Monday, June 30, 2014

Another one?

      I am back. My weekend was for a good portion of it enjoyable even though I felt claustrophobic at times and honestly I find people annoying already but I got to see a friend that I haven't seen in almost a year so that was great, besides other stuff. Anyways, now I am free to draw again. Just when you thought that the Morgan family couldn't get any bigger, I present you with another character...

No, he doesn't get adopted by them and he's not another cousin of Sandra's. He's Midori's boyfriend. O-O What you say? Yes, she has a boyfriend, not that her dad Mike likes it. He's American, born in New Jersey but his dad's job has made them move around all over the world so he is a polyglot, pretty mature for his age and he knows he'll never meet a girl like Midori ever again so he makes a point of not losing her even if she doesn't act like the typical girlfriend and her dad finds him annoying. Oh, and he's a cool guy because Midori deserves nothing less.

Monday, June 23, 2014

My Tuna, Sir?


I'm sure a few of you cat owners (or lovers, whatever term you prefer) wake up to this in the morning. This is from last December I think, when I wanted to improve my cat drawing skills. I googled cat pictures, picked one on a fuzzy tabby and just started drawing more or less what I saw on the screen. The face isn't finished but I'm still a little amazed at how good it came out. I need to draw dogs more. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Put That Down!

      Hello. I haven't been able to get on my computer until today. I'm working on some Super Teens stuff that I originally drew on paper but I've scanned it and I'm currently working on coloring. Here's how one of them looked: 

If anybody doesn't recognize that widow's peak, it's Aidan as a kid. Yes, he liked to live dangerously. Still does. This is where the super part comes in - he's resistant to excessive/intense heat, his normal body temperature is above 100 degrees F, and he's pyrokinetic so that iron on his face is kid stuff. Pun not intended. Otherwise, I would not recommend that anyone, fake or real, attempt this at home. In other news, I have recently discovered the perfect theme song for Mike and Sandra (my other characters). It's Bittersweet by Panic! At The Disco. It's more like Mike is singing it, but it does tell their story pretty well, except neither of them have been to South Africa. Teenagers by My Chemical Romance is kind of an unofficial theme song for my Super Teens, or at least I find it to be, and I know them better than anyone so I should know. That's about it, besides that next weekend I won't be anywhere near my computer because I will be busy with something very important. Hope you guys enjoy your weekend(s). 

Friday, June 13, 2014

I Wanna Be A Real Boy/Girl

      It's Friday, Friday... I found that song so stupid when it was popular, Katy Perry did a better rendition. Anyway, it's rainy here :( so I am cheering myself up with Blondie. Singing along with her, that is. And if you're really bored, listen to some Frozen songs sped up/slowed down. You're bound to laugh. I was recently wondering what my Super Teens characters would look like in, say, a live action movie. I don't expect a movie, I was just wondering what actors looked the most like them and would give a more or less accurate portrayal. I have two pics/picks that I have photoshopped a little over a week ago.

I love the way Jennifer Lawrence came out with the pink. Sorry Aaron Taylor-Johnson looks obviously photoshopped. My mom wasn't digging him redheaded but then again she has issues with the size of Aidan's head when I draw him so it might be personal ;). I also thought of Emma Watson as Lettice but I wasn't liking how dark the green was looking on her. This isn't a doodle but it's kind of related so I posted. Hope you guys enjoy your weekend and don't get rained in/on. Do svidaniya. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

So Nice They Named It Twice

      I'm back. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well so I turned off my computer and lay down in the dark and closed my eyes. I didn't nap, simulating sleep was enough to make me feel better. It's weird, but it works for me. Enough wackiness. I've got the Super Teens artwork ready for showing for those of you that have been waiting. 

This is sans shading. I'll work on that later. The background is a wallpaper that I got off the internet and applied Gaussian blur to. I applied color to the line art, which I'm not used to but I learned how you do it recently so I tried it out. I should have done the lines thinner if I was gonna use that technique but I originally thought I would leave them black so yeah. It's nice to have these guys come out of hiatus since Mike and Sandra have kinda taken over. Must break the monotony. I'll get off before I get any weirder. Bye.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Old Times...

      It's the first week of summer vacation for my sisters and I'm taking some time here to post something from a long time ago (in a galaxy far far away) that I have lying around. 

This is the very first time I drew Sandra. I was inspired by reading old (I mean classic :D ) Batgirl comics to create another super heroine that worked alone and at night so this was the concept drawing. I nixed the idea of Sandra fighting crime at night quickly once Mike came into the picture. Mostly because it wouldn't make any sense that her husband is letting her run around in the dark fighting crooks when she's got kids to feed and a house to keep. I've still kept elements of the original story idea in the current version. I drew so differently back then. It's such a blast from the past for me looking at how awkwardly drawn she was. I mean except for her hips and head, she's too skinny, neck placement is totally off, ears are HUGE and so are her eyes and now her bangs have taken on this anime quality to them. Oh, and she was so serious she didn't come off as this sweet innocent thing she is today. Btw, I was fifteen then. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

There's a new kid on the block

      Hi, I'm back. I have worked on a few things since last Friday but I thought, these people are probably wondering why lately I've been presenting new characters (well, to you they're new) with Sandra. Is she an outgoing person that she knows them prior and interacts with these other characters? No, she's a bit shy and Saru is a cousin that she wasn't aware she had for a few years. Why is she dressed differently here? And you said something about royalty? Yeah, I'm not answering that. Is she some sort of standard that your other characters have to reach before getting some sort of seal of approval? 

Not really, but that would be funny if she handed them out, right? She'd be a great candidate, because she isn't one to judge for the most part, her standards aren't too high and she's usually cheery without being too much of a joker. I just realized that Wilhelm's personality is a lot like hers. If you notice, the new guy Kenta looks a lot like Mike and Mike will get jealous of another guy that seems to be getting more attention than him. He needs to get over that. Hope you guys enjoy and I haven't forgotten the Super Teens drawing I was working on. I just haven't finished it yet.