Monday, February 1, 2016

Monologue Monday

      Hello. I had a pretty happy Monday, playing around with a new do-dad which is a pretty great do-dad because being able to watch a YouTube video with a certain pleasing face in it on a big screen? Yes, definitely yes. So that delayed me in doing any doodles today but then I got inspired to draw a silly idea I had a while back so here it is (rather late in the day): 

Yes, I doodled Tom Hiddleston if he were a dad (to a baby girl, to be precise). Like I said, it's a silly idea, I can't claim to know that he would do this exactly but he seems like the kind of guy, to me at least. He does quote Shakespeare whenever he can and deems it most appropriate in real life, so why not in fantasy? I gave him blonder hair this time because he's actually currently blond but that probably won't last for long as he's gonna go back to being Loki soon. Didn't draw in or include a mom because really, she could be anybody. I wrote the Romeo monologue quote from memory and my memory shouldn't really be trusted but I had to memorize that monologue and recite it to my English class in ninth grade so I remember bits and pieces of it still and only realized it recently. Well, hope this brightens up your day/week/whatever. 

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