Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Your Baby is Calling

      Today I felt the need to doodle a little something related to yesterday's doodle so here it is: 

I'm now in season three of Wallander and that's exactly the season that Magnus no longer shows up in because Tom Hiddleston has gone on to be the movie star that he is now so he quit the show. Magnus, however, hasn't died. They didn't mention him by name but it was stated that the old crew has broken up and gone their own separate ways. That leaves room for me to headcanon that Magnus Martinsson is off raising the cutest, curliest, sassiest Swedes you ever did see and will wake up in the middle of the night to take care of his baby and end up answering it like a telephone. It's not good to mix work with your personal life. Anyways, this may not be the case but two years have passed in the storyline and it only takes nine months to make a baby so that's plenty of time. And even if this doesn't happen simultaneously with the first episode of season three, this could be later on. I do miss him on the show, though, he was a nice addition. There was a moment where a phone rang and nobody would pick it up for a long time and I yelled at the TV "where's Magnus to pick up the phone?" My mom also misses him but she called him Loki because she has apparently forgotten his name again. Hope to doodle something else soon (besides Magnus) and see you soon. 

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