port. Flash drive is still working though 😅 That computer that nearly ate my drive also has a monitor that has a messed up wire and last night I couldn't plug said wire back into the computer so a TV is doubling up as its monitor for now. And last but not least, editing of the third episode of my YouTube series (Sims 4 Modern Frozen Toddlers) was delayed a tad bit when Movie Maker stopped working with my recorded Sim videos. This happened after a Windows 10 update and a game crash when I was having my Morgan family throw a party that was actually sucking. Movie Maker pretty much decided that any video from my recorded videos folder could not be transcoded... the only computer that played the videos was the one that now has a TV monitor that also happens to have Windows 7. So I used that computer to make episode 3. I'm also running out of space on my flash drives (no thanks to the Movie Maker issue) so I really do need a portable hard drive at this point. A commission or purchase on Redbubble would be greatly appreciated at this time, you know, if it happened. I have managed to produce a couple of doodles that I have finished recently so here they are:

First one is the younger brother of the guy I drew about two weeks ago already. I added a filter to echo the time period here as well, except this guy is being a naughty boy because he's not wearing the standard cravat... as is expected of him. 😄 Yeah, he's more carefree and has a difficult time of wearing EVERYTHING he is expected to wear, especially with his status (more on that later). But there he is, smiling, because he doesn't care much about societal standards. In his opinion, that's for uptight people. He'd be very at home now wearing loose clothing with less layers and possibly flip flops. I had finished drawing it Monday night but didn't post it on Instagram or Tumblr until yesterday. The second one is Kenta! With a little boy taking part in my seasonal chibis and the Hanami festival all at once. No, the little boy is not a tiny version of Ryo. He has the same eye shape as Kenta clearly, not Ryo. I started working on this on Monday and finished it last night but the previously stated computer issue with my phone delayed my posting it on Instagram and my being tired of issues like the last one up above also delayed it being posted here. I'm sorry for that technological rant, but we're living in a high-tech society that doesn't have that much quality backing it up, just consumerism and I find that highly annoying, especially with my very limited knowledge in it. Maybe I'll finish up an old doodle today or I'll just come back on Friday with something, barring any technical difficulties. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Frumpy Friday

      Hello. It's Friday, yay. I don't have a finished doodle for today, I'm not feeling very well and I didn't even know what to work on. I did start a sketch for a cool drawing idea I had a while back so here's a preview of that: 

It features a horse. I have fixed the wonky anatomy a bit since this screenshot was taken, especially since that neck was too long and skinny for the breed this drawing is going to portray. Also, something that does bother me but I try not to let it be that big a deal is how my Redbubble doesn't really sell. I like Redbubble for the simple fact that I just draw and load the picture but a shop works best and stays open when it sells. Maybe I don't advertise it enough, maybe I come off as whiny or maybe nobody cares for what I have available. So, I have been planning out this: pricing on commissions. There's only cartoon for now and I didn't type it out but here it is:

You may want to see that bigger if you can't read it. I am particular about what I draw but let's keep it PG. To make it even more suitable for children (and not leave me uncomfortable), I won't draw any forms of romantic affection whatsoever. I'll draw hugs as they can be interpreted as friendly. I don't draw NSFW so if that's what you want, go elsewhere. If you follow this blog or have seen other posts, you have an idea of what I do draw and what I am willing to draw, but I will put a little list here anyway. I will draw: Disney (Frozen, Disney Princesses, Pooh...), Marvel/MCU/X-Men, Sherlock, I'm not big on DC so depending what character you ask for, I may not be able to fulfill your request; I mean, I'll draw Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and their related sidekicks but I don't know as much about DC as I do about Marvel. No supernatural or otherwise considered to be "occult". That translates to no vampires, no werewolves, or witches. Basically, rules are if you haven't seen me draw it, then I won't. It's always best to ask so if you comment asking me if I'll draw a specific subject, I'll read and respond. If you want me to draw my OCs, cool. Rules still apply and they're mostly manga but I can wing it. If it's your own OC that you'd like for me to draw in my style, cool. Same rules. 

Well, I'll finish this post here with a reminder that if you like an artist's work and are monetarily capable of supporting them, do so. They appreciate it and as fun as it is, it's still work to be able to use a talent and it takes time to supply content that entertains even a handful of people, so think of that. They happily provide a service that you didn't even ask for and didn't know you needed. Happy Friday and weekend to you all (except for the few on my "I can't stand you" list but those are famous people that may never come across me). 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Let the Storm Rage On

      Hello. I have managed to come here three times in a row in one week. Wow. Well, instead of finishing an old idea like I should have, I drew something inspired by the weather. 

This winter storm may be named Stella, but ever since that freak winter with the polar vortex in 2013/2014, I blame Elsa for cold weather like this. And considering that it's the middle of March and the north (of the United States; let's be specific, I don't know how you folks in Europe are fairing) has gotten fresh winter weather, who else could be behind this? It's possible that Elsa is getting jealous of Moana and has decided to be petty and remind everyone of her power. She wants people to remember her and say "Long live the Queen". I know the eyes are wonky but I did the actual sketch in like 20 minutes, coloring took longer, but yeah, I have gained the ability to produce a small sketch in less than an hour (or an hour in the case of Elsa, but she's special). 

