Friday, March 25, 2016

I am a Warrior, not a Nanny/Musical Interlude

      Woo, Friday! For some of you guys, that means movie night. I managed to work on and more or less finish two doodles for today so here they come. 

Top part is obviously referring to Batman v. Superman:Dawn of Justice. I have that title memorized. Now, I'm not really a Superman fan, I usually lean more towards Batman and Wonder Woman but I have difficulty seeing Ben Affleck as Batman at this moment so I happen to be Team Wonder Woman. I like Henry Cavill but like I said, not a Superman fan and I don't have an idea on who would win between the two titular characters. Superman has the superpowers but Batman is Batman and can access kryptonite so it all depends on whose good day it is. Then there's a special Daddy Hiddles to commemorate I Saw The Light in theaters now (or cinemas as the British say). I thought I may have to do in it in colored pencil while I was working on my BvS doodle because while Tom was going to be one panel, the other one was originally a short comic but the bottom panel was enough work as it is so I left out the top ones. Hope you guys have a nice weekend and enjoy the movies. 

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