Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday T-shirt

      Hello! Didn't get on my computer earlier in the day yesterday and I didn't draw either so yeah. Today, though, I worked on a little T-shirt design for a design challenge that Threadless has that will end soon and I submitted it but you guys get a preview here, along with Instagram. 

A nerd tee! I'm a nerd, I'm aware of that so this challenge sort of called to me although I may enter some others (my doodle from You need one of these in order to live was also for a Threadless challenge but it went nowhere) so I'll let you know about that. And if you haven't noticed, I decided to tag my X-Men related doodles. What's the tag? Look at the bottom of my last post. I'll go for now, hope to be back soon. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Did We Beat Ellen's Record?

      It has been a very long time (since June I think) that I have posted something on a Saturday but I finished it today instead of yesterday like I had hoped so I'm gonna give it to you now. 

Whoo! It was a lot of hard work but now you get to see actual X-Men here! Four of these guys I had to design on the fly, one I decided to draw differently from the first time I drew them, and this is the first time I draw twelve of these digitally and then there was figuring out some of the special effects but it was worth it, I think. Maybe they wanted to celebrate their last day of summer which was earlier this week. (Am I the only one who finds it weird that it's always summer in their comics?) Jean Grey is obviously controlling the phone that took this glorious selfie but who pushed the button? Pay close attention to Polaris's hand. Talk about teamwork. I decided to not draw Iceman in his ice form because I wanted his actual features to shine here and everybody seems to draw him like that. Hope you guys have a nice weekend. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

We're Gonna Make That Dream Come True!

      I think I'm getting sick :( I'm not that sick, it's just my throat and occasionally my nose but still not a good feeling. Even though I'm not feeling 100%, I still feel like drawing and I managed to finish a doodle today. 

It's Laverne and Shirley! This was one of my mom's favorite shows growing up and now I like it. Maybe part of their charm (for me) is that they are two twenty-something year old girls looking to get married but in the meantime they keep coming across jerks and misadventures with their friends and family and they're as different as night and day plus they're hilarious at it. I'm trying to add a little more variety into what I draw lately because I go through phases and I am definitely going through a you-know-what phase. You don't know what I mean by you-know-what? Then look at my previous posts starting this summer, I even admitted it back then. For now, I'm going to try going one week without mention of it on here or Instagram and if I succeed, then I'll go back to it and work on alternating a little more so I don't look like some crazy fangirl. Hope you guys feel good, I'm getting a headache. Toodles. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

I Know Every Rock and Tree and Creature...

      I've got a couple of doodles today, one that I finished today. 

I started this last year after getting inspired by Malinda Kathleen Reese's Google Translate Sings (GTS) series but I didn't finish it until today because of all the detail :( and I still left out details; for example, their shadows and she's supposed to be singing "bobcats, are you smiling?" because that is one of my favorite lines of that song and one that I could draw a situation for. And then there's this doodle from Wednesday because I was happy to finally be able to sport a hairstyle that fascinates me:

Both of these are on my Insta account in case you're interested. I hope to have some doodles ready next week for both here and Instagram so stay tuned and happy weekend!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Do You Know The Mountain Man?

      This Tuesday felt like a Monday but then again my sisters didn't have school yesterday so that may have contributed to it. I have another doodle (and an extra) for today and yes, it's Frozen related but I do plan on including some other stuff sometime soon too and this is what I have for now. 
I drew Kristoff for once! And he's bearded... wait, what? In my little idea (what an understatement) of Hans and Anna being married and having kids, Kristoff keeps on with his loner ways and eventually grows a beard (during the winters mostly to keep warm). Don't worry, he doesn't stay a loner forever, I have plans for him. A mischievous looking emoji was necessary at the end of that last sentence. Yesterday I posted this without the coloring on Instagram and I got likes from beard accounts (check out my Instagram if you don't believe me) which was quite interesting. Now for the extra: 

I was on Pinterest today and it happened again. Scrolling through stuff I find this, I've seen it before but I took a good look and I think Queen Elsa approves of the editing skills of Punziella and the outfit. I have actually seen Punziella on IG and it hit me now that that was her edit. I know I saw that she drew her like this but I didn't think she invented it. She's got cool art skills, maybe you should check her out. I'll come back later with something, maybe this week maybe next, who knows, so toodles.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Bonding Time

      I finished the doodle I was working on Wednesday night and posted it on Instagram right at that moment but I didn't feel like posting twice on the same day so I saved it for today. 

Not really a doodle, more like a work of art because it involved more work than a doodle. Took me pretty much a whole weekend to draw between the complexity of drawing an adult with two little kids so close to each other and their bodies interacting, the clothing details, then there was scanning it, getting rid of the dirty spots that paper gets, figuring out what colors to use for their clothes and the chair which took me like two days. So I drew this because I felt like drawing Hans interacting with some of the kids I've created for him and Anna, I'll get around to drawing Kristoff sometime but other artists have created artwork of Kristoff and Anna having a family and it's so nice and I don't really want to compete with them but everyone has their own perspective on things, right? Ain't got much else, but I could leave you with these couple of goof-offs I made earlier this week. Hope you have a nice weekend even with 9/11.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sooner or Later, I'm Greater Than You

      Sort of a weird week for me because of Labor Day on Monday and then yesterday felt like a cross between Monday and today and I'm just feeling bleh. I am currently working on something that involves a lot of time and patience and attention to detail and I probably won't be done until Friday but I do have a little something while you wait. 

A comic strip that stars two Disney characters? Yep.(Doesn't matter what you say, Loki is technically a Disney character) I drew this for a friend who is a fellow nerd (I'm not sure if she calls herself that but she does like Star Wars and the Avengers) because something I have noticed on the internet is quite a bit of Loki love but not quite as much Hans love. I've seen more Hans lovers and Helsa shippers on Instagram, which I like because Pinterest is all Loki, Loki, Loki, kill Hans, hate him, Jelsa. Ok, so he led us on but even though I liked him and still do, I knew something was up when there was a proposal 30 minutes into the movie so when he says "Oh Anna, if only there were someone out there who loved you", I wasn't as upset as I should have been. Funny thing is, as a kid I always rooted for the good guy and I thought why would anyone want to be the villain? But then, I became a teenager and I realized that the bad guy could be fun too. Some of my favorite Disney songs are the villain songs so I guess that goes to show you who has the better beat going. That's all I have to say for now so see you again when I have another doodle ready. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday Troubles (maybe)

      Ok, it's a new month and I have a new doodle for you so here goes: 

Anybody else know the feeling? Yes, I can relate to just about every Frozen character including the hated ones (don't worry, baby, I like you; guess who I'm talking 'bout) especially at special gatherings. I'm all I'm gonna dance tonight and then the only person that will dance with me is my mom. Only once did I dance with a boy and it was his mom who told him to take me out on the floor because I wanted to dance a song and he had the dance moves so I copied them. And then there's the watching every other person your age sit so far away from you and pretty much ignore your existence. Not my fault I'm introverted, I was born that way. Not my fault boys don't notice me, they're obviously stupid and wearing invisible blinders. Not my fault most other girls don't talk to me, they're clearly jealous of my combo of beauty and brains. Ok, let me go before this turns into more patting on the back and I become a Disney villain.