I put sweaters on my dogs today. One is a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix who needs to wear the sweater but always removes it in the middle of the day and the other is a Labrador/GSP mix who I'm sure can take Canadian weather but actually likes wearing clothes and has destroyed my other dogs sweaters in the past... until we got her her own sweater that is.  Dogs are silly. And I'm the weirdo who wants to hear the news that there's a cold front coming until it's on top of me and I have to put up with chilly wind without the proper clothing (broke and in Florida... I don't have many shirts with long sleeves or long pajamas that cover my legs when I let my dogs out). Friday I plan on being busy but I do want to produce another doodle because I'm feeling so accomplished this week and I'm going to film another part for my YouTube series whether anybody watches it or not. I have fun and eventually someone's gonna come upon it and watch. Anyway, hope you're staying warm and are having a good humpday. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

King and Princess of the Jungle

      Hello again. I'm back, which means I have done another doodle today. Yay! Today's doodle is actually a full Daddy Hiddles, yay! Ok, let me get on with it. 

Yay! I am not going to give much away of my Kong experience but it was so good that I felt I couldn't sleep alone Friday night. I may or may not have crawled into my sister's bed after feeling vulnerable in my own. I've actually gotten better with nighttime because back when I was fifteen, my mom wanted to show me and my sister the Thriller music video but it was that extended one where he turns into a werewolf. As hokey as it was, the sound effects got to me and afterwards, I had issues with sleeping by myself. It was October 2015 that i moved out of my sisters' room (again) and eventually learned to sleep by myself, which I normally do. Occasionally my sister has either fallen asleep in my bed or I've gone to hers, but for the most part, I've gotten over it. Action/monster movies do affect me though, making me feel like I might not sleep later on. When we saw Jurassic World, I was a left a bit shaky by the I-Rex and we had seen it earlier in the day so I tried to get that out of my mind and we were in a mall where there was Frozen merch hanging out and about, so I did look at that. That later affected my sleep when I dreamed of Hans turning into a T-Rex and the rest of the crew figuring they could dump him into the fjord to turn him back. Yeah, weird. I've dreamt with T-Rexes quite a bit and I've had pretty weird dreams. One T-Rex dream featured a T-Rex that could somehow text and it was being very friendly with this guy that it had decided to prey on. I also dreamt with some weird zombie virus and there was a talking baby with, I kid you not, Santino Fontana's face and he drooled on me, which was how that zombie virus was spread. I never saw him again because it was suggested that he was smothered by his own father. How did this turn into dreaming? Whatever. I hope to come back soon with another doodle and I put up a new Sims video so here's the link. I'll be back. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Meh Monday

      Hello. I thought I'd come back last week but... I didn't. I didn't finish Daddy Hiddles and on Friday I was reminded of Kong's release (which I was not keeping good track of) and I did this crappy sketch for that day in like 10 minutes with plans of a much better doodle later on:

Yeah, like I said, crappy. So I saw Kong: Skull Island on Friday. I actually saw it in IMAX 3D (we normally watch regular quality. It wasn't until last month or January that we got a Blu-ray player), an experience that I'm not sure I'll be repeating... not without contacts at the very least. Saturday I started work on a proper Kong related Daddy Hiddles doodle and started editing a second episode for my Sims 4 Modern Frozen Toddlers but my mom wanted to go out so we went to the mall and tried out California Pizza Kitchen... because my mom still had the gift card one of her former bosses gave her. It's good. We're the kind of people that are happy with Little Caesar's pizza (I grew up on Pizza Hut, though) so yeah, of course we thought their pizza was good. It was most certainly higher quality and much fresher so it tasted great and was a nice change (and splurge) from the usual. Yesterday was a bit eventful as well, we met a family with the same last name as ours and we just may be related, so that was cool. And today... today I'm still editing my video and my dad is sick so he stayed home and I have to cook so I did this quick sketch here in 15-20 minutes: 

So yeah, I've gained the ability to draw sketchy doodles in less than an hour but I can't seem to produce an actual Daddy Hiddles doodle but I plan on devoting some time to that tomorrow so I should come back. Well, hope you guys had a nice weekend. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Doodle Dump

            Hello there. I know it's Tuesday and I haven't posted here in a while, but I haven't been doodling on my computer in a good while, partly due to a recurring issue with my internet adapter, and partly because I decided to buckle down and finally finish editing a video. That doesn't mean I've stopped doodling, it just means that I am most likely doing it on paper. Here are my most recent doodles:

The first doodle was a silly idea I got in the bathroom on Thursday: what if Lin-Manuel Miranda had made Daveed Diggs and Anthony Ramos (and their successors) to wear their hair like that in the opening number? The second doodle is me taking a fan character of mine that I used to draw in that Disney style I was attempting and drawing him in my stylized realism. I like it. I'm not totally sure about his ear positioning and I did a lot of erasing and redrawing, mostly on the torso section, but you know, this is great for not having touched a character in two years. Well, I actually have a couple other doodles to share but I'll leave it at that. Also, that video I mentioned is of me playing the Sims 4 with toddler versions of my Modern Frozen sims (well, it's a series I started. The second episode features nearly all of them but so far, I've only edited the first video). It's not the best for the reason that I recorded my audio separately and I had to cut out a lot and it doesn't entirely match up with what's going on, but whatever. If you have an hour to waste watching someone still rather new to the Sims playing with toddler versions of fictional characters, be my guest. Here's the link. Bye for now.